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Deleted member 546

David Guetta - Nothing but the Beat album. Another guilty pleasure album but it's good to work/exercise to, being fairly up-tempo. I compensated by playing Josh some Rammstein earlier.


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The Man, V
Thorns - [Thorns #07] Interface to God [4:36]

damn, I forgot how awesome this album is. I hope he does a new album at some point :<


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The Man, V
That song is awesome. Sounds even better on vinyl for obvious reasons.

Suffocation - [Breeding the Spawn #03] Epitaph of the Credulous [3:45]


Titties 'n' Beer
Yeah. you know what. It sounds even more better listening to it while being stoned like a motherfucker.

Still the same tune.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Suffocation - [Pinnacle of Bedlam #03] Eminent Wrath [3:40]

Solid. Then again, I wasn't really expecting anything less from good ol' Suffo.


Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague

Unable to be seen but with the visible effect
Virulent disease causing outbreaks of violence
They tear themselves apart, offal covers the ground
Viscera torn forcefully from the abdomen

Intestines slick with blood cannot escape my grip
Surgical incisions give way to frenzied carving
Delirium has taken hold, disembowelment is complete
Horror grips my mind, my entrails are in my hands
My entrails are in my hands
My entrails are in my, haaaaaaaaaands...


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The Man, V
Nyktalgia - [Peisithanatos #04] Pavor Nocturnus [12:09]

Just found out this group split up like five years ago. That's a shame; they were one of the only "depressive" black metal groups I actually liked much.

Deleted member 546

Don Broco - Priorities. Had it repeat on and off all day. It's a damned good album, very respectable first effort IMO.


Titties 'n' Beer
Jex Thoth - Mr Rainbow

Damn good Slapp Happy cover, especially seeing how different Jex Thoth's music is from Slapp Happy or Henry Cow.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Peccatum - [Lost in Reverie #05] Black Star [7:14]

This album is really, really good, but I often forget how good it is for some reason. Every time I listen to this I think "I should listen to this more often" but I rarely end up putting it on more often than once a month or so. I should probably also listen to the rest of this band's discography at some point.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
R.E.M. - [Automatic for the People #04] Everybody Hurts [5:20]

This album is over 20 years old. That makes me feel really fuckin' old. :sadpanda:
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