Tseng Fan Club


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Fangu, your sketches are looking really good! I'm always happy when I see you update them.

I've never really been a huge Tseng/Elena fan. I don't know why because it sounds like it has a bunch of potential. Maybe it's because of my love for Tseng/Aeris. :monster:
Fengu, that's awesome! You've done the impossible - it really looks like him. His eyes, nose ears, all gorgeous. You've got the collar right, too. To me he looks quite young there, maybe while Veld is still in charge. However, I know Tseng is miraculously ageless, and anyway he has no canon age, so everybody is free to disagree with me on that. You should post it on deviant art and watch it find its way to tumblr.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I thought we managed to figure out his age? Hadn't he been a Turk for 10 years at the start of FFVII? And wasn't there something about Cissnei being the youngest person ever to join the Turks.....although I thought her age was stated somewhere but now I can't seem to find it.

Anyway, I always figured he was late 20s/early 30's in the original game. Not that it matters for he is ageless and evergreen :monster:


Great Old One
Vivi Orunitia said:
Fangu, your sketches are looking really good! I'm always happy when I see you update them.

Fengu, that's awesome! You've done the impossible - it really looks like him. His eyes, nose ears, all gorgeous. You've got the collar right, too.
I have this bursting, warm feeling in my chest right now. Thank you <3

And the collar -- see, I'm learning :lol:

To me he looks quite young there, maybe while Veld is still in charge. However, I know Tseng is miraculously ageless, and anyway he has no canon age, so everybody is free to disagree with me on that.
Well it's always hard to tell with these FF characters. Angeal is meant to be 25? That's a joke to me, he looks like he's like 35. In my headcanon he is.

Also, wasn't Tseng picked up by Veld when he was very young and slept in a room behind Veld's office? Oh wait -- that is canon, right? Or is that from this amazing fic story I'm reading right now? :awesome:

You should post it on deviant art and watch it find its way to tumblr.
I did, but things are quite slow on my deviantArt :lol: I haven't seen any of my other stuff being posted on tumblr, but if anyone sees anything I'd be delighted to know.

Anyway, I always figured he was late 20s/early 30's in the original game. Not that it matters for he is ageless and evergreen :monster:
Exactly :P

I should try for an older version, though. At least he doesn't look 14 in my sketches anymore.

Edit: Oh my, there's some Tseng NSFW images in the Tseng tag at tumblr now :lol:
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Ya I imagined him being a teenager when he talks to kid Aeris and then close to 30 in the OG. Though sometimes I also think that scene was a mistake and they weren't thinking about how that would affect things age wise.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Edit: Oh my, there's some Tseng NSFW images in the Tseng tag at tumblr now :lol:

:lol: That Tseng/Reeve one reminds me of a Japanese fansite that I have since been unable to find again, it had lots of Tseng/Reeve filth. I wonder what happened to it :hohum:

Actually, does anyone know what happened to the FFVII webring things in Japan? They don't seem to exist anymore? :huh:

Also....that other one......doesn't he know that its going to be a massive pain getting that suit dry cleaned? :lol:

Anyway heres a very sweet Tseng/Aeris pic which I havent seen before to cleanse our souls:


Great Old One
Also....that other one......doesn't he know that its going to be a massive pain getting that suit dry cleaned? :lol:
Must be his version of TGIF? :lol:
Oh wait - he wears his suits in the weekend too, doesn't he...

Anyway heres a very sweet Tseng/Aeris pic which I havent seen before to cleanse our souls:
That's sweet :)

But I think she's holding on to him so hard because they're trapped inside a wind tunnel...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That's sweet :)

But I think she's holding on to him so hard because they're trapped inside a wind tunnel...

Well I've always thought Tseng was very aerodynamic, so that makes sense :monster:
Srsly, I think they're in the Lifestream.

I cannot get into Tseng/Reeve at all. In my headcanon, Reeve is very, very straight and quite dorky and useless at flirting and originally designed Cait Sith as a way to break the ice with girls, and when he invites them up to his penthouse to see his etchings and they agree he gets excited because he thinks they're actually interested in his designs for new reactors.

I thought the rather old-fashioned manga drawing of Tseng with baby Rufus was cute, although that would make him pushing forty at least by the start of the OG.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I've never got Tseng/Reeve because they have fuck all interaction in the OG except via Cait Sith.....and that just makes things weird :lol:


Great Old One

I actually thought this was meh but then my bf snook up on me and said he thought I had improved a lot from my last 3/4 face. So au contraire to original plans it took a little trip to the scanner :)



Great Old One
Ok, so another one... this one is for you, LicoriceAllsorts. I was going to write that directly on the sketch but I wimped out because I thought it would look like I think I'm all that and everything :sadpanda:



He still doesn't look angry enough though. I need to draw angry-Tseng. He does look a little sad, however, which I like. Or you know, I don't like it, but... eh yes.


Great Old One
Fluntlick, yes, troll is what you are :P

(Note to crowd: That one was mostly for me, as he doesn't care too much about the Compilation other than FF7, so we had this joke going on in #tls on whether Tseng was dead or not - WHICH HE IS NOT BTW! :P)

Also, I now have a queue of stuff I have promised to do - I'm loving it and hopefully I'll be done by the weekend :D (Unless Tseng demands to be drawn again. I can not deny that man.)

Edit: Also re-upload on pic for LicoriceAllsorts.
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Oh wow, I love it! I know you said you felt you might want to switch to using drawing software, but I really love pencil drawings, they have a kind of subtlety about them; and to me it seems he's scanned beautifully. His hair looks very natural. I love those eyes. Like I said, that's the 'serious man' or, as he's described in his Before Crisis bio, the 'stern, no-nonsense leader of the Turks.' Thank you so much, Fengu, that is such a lovely gift! He's going to be my new profile picture at ff.net.

I feel so lucky that there are artists on this thread who want to make Tseng art (and Reno and Veev art, too).


Great Old One
Thank you so much, Fengu, that is such a lovely gift!
You know, it really is the least I can do since you've brought us the greatest epic Turkfic ever!!

He's going to be my new profile picture at ff.net.
:O I am truly honored and a little bit shaky, so many people read your great story :scared:
The one you have already is so purdy though!! I've actually used that one for reference!

Make sure you pick the one in the bottom post though, because his brow has been corrected :geek:

I feel so lucky that there are artists on this thread who want to make Tseng art (and Reno and Veev art, too).
After seeing Octo's pic I am soooo curious about that scene!!!!!!!! HUGE EXCLAMATION MARK

I like doing pencils, my computer stuff turns out so stiff. Octo manages to make ut soft and fluent (like in that Reno/Aviva pic), I don't know how she does it :( I want to make a gift for Octo too but I work so slow I want to beat myself in the head with a hammer :@


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I like doing pencils, my computer stuff turns out so stiff. Octo manages to make ut soft and fluent (like in that Reno/Aviva pic), I don't know how she does it :( I want to make a gift for Octo too but I work so slow I want to beat myself in the head with a hammer :@

Don't go caving your head in just yet! At least wait until you've finished my pic :monster:

As for that fluidity thing, I think its down to the fact that those sketches we're done entirely in PS using the tablet. In the past when I sketched and then scanned, then go over the sketches to make lineart, everything came out looking really stiff then, because I could never recapture the feeling of the original sketch :rage:

Having said that, theres nothing wrong with pencil sketches. I just get hung up on the idea of being able to turn a sketch into a full colour piece, but really I'm starting to think like I should treat them as two separate things, if that makes any sense?

Oh look, I've ruined the thread with art talk!:doh:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Of course, I'm sure he has a collection of ridiculously old woodcut prints from Wutai....really filthy ones, along with some wabi-sabi pottery. :monster:
Of course, I'm sure he has a collection of ridiculously old woodcut prints from Wutai....really filthy ones

They are collectors' items, and the craftmanship is very fine.
[Oh god, I made him sound like those stuffy tumblr-Tsengs. In my reality (a phrase I'm particularly fond of) Tseng's upbringing didn't leave him much time for art appreciation or other such frivolous things (though he knows the insurance value of each item in the Shinra collection, and he's done background checks on all the artists on their guest-list) - but then you drag him off to a gallery opening and he finds one piece he really likes and spends a long time in front of it, thinking. So he's responsive to it without considering himself at all informed about it.)
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Great Old One
Don't go caving your head in just yet! At least wait until you've finished my pic :monster:
Right now it looks like he's waiting for the bus or something, it's hilarious :lol:

As for that fluidity thing, I think its down to the fact that those sketches we're done entirely in PS using the tablet. In the past when I sketched and then scanned, then go over the sketches to make lineart, everything came out looking really stiff then, because I could never recapture the feeling of the original sketch :rage::
:O That's exactly it. Really. I never thought for a second that drawing with a pencil on paper and then repeating the lines on the computer would make a difference. But I actually started doing that one for you directly on the computer, because I felt I needed to get back on the "tablet horse" and wanted to try it out - and it looks so much more natural than any of the "scan and repeat" stuff I've done.

It's so strange though! Why is it like that? I mean, the only thing I can think of is that you need less muscle/ energy to draw "bigger stuff" with a tablet. To do the same shapes (and still have room for detail) with pencil and paper, my whole arm has to get to work. I guess that's why a lot of people draw standing up; you really need to use your entire body. I know that painters can get really sore from painting!

Also, I bow down to the master. There is still so much I don't know.

In my reality (a phrase I'm particularly fond of)
That's a phrase I'm fond of too (your reality I mean) :lol:

Tseng's upbringing didn't leave him much time for art appreciation or other such frivolous things (though he knows the insurance value of each item in the Shinra collection, and he's done background checks on all the artists on their guest-list) - but then you drag him off to a gallery opening and he finds one piece he really likes and spends a long time in front of it, thinking. So he's responsive to it without considering himself at all informed about it.)

How do you do that?! You created this... this... insanely hawt version of him. I seriously picture scenes of him from your fic when I'm not reading it, it's like he's real. You're in total control of his character, and he really is becoming canon Tseng to me. (And that's fine as long as he can still be merged with Sister Coyote's smut Tseng, and in my head he can just fine :awesome:)
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