Weekly roundups

3D printed FFVII characters



First off, I really like the weekly roundups, and I'm amazed there's so much news every week you guys can fill it up, :monster:. You also highlighted our trip to Nevis, <3. I forsee alcohol in our shared futures.

Second though, I think the FFVII on Steam could be its own (small) news article/update thingy. I didn't write it though, so it's not really my place to remark on that, :wacky:.


It really should have had its own post, but now that I've put it up in the roundup it seems a bit redundant to announce it twice :D.

I'll definitely add it to the list of release platforms and dates in the franchise guide with a link though.


Pro Adventurer
I saw the roundup last night. Good work, Lex. Thanks for doing it :) I'm not sure we need another one straight away, so if you (or someone else) wants to do a small post about those 3D figure, that would probably suffice for this week. In my opinion, off course.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I know promoting off-site translations isn't exactly something we strive to do, but this fan translation of FFXIII-2 Fragments Before is pretty impressive:


My understanding is that it's complete but for the last eight pages of the book, and since the first chapter of it is Episode i -- which we have an audiobook of -- it's not exactly unrelated to our present content.

A translation of Fragments After by the same translator (mecorx) is supposed to begin next month.

Just something to think about.


We could always add a link to it with the translator's permission in the translation section?


Moonrune Archaeologist
Translator of Things
I heard someone was talking about me!

You may certainly add a link to my translation if you want.

I just wanted to mention that I've re-posted the now complete(!) translation on my blog: mecorx @ blogspot.ca

I have no plans to remove the files from Google Documents though, so you can link to whichever.


PS: With regards to Fragments After: Indeed, I do have plans to translate the rest of it. In fact I'd like to get started and finished as soon as possible. The only problem is that I don't have access to the entire book. I've gotten a friend to order a copy for me, but I won't receive it until early August. For now, I'll be working to translate the remainder of what roxas9001 from gamefaqs has kindly uploaded, but I'm not sure where to find the missing pages.


Would you be averse to the idea of hosting the translations here instead of just linking to them? Assuming you don't have your own site, of course :D. I didn't realise the link led to Google docs.

Welcome to the forum by the way :monster:


Moonrune Archaeologist
Translator of Things
Would you be averse to the idea of hosting the translations here instead of just linking to them? Assuming you don't have your own site, of course :D. I didn't realise the link led to Google docs.

Welcome to the forum by the way :monster:

Hi, thanks for the welcome!

I am quite fine with that option as well. Just stick my name somewhere. :D


Edit: I'm not sure how you want to post it, but I actually have the entire thing joined together in a .docx already. Let me know if you would like to have it.
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I'll take a look at it in the coming days and send you a PM :)

The next roundup will be up by Monday, I've kinda stretched the last one out to loop back round to the normal Monday time :monster:


There hasn't been much news this week so I'm just adding the 3D printed characters to the roundup. I'll also be adding the link to where you can buy them, because Kotaku didn't :monster:


I'll give it a mention.

So officially, they weren't at the Sephiroth fight? Or did they help the evacuation then pop over to the north cave?
My opinion is that the article could easily have its own newspost, but I'll leave that up to Tres & Lex. If nothing else it looks fancy to highlight an article like this separate from the Weekly Roundups banner.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I was hoping you would decide, Lex. =P

How about this? If the next Roundup is hard-up for material, go ahead and mention it. If not, we can give it a newspost of its own.

When is the next one scheduled, by the way?

So officially, they weren't at the Sephiroth fight? Or did they help the evacuation then pop over to the north cave?

Officially, the opening to Dirge now takes place a week before the fight with Sephiroth. Originally, it was said to have happened immediately after.

Does that need to be worded more clearly in the article?


I don't think so, but it couldn't hurt if you think it would help. I probably didn't make the connection because my head is being hammered by an unknown force at the moment.

Roundup will be up tomorrow at the latest, I'll see then how much news we have :).


Pro Adventurer
I was going to post a roundup today but the front page was down when I wanted to do it. I'm happy to let you do it again though, Lex. Perhaps we could start doing it on alternate weeks, what do you think?


I didn't think I could do it earlier but I can now (today) so I'm happy to do it. Alternating weeks is cool with me. So you'll take next week and I'll take the week after?
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