What do you wanna see next in the Complication?


Pro Adventurer
A game about the Wutai War:

S and G said:
The story of Sephiroth and his rise to legend status would be incredible to hear. On top of the SOLDIERs, there is a chance to bring in Lost Force and Deepground who had the task of rescuing injured SOLDIERs for a more in-depth look at their world, the Wusheng and their military ways and traditions, and even a history for Cid who was a pilot during the War. What about SOLDIER before Sephiroth came to prominence and the 13 Units that existed? Who ran SOLDIER before Lazard? What was the Shinra hierarchy like while HQ was being built? What about the Kisaragi family or the origins of the Crescent Unit and Five Saints? They have a 1000 different avenues they could take with this.

The "Era of the Cetra" one.

The next game after DoC.

And a remake.


Green Mage
I said it once, I said it twice, I quite possibly said it a third time, I will say it again. More OVAs, particularly ones about Vincent's time when he was Lucrecia's body guard, as well as all of the OWTNS.
I'm surprised more material hasn't come up about this. It's a crucial part of FF7, with Sephiroth's origins and the ongoing study of Jenova and its effect on humans going on at the time. Plus, it would possibly shed light on Hojo, who's another crucial part to FF7 who is mostly a mystery. Why they hardly touched upon this in DOC is anyone's guess, but maybe it's better they didn't. XD

I was teasing about the end of the Ancients. I know that there's plenty of material to speculate on about them, since their demise was mysterious. ;)


it could be just me but i wanna see what happens after DoC, sephiroth being ressurected again is too much =x
eh they could show more of seventh heaven, some scenes with what baret is doing, yuffie, cid, what their lives are after DoC and how cloud and tifa are doing as a family, preferably another movie like ACC, im dying to know how the family is coming along. ^^ cmon SE! show us a kiss! <---- unlikely and more likely to bring up more controversy and more debates <.<


ACF Refugee
The chances of SE releasing a film or game that is particularly character-driven are slim-to-none. All hope of this died with the release of AC, which should have been a well-balanced, character-driven action film; however, in its place we recieved a very flashy, polished hour and a half of non-stop action, which isn't particularly a bad thing. Anything that could possibly be considered character-driven became OWTS.
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