It took me a while to really get into the game, the whole "Yakuza want a piece of real estate" plot didn't seem that riveting but things picked up for me with Majima and the mystery of why everyone is after Makoto and him trying to protect a woman he was tasked to kill and all that.
The substories showing a more lighthearted side also helped getting invested in these characters. It's like "look at us, all hard-boiled gangsters and shit! We beat the shit out of people for a living!!! I'mma smash your skull i- what is that, a little kid had his video game stolen, MUST HELP IMMEDIATELY!
Anyway, back to ganster busi- no wait, gotta help a dominatrix gain some confidence!
So about being a Yakuz- hold on a sec, gotta write postcards to this radio show first DO NOT READ THEM THOUGH PLS"
Recently I defended a Michael Jackson expy moonwalking down the streets from zombie actors. Shit was hilarious! I appreciated all the MJ song title drops in the dialogue lol
Although this being 1988, the real MJ would've already been in his "Bad" era rather than "Thriller"
There was this one sidequest with a fortune-teller saying a bunch of stuff that I can only imagine was spoilers for future games lmao
Also, this one freakishly tall pants-stealing kid in Sotenbori where the end of that quest made it seem the kid's gonna be a big deal later on (with him also bumping into Kiryu later), I assume for people who played previous games it was a "OH IT'S THAT GUY" kind of moment.
Not gonna lie, the whole hierarchy in the Yakuza with the clan and the families and the captains and lieutenants was a bit confusing. It still kind of is, maybe it's just me
Bruh, Shibusawa probably took most of my health items before his first health bar was down. Seemed like a pretty big difficulty spike. Next phase where you can smash furniture over his head made things easier again though.
Majima not revealing himself to Makoto at the end =<
Not a fan of his style change. I guess this is where he becomes the "Mad Dog" meme factory person my cursory knowledge of the Yakuza series led me to believe he would be in this one? Idk, I liked the slick ponytail look he was sporting here.
The ending bits about the characters' futures basically already confirms one of the fortune-teller spoiler bits lol. I assume this is the premise of Yakuza 1.
Combat was mostly fun. It's satisfying beating the shit outta people with bicycles and stuff
Although with three styles per two characters I generally tend to forget a lot of the more advanced moves I've learned and what heat actions trigger at what moment etc.
When you get knocked on your ass a lot it can also be a bit frustrating.
I barely used equippable weapons, I probably made things harder for myself this way too.
Anyway, I'm probably not gonna 100% this game because that seems like it would take a lot of time and me having to learn Mahjong or something but I do wanna finish substories and the real estate and cabaret club stories. I've already been spoiled on them unlocking another battle style

Kind of annoying how money is also used for unlocking abilities when you also need to dump a whole lot into properties to make more money and ugh
Speaking of real estate, I battled the electronics guy at Outrun and...well I tried several times to get 5 million points and came fairly close at one point but decided to just let him have that win. Outrun is really annoyingly unforgiving. Crash once, might as well give up. Guess that's how they got your quarters/Yen etc back in the day.

Can't wait to beat the shit out of him and stuff him into a locker later.
(I also initially didn't realize you can shift into a different gear and wondered how the hell I am even supposed to get to the first checkpoint in time whoops
