What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?


Pro Adventurer
Well, what really annoys me is the fact that some people cannot seem to understand anything else in Genesis beyond his LOVELESS reciting.

And the fact that people also dislike him because of his influence from Gackt. Hello, the two guys are different people. :monster:

And I also share my pain with the whole stupid 'Genesis is Kadaj' theory. -facepalm-
I don't remember genesis saying anything that didn't paint him as incredibly gay. And gently caress loveless. It didn't make a lick of sense whatsoever.

Genesis also managed to somehow make me hate the scene at nibleheim even more now. Really editing genesis into Nibleheim had to be the stupidest idea I've ever scene. That sort of shit is only supposed to happen in bad fan fiction!


Pro Adventurer
New gripe -- I feel like the only fan that not only doesn't RAEG over Genesis being in Nibelheim, but think it's more awesome that he was.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh, you mean the reactor scene. :monster:

...That really doesn't change anything about the Nibelheim disaster though.


AI Researcher
New gripe -- I feel like the only fan that not only doesn't RAEG over Genesis being in Nibelheim, but think it's more awesome that he was.
I found that honestly, I just didn't care that much. I guess I'm a bad fan in the sense in that I can't seem to manage rage about shit like that :awesome:

Many dislike him because his influence comes from an individual that might as well be a flaming homosexual.
That's reason enough to dislike him? :monster:
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Genesis has time to be redeemed. I think he was a shit villain in CC, but the next Comp title has the oppurtunity to go into his character a bit more. Hopefully he has better motivation than the Loveless crap.

Also, the reason I dislike Genesis so much... He took away from Sephiroth. I am not even trying to say this in a fangirlish way because I am not even that fond of Seph at all. But the thing is, in CC Square had a great oppurtunity to delve into Sephiroth's pre-crazy characterization. The creation of Genesis seemed to be a cop-out of actually fleshing him out properly imo. They wasted a lot of energy establishing two new characters when it would have probably been more effective without them. Maybe if they combined Genesis and Angeal into a single character I wouldn't have minded so much.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
...How much more interesting did you think Sephiroth was gonna be?

I say this seriously and without snark. His testament to fame and characterization is as a villain. Him being a "nice guy" isn't really the point of his character or creation. Especially in a game about Zack. Yeah, he was nice, and cool. A bit withdrawn, yet popular....

But Sephiroth is a villain first. CC showed that and from what we saw, he still was pretty interesting anyways.


Pro Adventurer
Genesis has time to be redeemed. I think he was a shit villain in CC, but the next Comp title has the oppurtunity to go into his character a bit more. Hopefully he has better motivation than the Loveless crap.

Also, the reason I dislike Genesis so much... He took away from Sephiroth. I am not even trying to say this in a fangirlish way because I am not even that fond of Seph at all. But the thing is, in CC Square had a great oppurtunity to delve into Sephiroth's pre-crazy characterization. The creation of Genesis seemed to be a cop-out of actually fleshing him out properly imo. They wasted a lot of energy establishing two new characters when it would have probably been more effective without them. Maybe if they combined Genesis and Angeal into a single character I wouldn't have minded so much.
I completely agree with this. I personally wanted to see how Sephiroth rose and became so famous myself. He was already famous by the time zack joins SOLDIER but I expected maybe they'd show some more backstory about his exploits in the wutai war. Hell I expected wutai to be a major part of the game! We don't even get to see Lord Godo surrender. Wutai is like a minor hickup in the games plot where as in 7 it was a major event.

I like CC as a game but as a sequel to ff7 I find it lacking. I felt SOLDIER was poorly done. I wanted to see how SOLDIER mobilized as a force and how they fought in the wutai war. I wanted to see Zack as a member of a platoon being led by Sephiroth as they stormed a wutai base before the end of the war. We never really saw anything beyond Zack and Sephiroth of SOLDIER back in FF7. It's amazing how much of a missed opportunity CC is.


I never really expected him to be a nice guy. In fact CC made him seem as a sort of nice guy, and I never thought that sort of characterization really worked. Maybe a little withdrawn, but still charismatic somehow. Deep down, he holds secret contempt for those who adore him. I dunno, that kind of characterization could have been a nice troll by the staff on hardcore fanboys :monster:

I dunno, even in the OG Seph was a pretty shallow villain. It would have been nice if we were able to understand wtf was going on in his head a bit better. Even more about his life in ShinRa. I just don't see what's the point of dealing with all these new characters so prominently when there's still a lot of space to work with when it comes to the old ones.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Eh, I wouldn't say Sephiroth was a shallow villain. Maybe because you don't realize you're chasing Sephiroth, or rather...that what you are chasing, is basically a puppet of Sephiroth...that it may seem so. I thought what he did to Cloud and his cruelty in terms of snatching away one of your party members, definitely put him above most villains. He was a tangible, yet out of reach opponent that you constantly felt but could never catch up to, until the very end. When arguably, it was too late. :monster:


I agree. All of those things would've been great additions. Chalk it up to the tragedy of the format. Them deciding to put it on a damn UMD kinda limited their options in terms of content and showcasing.


His actions as a villain yeah, but it would have been nice to be given insight on his mental state when going from secluded super soldier to crazy sociopath. Crisis Core didn't really do it in a satisfactory way and could have been a lot more tragic (in the true sense of the term). In fact, i think I remember a thread around here speculating the very issue.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
See, the last thing I want is Sephiroth to be tragic. I find him much more awesome, badass and interesting as the self assured, psychotic, yet poised megalomaniac that he is in FFVII and AC.

Save the tragic villainy for Kuja. :monster:

For Sephiroth, what would he have to be sorry about? He discovered that he was superior to all life on the planet and that his mother was one of the most badass bitches to ever crash land on the planet. He went nutters, but it was actually quite the liberating.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I watch my villains to get amusement, hito. Not to get AIDs.


Actually I agree with you, I just feel like being cheeky.


See, the last thing I want is Sephiroth to be tragic. I find him much more awesome, badass and interesting as the self assured, psychotic, yet poised megalomaniac that he is in FFVII and AC.

Save the tragic villainy for Kuja. :monster:

For Sephiroth, what would he have to be sorry about? He discovered that he was superior to all life on the planet and that his mother was one of the most badass bitches to ever crash land on the planet. He went nutters, but it was actually quite the liberating.

Tragic in the simplest term. Tragic characters can very well be giant douchebags.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Ignorant anti-FFVII fans who have never played the game ever and claim to know the plot when it's obvious to anyone with 2 working brain cells and posses the basic ability to understand the English language that they have never played the game.

And when same ignorant anti fans are trying to debate about VII and try to call out on VII fantards for being ignorant and not reading the "text in pretty blue boxes" when they themselves have never read the "text in pretty blue boxes" and proceed to get everything about the game hilariously wrong.

It's like the fastest way to have my VII angrish button pressed! :awesome:
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