- I'd like what I've read to be the "original" version of FFXV to take place, like what Blade seems to be getting at. Seemed to be more interesting than what we ended up with.
- In a similar vein, I'd put some moral grey into the whole concept of the traditional warrior of light protagonist being "good", by making them the villain

. They may even feel and act like the traditional good guy, which could cause tension for the player throughout the game ("Am I doing the right thing!? Is this game just subverting the tropes,, or am I actually the evil person!?), perhaps providing you options for multiple endings or whatever.
This seems to be what they were originally trying to do with Noctis (being in control of darkness and death spells, etc...), but it has been a while since I've read possibly bogus theories, so I could be wrong about that.
Anyways, playing as the protagonist (taking on the
appearance of the villain with the associated FF tropes), maybe the "void" or a time-compressed existence (etc) you wish to bring to the world is actually a good thing (eg: a heaven of sorts that ends suffering), based on solid evidence and logic, but no one believes you, so a team of unlikely "heroes" attacks you while going on their delusional campaign to turn the world against you

. The bitter sweat ending would be that you'd provided the choice for people to come with you, but not all your loved ones do because they're sticking with their paranoid guts, and about half of the world perishes (if not more) to the alternative option (a status quo bringing some kind of doom *insert allegory to real world events here*).
Only part I would be uncomfortable with is having you start off in a powerful position, like most villains in FF games. I think it would be better to be an underling that tries to gain favour within a system of power (or causing revolution, or whatever). I'd also want a morally just reason for "stealing" the crystals from other countries, etc, which from the perspective of the WoL / heroes could be seen as stealing still
