Visual Breakdown of FFVII Remake E3 2015 Trailer

- See title

Published a few minutes before midnight (Swedish time), as promised. Improvements will be made, but the article is good enough for publication in its current state. Much kudos to S&G, aka Mo, for the writing.


There seems to be a broken image right above the one with the South Edge sign

I think the one supposed to show the North Edge sign is also borked

Thanks. Amended. :monster:

(The cause was an empty string of <img width="" height="" src=""/>, but the visual error did not appear in Chrome)


Harbinger O Great Justice
It&#8217;s also probably worth mentioning to newbies of the Compilation that in the OG, Sephiroth&#8217;s one wing was white, not black, so if anything we know for absolutely certainty is that some aspects of the story are going to be retconned.

Curious about this bit of text in particular.

I know that Safer (Seraph) Sephiroth's main "one wing" on his arm was visually dark, and I don't recall him showing a single wing outside of that form that was white. Advent Children always displayed his one wing as being black when he's in his human form as well, same with Crisis Core, where Angeal was the only one with a white wing.

Where am I forgetting Sephiroth's white wing from the OG?

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Nice. I think that everything else is solid, and with that little bit removed now, I haven't a single other addition or recommendation to make.

X :neo:


Also -
Without further ado, let&#8217;s get stuck in. Enjoy.

This should really be "...let's get SUCKED in.", not "STUCK in"


ps I haven't gotten to look at the rest of it yet

will make suggestions if needed

because job
My main concern now is this passage from the end.

The creators have been exceedingly clever here. Instead of dismissing what they&#8217;ve already worked on, they have simply bolted a steel box around the gilded butt and changed the leather on the handle. Look closely and you will see the gold trimming peeking out from below.
Not entirely convinced yet that it's a steel box but it very well could be. I like the theory but it still feels like a theory. Perhaps I should check with S&G to see if the paragraph can be edited to emphasize that we may or may not be fooling our eyes with this "steel box" speculation.

This should really be "...let's get SUCKED in.", not "STUCK in"
Actually... Apparently "stuck in" is valid. :monster:


Gravitas? What gravitas?
Very nice article!

I couldn't see it properly in the video but now with the screenshots I would also just mention that the climbing frame/slide in the park is in the shape of a shell just like outside the Forgotten City rather than of a Moogle figure.

Indeed. I added a note about that fact now. There are these bits and pieces in the commentary that I wanted to add but I was way too busy with formatting and cropping images to focus on the text.


Pro Adventurer
Great article! So many things I didn't spot. Especially on the Buster Sword. Would it be okay if I posted a link to the article on my tumblr?

Also, at the (00:10 – 00:14) 'Read on. On a side not – I wonder if those are rain clouds or pollution?'

Should that be 'On a side note'?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
That's astounding. Great work!

1) Should I add "Compilation of FFVII" as a category or is it better to stick to simply "News" and "Final Fantasy VII"?

2) How come I can't edit anything in the SEO pack in this newspost?


Yup. Thanks. *thumbs up*


Pro Adventurer
That was awesome. Thank you. The red arm bandannas you caught with the two troops was a good catch. I am pretty convinced now that these are AVALANCHE guys of some sort.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Thanks everyone for your feedback. It was a lot of fun to write but a lot of hard work too. Hence the typos and daft mistakes. Couldn't have done it without Shademp as his wily wizarding ways.

A couple of comments:

@Tet, the wing was in reference to the six white but, in hindsight, that passage was nowhere near clear.

@AvecAloes, to "get stuck in" is a common British phrase but I guess it's doesn't translate well

@Shademp, I'll send an edit re the sword butt tomorrow. However, anything other than a deliberate move to disguise the sword is just ridiculous

@Sublime , good spot on the shell. I knew it wasn't a moogle but my brain wouldn't let me see anything else


Pro Adventurer
Should I add "Compilation of FFVII" as a category or is it better to stick to simply "News" and "Final Fantasy VII"?
As I wrote in the tags and categories thread, think of categories as being like a filing cabinet, and your article like a document that has to go inside it: you are only going to place it in one drawer of the cabinet, so you should pick the most appropriate one. And since "Final Fantasy VII" is a sub-category of "News", you don't need to tick the box for News as well.

Question is, should we create a separate category for remake news?
I wouldn't object to this if it's what our authors want. In the past, I haven't created separate tags for HD versions of games, but this is going to be so much more than that, especially for us.


Ninja Potato
Wow if the thing about the "Steel Box" on the buster sword turns out to be true it would blow my mind. It would mean Square managed to retcon it so BOTH designed are canon, and that would be ridiculous.

I might be alone in this but I hope the mystery guys from 00:36 &#8211; 00:41 aren't Biggs, Wedge, or Jessie. I have an odd love of those three despite how minor they are, so I don't want them to become generic gritty terrorists. From design alone they share a lot of similarities to the BC Avalanche members.

Great article!


I made a few spelling corrections (accompany - accompanying). That article was a great read.

One thing I got from it in particular is how the slide in the trailer is literally the spitting image of one of the shells from the Forgotten Capital (omg REMADE FORGOTTEN CAPITAL WILL THE FISH BE THERE BLOCKING MY PATH) rather than a moogle slide.


Double Growth
I LOVED this article. Thanks so much, so much stuff that I didn't notice. Certainly not the One Winged Angel and the black feather. The dying flower was also a great touch that I didn't even think about "They say you can't grow flowers in Midgar."

And that shot when they take you under the plate and you point out the two Support Pillars. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THE COLLAPSE OF SECTOR 7 IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE?!


And that shot when they take you under the plate and you point out the two Support Pillars. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THE COLLAPSE OF SECTOR 7 IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE?!

Somewhat like this I assume :desucait:

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