SPOILERS Ways to ruin part 2 and beyond


Pro Adventurer
I had been spoiled back then so already knew she was about to die, but I found Cloud's (and the party's) reaction far more impactful.
They just can't not do it again. We must get to see the reactions to that with REMAKE's newfound character brilliant performance.

They will, I am so sure that we will eventually get a quote from the designers along the lines of: "When discussing the plans for the new story of the game there was one thing we all unilaterally knew for certain from the start, Aerith was absolutely, positively, not gonna make it outta this alive."
I am so certain a quote like that will emerge at some point that I feel like I can already remember it happening in the future.
Hell, it's not even that I think Aerith will die that I think that quote will emerge, it's just that I am so certain a quote like that will emerge that I am so certain she's doomed.
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Chocobo Eater

Pro Adventurer
I had another dream the other day. I can't remember the full details (my dreams don't have much detail anyway), but it was our first visit to the Northern Cave and everything was normal until the part where the mako cocoon came down from the ceiling to reveal Sephiroth. But it wasn't Sephiroth in the cocoon. It was Genesis.

And then Rude died trying to save Reno while everyone was scrambling for the Highwind. A lot of people thought that the scene was really well done, but I couldn't stand it. Turks aren't supposed to die dammit.
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