

Harbinger O Great Justice
Managed to get some time to complete the survey.

Wondering about looking over some other things on it, since there're a lot of options, and I'm curious what you put in for some of the answers.

I need to go back to the first crossroads that let you go up before the end battle, in order to enter the castle's room order code, since when you go back to greet everyone it's too late to go back down to the bottom as the little red drum dude's in your path. I'm really curious what's sitting behind there, since that seems to almost intentionally be related to restarting. Also curious about when we start uncovering what some of the various options do, like if the team name has any bearing on anything, etc. Additionally, I'm wondering if the starting options have a bearing on something in particular, since it DOES at least save your name, and I think that when it's describing the side-by-side story text, it'll normally use the word "love" but I chose "hope" so I saw that word, and it stood out enough that it seems like those choices do have SOME bearing on the game itself. When you come back from the Dark World, I instantly recognized the change in clothing that your character has, so I figured that the haunting ending was inevitable. Additionally, I'm wondering if there's a way to intentionally choose the model & name for Chara or Frisk at the start, in order to affect the overall outcome, and possibly whether or not the townsfolk remember you. It's particularly odd how nobody seems to remember anything – Sans included.

X :neo:


Ninja Potato
I beat it in one sitting yesterday. Won't say too much because spoilers, but I really think Toby deserves more credit for his ability to do really subtle character writing. Outside of the big obvious stuff, there's a lot of little moments that make the bright and colorful adventure feel "off," even if you don't go out of your way to be evil. Undertale had this too, but I enjoy the way it really feels like there's more going on beneath the surface of the story. Toby is especially good at "secret horror," for lack of a better term. The secret boss is probably my favorite character, everything surrounding him was great. A real mix of comedy and dread. The secret story route you can take is also just plain disturbing, in a way not even the genocide route of undertale was. Good stuff.

As for more normal things, the comedic dialogue is great, chapter 2 introduced a lot of little quality of life improvements, and some new incentives that keep the gameplay a bit more interesting. Ralsei and Susie can also ACT now, which was a feature I felt was lacking in the original release, and you can see how much more "mercy" is needed to end a battle now. I hope he keeps iterating on the system to keep the future chapters as fresh.

Also, don't forget your tree egg.
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