Tseng Fan Club


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
All Turks must have MacGyver tendencies. :monster:
I will try to find more Tseng fanart later. I am very lazy.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani

It is only natural that this is the most active, since he was suffering from months of neglect. We must appease our Turk overlord!
Double post:
This is a still from Crisis Core - scene with Cissnei on the roof of the Shinra building - where you can clearly see that his hair is long:



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I hadn't noticed that!

You can also see his long hair in the very end of Crisis Core too:

I just love that his office is so old fashioned compared to the rest of the Shinra HQ. That light fitting is very Art Deco (which I love) I like to think that this was Velds taste, and Tseng kept it that way for (whisper it!) sentimental reasons.

I also like that his desk is so fucking huge and dark and you could easily lie on top of it :lol: that and the fact that its closed off at the front so you could hide under it and......uh...nevermind :awesome:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
No, i just hadnt realised that his hair was long in that scene with Cissnei. I didn't think the Crisis Core end scene was that clear as the office is pretty dark so I wasn't sure if Licorice had noticed it.

That and I wanted to squee about the desk of course :P


Double Growth
I was more asking Licorice. I don't have a problem with the post or anything, it just seemed like it was a response to a post that i couldn't find.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ohh :monster:

We don't need no 'reasons' to post pics of Tseng! The reason is hormonal! :awesome:

Here's his office in Last Order:

Looks like he just couldn't make up his mind to have vertical or horizontal window panes. I've circled the coatstand in red. When I first saw Last Order I thought 'Hey is that Rufus' coat?!' but of course its his own. And its a trench coat, which is fucking awesome. I can't remember seeing any fanarts where he's wearing it, but there must be some....goes to look.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I wonder why his office is so massive. It just looks so empty.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I wonder why his office is so massive. It just looks so empty.

He's a minimalist! :monster: I would imagine it is quite intimidating for the other Turks if they get called in there for a dressing down and theres nowhere for them to sit... nothing for them to look at except Tseng and his massive desk!

The real reason is that they couldn't be arsed animating or drawing any other furniture lol

His office seems to have higher ceilings than President Shinras too...interesting.
I wonder why his office is so massive. It just looks so empty.

To emphasise the loneliness of being a leader.

Vash, yes, I knew his hair was long by the end of CC; I just wanted to clarify that Square had actually gone to the trouble of making his hair long on his model, rather than leaving it short and hiding the fact against a dark background. Most of the time you can't tell - you can only see it for a nanosecond. However, since I know nothing about game programming, this may have been an easy thing to do. His hair doesn't actually move.

Good detective work there on the trench coat, Octorawk. I'll make sure he wears it next time he goes to see Aerith.

I like how the light comes through his windows from below, because the reactors are down there. (Actually, I imagined that room as being Veld's old office, which is kept locked but which he visits from time to time when he needs to think. But I'm sure it's meant to be his own office.)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
He has well disciplined hair.

Good detective work there on the trench coat, Octorawk. I'll make sure he wears it next time he goes to see Aerith.

Either way, I like to think that the desk and the lamp on it were Velds. They're just not like anything else in the Shinra building.
Tseng knows how to keep Zack in line:


As far as I can tell (because it's unclear) this is by magneticspiral at tumblr

OK, I edited this post so as not to double post.
Managing Zack is a piece of cake for our resilient and handsome Chief Turk. Managing Elena, however....


Using my shamefully poor Japanese skills, I think they're saying:
Reno: What the hell was in that soda, yo?
Tseng: God knows.
Elena: Bartender, bring me another!
[I am aware that that's not a literal translation].
Last edited:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Hey this is your club, double post all you want! I get email updates when new posts are made but it doesnt apply when posts are editied :(

I love that picture, it sums up so much. I love their postures. Reno looks as though he's really trying to concentrate, maybe theres a TV behind the bar and hes watching Hoarders? Elena is obviously getting rowdier by the minute and Tseng is in the middle of his own personal hell. He knows he's going to have to wrestle Elena into a taxi....like putting a cat in a box to go to the vet, only instead of scratching you the cat keeps trying to grope and kiss you :lol:
Double post:
I think this one came from pixiv but I can't remember.


Elena's screwed her courage to the sticking point. Tseng looks surprised but not displeased. Go for it, Laney! I think she needs a fanclub of her own.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
EDIT: I saw that one the other day but lost it! Go Elena! Also: lol @ Reno and Rudes antics.
Double Edit:
I think she needs a fanclub of her own.
Seconded! What would we call it?

This club needs a bump and I need to whore my 'art' so.....


Its nowhere near finished of course...like pretty much everything else I do. :monster: This was done freehand in PS using my crappy graphics tablet. I want to re-do the hair. Also the eyes freak me out so I have to work on it at a super zoomed level so I don't have to look at them.....reminds me of the old psychadelic cover of the Beatles Complete songbook which my dad used to have and totally freaked me out for the entire duration of my childhood! :lol:

Anyway...it is still not the 'true' Tseng.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I prefer 'sideboards' for sheer comic value.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I am sexually confused by this image! :lol:
Four days since anyone last posted! Tseng's going to put us in the naughty chair!

So here's this:


from a French website that I can't find in my History now. I like Tseng in this much more than Rufus, who looks too girly and too young.
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