What games are you currently playing?


♪ Odyssey, ya see! Odyssey, ya see! ♪

Besides FFVII through the "New Threat" mod, I am currently hooked on Super Mario Odyssey. For me, it's one of those rare games I can't believe how good it is.

Random Nobody

local roach
I just finished Far Cry 5.


They really made me lose sleep on my day off and waste ten hours of my one and only life, bitch.


Pro Adventurer
I am currently playing ye old GBA's Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town but I am about to ragequit because I've been working my ass off for two years and this dude will not fucking marry me despite having all the requirements. WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME????????


Pro Adventurer
Just finished up the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC for Assassin's Creed Origins. I enjoyed it... it added a lot of content, and being able to travel into the afterlife was pretty awesome.


Doing a full series playthrough of God of War in chronological order to prepare for the new one.

Finished and platinumed Ascension which was the only GoW title I hadn't played yet. Done with Chains of Olympus, and I'm now halfway through GoW1. Good times.


Titanfall 2

Definitive edition went down to 5 quid on the Xbox store last week so thought why not.

It's a decent game, but I found that it gets very repetitive after a while - the MP anyway, the SP is also entertaining. You should check out some speedruns for the SP, or sections thereof, that shit is pretty dank. I found TF1 to be a bit more compelling to keep playing, I think because of the unlocks? Not sure. IIRC you also get to lvl 50 / all the unlocks earlier, whereas in TF2 they try and get you to spend your dank monies on lootboxes and shit.

@thread, Nier; finished the err.
A ending after about twenty hours, currently on the second playthrough with 9s. I finished up a lot of the sidequests I apparently didn't finish in the first one - the point of no return doesn't really announce itself. No harm done though, looks like I'll have to play the game a few dozen times more to get all the endings :monster:. Ending G is easy enough to find, annd I read elsewhere that
you get another similar ending by unplugging the OS chip
. Besides that? Fuck if I know, I've no clue how they've built in 26 endings (I gathered). They'll probably get cheap at some point, I dunno - and I dun want to know either, I like being surprised with this game \o/


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
4x Space empire builder

I love this game. I've build a Dyson Sphere, (or Dyson shell if you prefer) & a Niven Ring. :awesome:
The end game Crises are OP, but otherwise it's a solid game if you like the genre. The recent DLC added 5 types of planet killing Death stars, it's fun to be evil sometimes. :whistle:

They Are Billions
Steam punk zombie RTS tower-defence hybrid. (Early access)

There's no Campaign yet, just a 100 day survival mode on 4 maps. I seen the discussions say that to many game are described as "The Dark Souls of X", but this game IS the Dark Souls of RTS's.

You can adjust the difficulty (100% being the default something like 450% being the maximum), my first game was 10% difficulty and I lost.

Complete colony wipe. :reapermon:

And yet, the 'new game' button beckons...

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I tried playing Fortnite: Battle Royale.

I have no fucking idea what's going on in that game.

I dropped into some town next to someone who I thought was a squad member or something, and I started hitting house walls with my pickaxe.

Then I built a box around myself with them, but it had no doors and I was stuck. It also had no roof, and some kid dropped into it and killed me, then laughed over his microphone.

I've never felt more like a fuddy duddy fart playing a video game. :closedmonster:


Found my 3DS last night. Which I'm actually upset about because I was going to buy a galaxy 3DS if I couldn't find it. :lol:

But since I found it I started playing the pokemon blue that was installed on it again. I do not remember anything about the current game save. I'm amazed I had played through that much of it again.


Pro Adventurer
Currently struggling through Tomb Raider (2013). It's my first ever stealth-survival oriented game that I haven't played with the supervision of a better gamer.

I think the only reason I've reached 50% is the heal-over-time rate is so fast that I can make up for a blunder pretty easily, and the AI is not the smartest thing in the world when I can head-shot enemies even when they're taking cover.

On the one hand, it's ludicrous that a bow is deadlier than an automatic weapon. On the otherhand, the instant kill rate of a flaming arrow is so immensely satisfyin.


That Man
Since it's GG's 20th Anniversary (it ain't over till I SAY it's over!)

I thought I'd mention Guilty Gear: The Missing Link was recently announced for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Oh, and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R is coming to Nintendo Switch too.



Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm playing Dragon Quest Inquisition at the moment. I played it before, but I never finished it. Hopefully I'll finish it this time.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I'm playing Dragon Quest Inquisition at the moment. I played it before, but I never finished it. Hopefully I'll finish it this time.

^ It is a bit of a slog, but you should find a character you like and try to romance them. Maybe that'll will keep you going.
Josephine is adorable. ^_^


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm playing Dragon Quest Inquisition at the moment. I played it before, but I never finished it. Hopefully I'll finish it this time.

^ It is a bit of a slog, but you should find a character you like and try to romance them. Maybe that'll will keep you going.
Josephine is adorable. ^_^

Yeah, I'm going to romance Cullen this time. I wish my female inqusitor could romance Varric. He's my fave character, followed by Dorian.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Code Veronica X

I died so many times against the Tyrant on the plane because I assumed you had to lure it towards the open cargo door. and then pull the switch. Apparently you're just meant to shoot them a lot first.

Also, Alfred is a horrible shot.


That Man
Massive Steam sale in case anyone didn't notice.

Lots of games... LOTS of games.


Anything actually worth getting? :awesome:

I just got Dark Souls 3, it's finally cheap enough where my dutchness is like "Hm aight I'll give it a go why not" at €15 on the PS store. So far I dig it, it feels more accessible than my first From Software game, Bloodb0rne - and here I was thinking BB was the more noob friendly one in the series. In DS3,
the first 'intro' area has some weaksauce enemies that die with one hit and eventually a boss that in my case took about three or four tries to kill, and sloppily at that. It goes to the more familiar difficulty level after that though, lololo. And yet still feels more doable than BB did, where it took me hours to even get to the first boss or even past the first couple enemies.
Last edited:


That Man
At the moment I am collecting fighting games both old and almost new:

Killer Instinct
Mortal Kombat 9 (might spring for the boss mod one of these days)
I may consider getting MKX later on too (just for the heck of it, even though I already have it on PS4).

I have BlazBlue Crosstag to play, BlazBlue Central Fiction (and older BB games are dirt cheap too).

And let's not forget Guilty Gear. Xrd Sign, Rev2, Isuka, and Overture are ALL worth getting. Accent Core too why not?

I might consider others later on, but that's it for now... maybe I'll wait till July 1st.

Dead or Alive 5 Core Fighters is a FREE to play to boot.


Double Growth
After raving some mroe about the FFIV Complete Collection, I remembered that I had never moved onto The After Years after beating the first one and Interlude. When it first came out on Wii, I paid the $15 only to see the credits roll after 2 hours, and I realized EACH EPISODE of an unaltered cell phone port was $15. Gave Square a hearty middle finger and never went back.

So now I've finished the prologue and first episode, and started Rydia's chapter last night. I've never been a superfan of FFIV, but the moonphase system is interesting, and I like that it's a sequel that's 17 years later. As opposed to most of Square's sequels that are either 2 years and everyone's basically the same, or 200+ and everyone's long dead.


Pro Adventurer
I just finished another playthrough of Transistor.
That ending fucks me up every time apparently. I cried the first time and just cried this second time. I honestly have nothing but good to say about this game.
Art style is gorgeous, the soundtrack is fucking awesome, the gameplay is fun (Turn is a creative element and really makes the combat), and the story is intriguing and hooked me right away. One of the best things about the story is how it's explained as you go along, and even then some things are never fully explained, leaving you, the player, to make your own conjectures about a lot of stuff.
Cloudbank and the Country are never fully explained. I mean it's pretty clear that the Country is at least in part what they call the 'afterlife', but at the same time it feels like referring to a literal countryside outside of Cloudbank? I mean when the Transistor talks about 'skipping town', I can't imagine he's meaning for him and Red to die in order to reach the Country. So it feels implied that there's more beyond Cloudbank, especially as shit goes down and you read about relocation efforts on the OVC terminals. Although it does seem like by the time it's attempted, it's already too late, as the final report from the reporter states that to the west is 'nothing' and the east is 'nothing' (they were on the east end of Cloudbank iirc so I assume 'nothing' means that the Process has come in from all sides). As a rather morbid side note, when you get to that terminal where you read that report, the info before reading it literally says that the reporter is "In danger", "Being Processed", and then "Deceased" in rapid succession. Really easy to miss but... Jesus.

There's also talk of the bay and the water, which makes me think that Cloudbank is in part next to an ocean or sea. You can also see a sunset as you ascend to the Bracket Towers, seemed to be setting over an ocean but idk for sure.

I've read theories online (you know I'm hooked when I start reading theories online :lol:) stating that Cloudbank is actually a digital city and I think there's a lot of merit to this, especially with the Process and the names for everything, and that when people die they wake up out of the VR (aka going to the Country). But at the same time I prefer to think of it as a whole different universe than ours. Perhaps Cloudbank is a virtual city, but rather than having been created by people in a 'real' world, perhaps that entire universe in virtual, computerized. Idk, I think trying to explain too much is actually detrimental to the game, rather it's a lot more intriguing to keep my mind unattached to any single theory and let some of it just remain as a mystery.

Not saying I wouldn't like to learn more, but there's beauty in some things remaining a mystery and it's my favorite kind of story. ;) I think that's why I'm so creatively inspired by it, because while it completes a story and answers some questions, it raises a lot more and makes you wonder so much, making your mind expand and race to try and find answers, even when it can't. So, I'm feeling quite artistic. :D

It's just really really brilliant in so many ways and I've loved every bit of it.

And also my creative mood, which a game has not put me in in... a long time. Can't even remember the last time I played a game that impacted me so much.

Tl;dr this game is excellent and if you've not played it, go and play it right now. I don't think you'll be disappointed. :reptar:
I've just started FFXV. Ten hours in. There's nothing I love as much as hunts so I may take my time progressing through the story (what story? I hear you cry). Turns out I'm good at fishing.


I played and beat Star Fox 2 (on both Normal and Hard difficulty). It's a weird game. Runs like butts and feels unfinished but is otherwise an interesting collection of ideas that may have been ahead of its time if it actually released in 1996. It's clear that Star Fox Command was Nintendo's shot at elaborating on many of the ideas they experimented with in Star Fox 2.


Pro Adventurer
I just started Detroit: Become Human. Interesting game so far. It's a little like Heavy Rain. I'm enjoying it.


Finished a playthrough of Technobabylon a cyberpunk 2d adventure of Steam. Pretty good! Got good voiceacting.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I've been playing a lot of Elder Scroll Legends on my phone.

Really enjoying it. It's like Hearthstone only I actually know the lore
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