The threads have always been useful as drama lightning rods.
I recall a few occasions where the drama capacitors overloaded and exploded drama over other threads like pink confetti, but on the overall im inclined to agree.
Yeah, it's rarely exactly in the middle between the two options.
No joke.
At the very least it'd be amazing as an Ever Crisis event.
I wonder if event designers ever trawl forums for ideas. There's gold in them thar' threads.
With muttered, panicked noises and have formed sentences like "Did they?" "Not my bed" "I mean you go girl, but..." while an actual conversation is happening in the foreground.
See? Gold.
Morbid curiosity kills the devilish cat and all that.
Story of my life.
It's hard to say if da Boyz are technically the most of the least sane, given they literally change local reality around them based on what they believe, but also, They LITERALLY change reality around themselves so....
We see a culture that's perfectly suited to this galaxy and write them off as brutishly insane for not answering questions an ork would never even think to ask.
I know I fucked up the phrasing on that but fuck it, you already know what I mean.
Well don't stress yourself trying to recall it.
I gave up when it started to hurt

If it ever comes to me I'll let ya know. Until then, suffice to say that yes the Cetra Laser Rifle is there to see.
To her I was the villain of the piece. I was "brainwashing" people to Cloti.
Meh, hero antagonist at worst. Though this touches on an important facet of the old debate threads, namely that Cleriths like BB and Cali would treat it as a genuine epic struggle of good vs evil. If you reminded them it was just a debate about a fictional guy's love life they could go off hard.
As for taking her ball and going home, it happened several times. She got very mad that people were calling her out on her usual behaviors and bad logic.
In one of those times she exploded at me for trying to "stealth respond" to her because I didn't @ her or quote her from something like 30 pages prior as though it was a personal attack.
Oh yeah I think I was here for that, or went back and experienced it after the fact. Particularly shameless that was, since I know BB was a champ at editing her posts after folks had already responded.
You need the extra fancy one for those.
Shiny skull hat band and artistic tearing on the brim and crown are fancy right?
Doesn't have to be low level. A Archmage whose magic has become random and unpredictable is even more a danger than a novice, and so too must be the cause of that randomness.
Well now I wanna do an Archmage with dementia plot, wherein he doesn't even realize everyone turns against him because he's exclusively preparing provoking spells every day and was really trying to cast something useful. Though the Wild Magic surge issue probably fits the tone of that game better.
Cait might be more like one of Tony's AIs in the suit to Reeve's Tony than a different character, but that's just me.
It has always bothered me not knowing how much autonomy Cait Sith has. But yes, I'm throwing Stark in. Reeve is a much more sober Tony, Cait gets movie!Friday for accent based reasons, the Moogle is the armor itself.
Aerith is Jean Grey to Zack's Scott Summers. At least the Jeans that are allowed to be the sassy fiery redhead.
Ah yes, you'd said. Forgive me, Jean is not allowed to be sassy/firey much since the incident(s) and all.
Yuffie feels like a Wolverine teen girl sidekick on her way to a solo series. But which one? Kitty? Jubilee? Too many options?
I wonder if it's a later onset of something like schizophrenia that changed it from kayfabe to "No this REAL Y'all!"
It wouldn't surprise me at this point. On the other hand folks have actually sent money to "Nigerian princes" so maybe he just thought peeps were gullible.
Maybe if we stopped putting those heads in jars. You ever think of that?
Well maybe if the jarred heads would stay on their high shelves, huh?
He'll be here all week folks.
I think you're the only guy I know who would acknowledge the potential good to be had there without a fight, aside from myself. Some things should be hated folks, so long as we're using that hate to make them stop.
Vegas is good fun, though I'm fairly curious about some of the new DLC sized mods for FO4 like London and Miami.
London looked pretty boss, NGL.
I believed he had a kid because why not? I did not believe the kid did the drawings. I believed he might have been a PMC because why not? The more that the stories left his LPs and also got more elaborate and details was when I started going "Wait... is he saying this is actually happening to him? Oh....."
Yeah, until you mentioned this mess I just stuck to the LPs and never went looking for anything else he'd posted. Which makes it come straight out of left field cause there is no sign of this crazy in any LP I ever read.
So anyways, about the new Fallout TV series....
Actually, I'd love to see a new season of that where Kyle returns as the mayor but not quite out of the Fallout mindset. It'd be very in character.
I'm interested in the Fallout tv series, but at the same time... Can we just get a big budget version of Nuka Break?
I vaguely recall this, and and that I laughed at it with merry disdain.
The disdainful laughter was more memorable than the cause.
It's called begging the question and is also sometimes affirming the consequent.
Confirmation bias is a helluva drug. A helluva gateway drug, no less.
Adding onto this, Aerith is a great example of logically knowing she has to move one but emotionally not being ready to do it, for many of the reasons you outlined above.
On this note I think we should stress that Aerith is a good example for this. Her inability to move on isn't viewed as unhealthy, or something that has to change. No one's pushing her to get over it already, it's been five years. Had she lived, Aerith would move on when she's actually ready. There's nothing wrong with staying loyal that long in and of itself.
I mean, what were they expecting? Stealth action sequences where she escaped the Turks?
Training sequence of her learning to bop bitches with a stick?
I think we also see her in the dream date because that's confirmed not to be Beagleverse Aerith.
I want Xoloitzcuintleverse Aerith to be a thing. Someone make that happen.
And that's where the special pleading comes in.
Special pleading for mercy will yield none.
If Tifa never came out of Gongaga, we have no idea what Cloud would have done.