Why is There So Much Hatred On Genesis?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Sometimes I wonder if Square realized how much shit they smeared into the FFVII lore and if they couldn't figure out what to do with it anymore.

Yeah,it seems like with every expanded universe there will always be junk after junk added that makes little to no sense.It includes new uneeded characters,plots that don't make any sense,idiot ball decisions,character derailment,and annoying angst.


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
I have tons to talk about, but since nobody is holding back spoilers, im going to finish the game and then come back. Good day to you all. :)


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Sometimes I wonder if Square realized how much shit they smeared into the FFVII lore and if they couldn't figure out what to do with it anymore.

Reminds me of Crapcom and DMC, I despise everything after DMC1.


Double Growth
Yes, yes, well if there ever did come a day where Square decided to wrap up the story. I expect you all to not buy it and leave me to enjoy it in peace.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
When Square does release that hypothetical game I hope they don't get surrounded by an angry mob of displeased fans.:P


Oh I'm gonna buy it for sure, I wanna know if they could redeem the Compilation like they redeemed Genesis. :P


If the sky comes falling down
I don't know why people dislike the Sega Genesis ! I liked Sonic and things.

Oh wait.


I didn't like Genesis because he felt too " Gackt J-Pop-ish " and the way he spoke in rhyme and poems all the time was just really obnoxious. I didn't mind Zack slashing him one to be honest.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I also want to mention what should have made Genesis beyond redemption was his treatment of the Genesis clones.Its just headscratching how the writers of the game seem to forget that at a certain limit can a character be believably redeemed.Genesis was too easily forgiven for his atrocities and the stuff at the end were badily written attempts to make him smypathetic.In fact those looks into his personal life it actually shows that he had a lot to be greatful for and most of all he had a wonderful childhood with loving parents.It actually in a way makes him even worse and justify the image as him as a spoiled child who always gets what he wants.


Yeah, he convinced an army to defect with him, and then turned them all into clones of himself, doomed to die of degradation. If that doesn't cancel out whatever goodwill his clumsy attemps to help Sephiroth and Angeal realise the truth of their births grants him I dunno what does.

It's such a waste too. war against rogue SOLDIER operatives>war against generic Genesis clones.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I think even Lazard would have been a better antagonist than Genesis.It would have been an interesting story about Lazard actually trying to get back at Shinra specifically President Shinra for abandoning his mother.I could actually see Lazard gathering some rogue soldiers to come with him and team up with Wutain terrorists groups who want revenge for their country's humiliating defeat.Angeal and Genesis would be some of the SOLDIERS who would defect with Lazard.Angeal for more moral reasons and Genesis for more selfish reasons.


I think making a new thread for an 'improved' or alternate CC is a good idea. DoC has one, and IIRC ACC too. I just noticed that a lot of ideas get posted in these Genesis 'hate' threads and it would be nice to collect all of them in one thread.


As a character Genesis just doesn't seem very original, just style over substance.

FF Wiki said:
Gackt's original involvement with Square Enix was singing the theme music for Dirge of Cerberus, and appearing in a minor role in that game, playing Genesis. Hideki Imaizumi, the producer of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII, thought such a passing role was a waste and asked for more involvement. Imaizumi and Gackt came up with Genesis's design, describing everything from his attitude to his clothes.


I really get the impression that they put too much into designing the character and worked on how to integrate him into the FFVII-verse without sacrificing their ideas (goodbye, Sephy's special snowflake status). Hence the result.
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