What are you listening to?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Sabbat's another artist whose huge discography intimidates me :monster: The albums I've heard though (The Dwelling, Karisma, Satanasword, Evoke) are great :monster:

Akercocke - [Choronzon #01] Praise the Name of Satan [7:11]


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah it's pretty shocking how many live albums they have :monster: Even their studio discography is still pretty damn huge though :monster:

Akercocke - [Choronzon #07] Bathykolpian Avatar [5:26]


Titties 'n' Beer
Eh... 12 or so albums plus a shit ton of EP's? Not that much really as how long they've been around.

Fates Warning - Daylight dreamers


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Strange, I remembered there being more :monster: Still a lot larger than most black metal bands' studio discographies though :monster:

Akercocke - [Choronzon #11] Becoming the Adversary [6:50]


Titties 'n' Beer
Maybe. They still have a lot of compilations, too.

Necros Christos - Daemonomantic Fog Lay upon the Tombs of Succoth


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well it's definitely bigger than most other black metal bands' studio discographies I can think of. Enslaved and Darkthrone are the only other ones I can think of that are comparable. :monster:

Akercocke - [Antichrist #03] Axiom [5:20]

I believe that when I die, I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive. :monster:


Titties 'n' Beer
There's always the first band of the genre. And don't forget about the likes of Striborg, Circle of Ouroborus and Drowning the Light, but those are obviously more in for the quantity over quality.

Necros Christos - Deathless In Spiritual Evil


Titties 'n' Beer
Primus - Sgt Baker

I would never been into Frank Zappa, the Residents or any other strange and weird shit without these guys. true story


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There's always the first band of the genre. And don't forget about the likes of Striborg, Circle of Ouroborus and Drowning the Light, but those are obviously more in for the quantity over quality.

Venom, you mean? Bathory could probably qualify too, now that I think of it. Also Hellveto and Njiqahdda, the latter of which becomes even more impressive when you consider that they also are the same guys behind Njiijn, Oaks of Bethel and Funeral Eclipse (the former two of which have not insubstantial output in their own right). When a band puts out that much music, you have to wonder if they do anything other than write and record music in their spare time. Senmuth is another example of this. Hellveto was at that rate at one point but he seems to have slowed down somewhat in recent years.

Carbonscape - [Artistry of Exhaustion IV #01] Lot K [11:42]

it's late at night and I'm tired, time for some ambient music


Titties 'n' Beer
Yeah. I'm not interested at all in Senmuth or Nijnjijnjjnbnbgggg but everything Mories does (Gnaw Their Tongues, Aderlating, De Magia Veterum, Cloak of Altering, Seirom etc.) does rule. There's a difference between visionaries and people with way too much time on their hands imo.

Ripping Corpse - Sickness of Will


Pro Adventurer
Senmuth's discography is a total crapshoot. He releases so much music some of it's bound to be good. Some of his albums are brilliant ambient/folk metal, while others are almost unlistenable. I remember a few years ago he released an album that was four hours long. It was good but who has the time to listen to a four hour long album multiple times? On the positive side all of his music is free which begs the question: how the hell does he support himself?

At The Gates - World of Lies


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Maybe he's independently wealthy. I suspect he may also sell hard copies of his music which would enable him to make something from it. I know Njiqahdda does the same thing - their whole discography is up on Bandcamp as pay-what-you-want downloads but they've sold hard copies of nearly everything they've released as well. And, again, their discography is something of a crapshoot - some of their material is brilliant, but some of it is not particularly interesting. Or maybe I just don't like the style of that stuff enough, idk.

I haven't gotten through much of GTT's discography but what I've heard does rule.


George Carlin - [Back in Town #07] Free-Floating Hostility [19:30]


Titties 'n' Beer
Yeah I guess this whole DIY thing make them possible to be so productive.

Osanna - Animale Senza Respiro

Dat 'tron


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Inquisition - [Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm #01] Astral Path to Supreme Majesties [4:32]

If the vinyl of this is still available I should probably pick it up, even though I already own the CD.


Titties 'n' Beer
Well it has been available in all colours so yeah late to the party brah. hail the cult, though. :monster:

Onslaught - Let there Be Death


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
They definitely put their own spin on that song. I like it.

Porcupine Tree - [The Incident #15] Flicker
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