What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?


Pro Adventurer
Just post any annoying nonsense you've encountered on the internet as a ff7 fan.


After nearly 10 years of this nonsense I still see the same argument that ff7 fans are a bunch of nubs who have yet to play any truly great rpg's and thus have no idea how shitty ff7 truly is. The sad thing is it's usually fan boys of games I honestly love. Like chrono trigger or ff6.

Every time I see this argument I just hate the world a little bit more than before. It's like they can't get it through there head that people have a difference of opinion with them on the internet. Hell I've listened to people rage at me for telling them that I respect there opinions but still like ff7.


Another is how ff7 fans are a bunch of graphics whores and only liked ff7 because of the cg cut scenes.

I mean sure maybe there onto something with all the remake nonsense going down today. But usually the same people criticizing 7 fans for wanting a high def ps3 remake you can find asking for a high def ps3 remake of there own. Which is amazing cause I've seen some fanboys turn around and accuse us of being graphics whores and then IN THE EXACT SAME TOPIC do a 'face heel turn' and talk about how awesome a ps3 remake of there favorite game would be.

I usually just shutup and begin slamming my head into a wall when I see this go down.


Then there's the old blame the downfall of the series routine on 7.

Overall there is just to much nonsense for me to list off the top of my head.


People that didn't play the game at all.Watched Advent Children,some random cut scenes from spin-offs on youtube and then go around saying "OMG CLOUD'S TR00 LOVE IZ AERITH!!111"


Pro Adventurer
I've been told that I don't have a genuine interest in the plot and the characters and am only in it for the eyecandy because I'm a yaoi fangirl. It is apparently impossible.


I don't think anything annoys me more than the canon of the Compilation :monster:

Also yeah, people who haven't actually played the game and rave over Crisis Core, Advent Children etc.

Vincent/Yuffie. Not the ship itself but its massive popularity really irritates me. I know shipping does not require logic, but I don't see how a such a huge number of people have been swayed by a relationship between two people who had never spoken to each other before DoC.

Celes Chere

Pretty much the crazy shippers. The fanboys that are all like, "FFVII IS THE BEST GAME EVER!11! IT'S THE BEST GAME IN THE FF SERIES, AND SEPHIROTH IS SOOO BADASS OMG".

Fangirls... that talk about nothing except how smexy Cloud is and nothing else. :'( Zack is hotter anyway.

@Lox- PSH, you can still be a Yaoi fangirl and appreciate what the fucking game is about. I mean, look at Meibito. :monster: It's not right for people to judge you unfairly just because you're interested in a certain thing. If you said: "I like FFVII because of CloudxZack and that's it" that's another thing. I think people like that are a bit silly, lol. Reminds me of the CloudxAerith fans that were saying they would not play Crisis Core because it had nothing to do with the LTD, and because Aerith took a back seat in the game. That is an odd thing to say, since Aerith plays a big role. I'd say that Tifa and arguably Cloud (until the end) take a back seat in the game.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Certain V/Y shippers. Same sort of deal as why I dislike some Rikku/Auron shippers: OMG THEY R SO OPPOSITES WON'T THEY JUST BE THE BEE'S KNEES IF THEY HAVE SEX.

no darling, no they will not, because someone is going to get sick of their partner. Moreover, when they write fanfiction, they do not confront this problem, or any problems, in the least. THEY'RE JUST SO DURN CUTE WHEN THEY'RE IRRITATED DONCHA KNOW.


Pro Adventurer
@Lox- PSH, you can still be a Yaoi fangirl and appreciate what the fucking game is about. I mean, look at Meibito. :monster: It's not right for people to judge you unfairly just because you're interested in a certain thing. If you said: "I like FFVII because of CloudxZack and that's it" that's another thing. I think people like that are a bit silly, lol.

The kicker is that the conversation was about the yaoi 'ships in CC to begin with, so I don't know how talking about them makes me a bad fan. I guess I was supposed to write up a scene analysis describing how the Foe Yay in the Junon Cannon fight was a metaphor for the NPC interaction in Kalm pre-Meteor in the OG, or I'm just another brainless poser 'fan' squealing over the pretty boys.

I just find it insulting because there are so many yaoi lovers in the FF7 fandom that have a wonderful grasp of the story and the characterizations, and I myself don't find any appeal to OOC fic/RP/art/etc. (unless it's crack humor, which is just for fun anyway)

Zoey said:
Reminds me of the CloudxAerith fans that were saying they would not play Crisis Core because it had nothing to do with the LTD, and because Aerith took a back seat in the game. That is an odd thing to say, since Aerith plays a big role. I'd say that Tifa and arguably Cloud (until the end) take a back seat in the game.

I hate that too. :monster: I reason that they're just butthurt that Aerith and Cloud aren't on screen together at any time and Zerith is in your face.

@ Yuffentine: I don't have a problem with the 'ship or with anyone that likes it, myself. It's when they don't realize that it's a crack pairing that bugs me. In fact that would go for any pairing that has little ground in canon. To 'ship it is fine, but to say it's what the creators obviously intended all along or that it's so perfect it should have been intended all along... yea, I don't get it. :nah:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
1.I hate it when a debate pops up over which villian is best, or which one you like the most from the series, and as soon as you say Sephiroth you are labeled a blind fanboy. You could name any other villian and people would say "Yeah he's cool, but I like so and so better." Choose Sephiroth and you get "Ah look, the blind FF7 fanboys are here."

2.I hate it when people hate on the game, insisting that it is horrible in every possible way, and anyone who likes it is obviously a blindly loyal fanboy who will eat any shit square gives them. Then of course whenever you say anything to contradict them they repat that assesment, or if its on You Tube and you talk back they disable comments.

I also can't help but feel mildly annoyed when people ask if Kadaj and Genesis are the same person.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I also can't help but feel mildly annoyed when people ask if Kadaj and Genesis are the same person.

Stay the hell away from YouTube comments pages. At least, I'm assuming that's where you see this, as I can't imagine anywhere else on the 'net that such stupid could fester.

As for me, I have to echo Looneymoon's sentiments:

Looneymoon said:
I don't think anything annoys me more than the canon of the Compilation.


Pro Adventurer
1.I hate it when a debate pops up over which villian is best, or which one you like the most from the series, and as soon as you say Sephiroth you are labeled a blind fanboy. You could name any other villian and people would say "Yeah he's cool, but I like so and so better." Choose Sephiroth and you get "Ah look, the blind FF7 fanboys are here."

2.I hate it when people hate on the game, insisting that it is horrible in every possible way, and anyone who likes it is obviously a blindly loyal fanboy who will eat any shit square gives them. Then of course whenever you say anything to contradict them they repat that assesment, or if its on You Tube and you talk back they disable comments.

I also can't help but feel mildly annoyed when people ask if Kadaj and Genesis are the same person.
God I've been around for so many debates where 1 or 2 happened. Those are 2 of my biggest pet peeves as a 7 fanboy. It's incredible how blind and idiotic the ff fanbase can be in it's hatred of us.

I've never been a part of a good villain debate. Ever. It usually turns into fanboy nonsense about power levels or ff7 fans being stupid.

You can be as intelligent and kind as possible with number 2 and they will still respond negatively acting like we were the ones being unreasonable.

I don't understand how anyone can think genesis is stronger than sephiroth and somehow the true villain. You'd have to have never played the original game to think that. And a giant animu dork. No offense to anime fans.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Compilation fags.

gtfo with your Gackt and shit. If you are a supposed FFVII COMPILATION FAN and I say "this guy are sick" to you and you miss the reference, I'll punch you in the face.


I am silently raging.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Whats wrong with ppl who like the compilation?? I like it, but i also love the original game, ive played it LOTS of times. Old time rpg's are my fav, but the new stuff isnt so bad either. I like to know what else in the story is going on.

Neways something i really hate is the ppl who say not to make a remake and to leave it alone. The orginal is awesome, but think about how much more awesome it would look in HD on the ps3, we are in anew age with better technology. And those ppl who say that ff7 fans r gay and that we dont know good games. And that they think that ff or ff7 is the only games we have ever played and havent bought any of the new stuff out there. Anyway thats my peace. Hope no one got offended.! ^_^


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Compilation fags.

gtfo with your Gackt and shit. If you are a supposed FFVII COMPILATION FAN and I say "this guy are sick" to you and you miss the reference, I'll punch you in the face.


I am silently raging.


And Advent Children, which is the biggest and most diseased herpes sore amongst many on the lips of FFVII.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And Advent Children, which is the biggest and most diseased herpes sore amongst many on the lips of FFVII.

Seriously? I thought AC -- and especially ACC -- was actually good. Sure, as a film it has its weaknesses, but as an epilogue of sorts to VII? It's good.

At the very least, I can't see how it could possibly be more egregious than Before Crisis, Dirge or CC.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Stay the hell away from YouTube comments pages. At least, I'm assuming that's where you see this, as I can't imagine anywhere else on the 'net that such stupid could fester.

As for me, I have to echo Looneymoon's sentiments:

GameFAQs forums actually. Once every two weeks or so there would be a new 'Kadaj is Genesis!' Topic. I'm not sure if its still like that, I haven't been there in over a year.

As for the canon thing, I mostly treat it the same way I treat Star Wars canon, and that works really well.

I don't understand how anyone can think genesis is stronger than sephiroth and somehow the true villain. You'd have to have never played the original game to think that. And a giant animu dork. No offense to anime fans.

As an anime fan, allow me to assure you I take no offense. Sadly there is a great deal of truth in what you say.

TBH I've never heard Genesis called the true villian before, but its astonishing how many people insist that Zack is the true hero and that Cloud is a useless wimp.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
As for the canon thing, I mostly treat it the same way I treat Star Wars canon, and that works really well.

I do too, which is why it's a problem. XD

Expanded Universe material in "Star Wars" doesn't have Lucas's involvement, whereas his equivalents for FFVII were the creators of the Compilation of FFVII material.

As for GameFAQs, there is a lot of stupid there too. At the same time, some of my best discussions were there.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I do too, which is why it's a problem. XD

Expanded Universe material in "Star Wars" doesn't have Lucas's involvement, whereas his equivalents for FFVII were the creators of the Compilation of FFVII material.

As for GameFAQs, there is a lot of stupid there too. At the same time, some of my best discussions were there.

True enough.


the cake is a lie.
Well, just Lioneh usually. Or Ly. Whichever. :)
Well, what really annoys me is the fact that some people cannot seem to understand anything else in Genesis beyond his LOVELESS reciting.

And the fact that people also dislike him because of his influence from Gackt. Hello, the two guys are different people. :monster:

And I also share my pain with the whole stupid 'Genesis is Kadaj' theory. -facepalm-

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
cannot seem to understand anything else in Genesis beyond his LOVELESS reciting.

That's pretty much all he does.

And the fact that people also dislike him because of his influence from Gackt. Hello, the two guys are different people.

But they look pretty much exactly the same; a soft featured pretty boy. Many dislike him because his influence comes from an individual that might as well be a flaming homosexual.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
AC is probably the only entry of the Compilation that fits with the original game without creating any sort of continuity conundrum or confusion. It's the best entry, period. Well that, and also OTWTAS.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
AC is probably the only entry of the Compilation that fits with the original game without creating any sort of continuity conundrum or confusion. It's the best entry, period. Well that, and also OTWTAS.

ACC is the best entry, the original AC sucked IMO. Crisis Core is a close second to ACC.


Pro Adventurer
But really, I was gonna post this last night but I just went to sleep instead. Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to start something with any yaoi fans in the thread.

Speaking as a yaoi fan -- I don't blame you a bit, and agree with you fully. It's one thing to like what you like, but it's horribly rude to try to force it on another, for any reason.

So yea :glomp:

But they look pretty much exactly the same; a soft featured pretty boy.

As opposed to the other soft-featured pretty boys in the Compilation, right? :monster:

ACC is the best entry, the original AC sucked IMO. Crisis Core is a close second to ACC.


Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Speaking as a yaoi fan -- I don't blame you a bit, and agree with you fully. It's one thing to like what you like, but it's horribly rude to try to force it on another, for any reason.

So yea :glomp:

As opposed to the other soft-featured pretty boys in the Compilation, right? :monster:


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