@GamerSkull Either you're making sense or I speak word salad like a Fallout orotag with 2 INT. I've killed enough brain cells arguing in threads like this that either could be true, but i'll hedge my bets on sense.
PPSSPP is pretty painless. If you have a computer it can probably run it.
I used to have a rule to only emulate games I had at some point in my life spent money on. Funny the memories this thread is shaking loose of late.
It's also quite interesting to draw focus to Cloud freaking out even thinking Tifa died and then extremely downplay his reaction to Aerith's death at the climax. I suppose that might just because they're saving it for Pt 3 but it's still an interesting change in focus.
My money is on the save it for part 3, but it could easily be meant to draw notice as well. Especially with the plot fuckery around Aerith's death.
New Fandom, Classic Insanity! Same terrible taste!
This is so on brand for this thread title. We may be in the New Coke era, but it's Classic that really sells.
Inorite? Capture him, experiment on him, kill him, throw his essence across timelines, make him a daikaiju fish monster. He's still coming for his girl.
Truth. Like I said, I actually found their vision touching, I think I encouraged them to write the story they were seeing minus the FFVII characters.
She's ready to fire that particular gun many many times.
Speaking of going off many times, my new hope for the UTH scene has the heavy kissing under the anchored ship, followed by awakening the next morning in the chocobo stables. That way I can read into it that this has been a roving wordless love declaration that's been all over the ship. And when we're feeling especially petty, we can point out that in Rebirth Cloud didn't offer Aerith a ride on the Highwind, but he definitely took Tifa on a ride
all over the Highwind
Don't know about white christian nationalist specifically, but christian nationalist most definitely.
If anything non-white Christian nationalists come across as even more Leopards Eating People's Faces Party than WCN do. Either way, you know the feeling I speak of.
'er' being the operative syllable there. And yeah, has a bit of the pop science egyptian motif going.
Well if I went through what the Necrontyr did on the way to becoming the Necrons, I'd likely come out the other side as a Flayed One or other even less sane class, so I'm not gonna throw too much shade at the saner individuals even if you are 100% correct on the operative syllable.
And now it's reminding me if something else with an Egyptian flavor but I can't place it. Not Heavy Metal but something from the late 80s-early 90s animated scene with a broadly similar low fantasy/pulp/sci-fi punk anthology feel. Shit this is gonna bug me till it comes back to me.
It just. Kept. Happening.
Same actions, same results, repeat. Insanity.
- Tips the tophat jauntily-
I should wear my top hat more often.
It was magic words to her.
Wait, was it her flavor for casting Taunt? It certainly had effects similar to the 2E version of that spell whenever she said it.
Grimm is definitely a fit. Logan for Red?
Grimm fits Barrett like an orange rocky glove, though I think Logan is too grim fir Nanaki
![Awesome :awesome: :awesome:](/forums/images/smilies/awesome.gif)
Though Logan on his better days is a good fit for Nanaki's "wise old bluff soldier" act. Though I think mid 90s Hank McCoy might fit even better.
I agree he was very funny when writing LPs
He and ChoroRojo/RedChocobo were my LP jam way back. I miss screenshot LPs, most everyone just wants to video/stream these days.
Yeah, problem is almost all the heartbreak was fake.
So I found out. Still kinda pissed, like fuck man I sat staring at the wall and had a tear or two fall. But fuck it, my heartbreak was genuine even if the cause wasn't. I've lost nothing.
Something with some fancy serifs, perhaps?
You think Sans Serif is going to far, or is it not too far enough?
If not those exact words, several people have told her to read her own quotations for comprehension because she could manage to get the exact opposite information out of a direct statement. It was amazing in a macabre sort of way.
Macabre is a fun word that needs more love. Also highly appropriate here.
I'll let them know about the need to change the thread title over there.
Please do, although your entry into that thread seems to have had a mild calming effect. So far at least
And fail to destroy it even then.
It is hard to fully burn something you're desperate not to look at.
Basic means simple, it means straightforward. It means fundamental.
Agreed, and yet the world as a whole seems determined to use it as an insult. Which conditionally it can be, if you're implying that something is entirely basic with no further effort put in, but increasingly often that is not how it's used. Improper word usage bugs me.
On the upside you do get to put Shaitan on your business cards.
Perks is perks, take 'em when you can get 'em kids
When they cry tears, it's both at once.
Well that sounds like a medical condition they should look into.
I must admit, I never thought any of it was real, but I always thought it was part of an act. It wasn't until much later I realized he wanted people to believe him for reals.
I had never even heard half this nonsense before today. All the ex-special forces/super-spy wife/etc. If I had I'd have thought he was doing a bit, sorta like when Mumble used to get in character of whatever Avatar they were using at any given time but more committed.
What bugs me us looking back at moments where he talked about being a dad. They felt real. They resonated with me. When Papa Nier us talking about doing absolutely any horrible shit being worth it to see Yonah smile, and he has a "QFFT" moment over it, I believed that. Ah well, it's no less true just because the person who said it was playing a character. Also kinda sounds like he may have legit mental health issues if he's that into this shit, here's hoping he gets some help.
Also, I'm looking back on this frighteningly off topic conversation we've been having in the margins and remembering why you (and to a lesser extent I) tended to get a nomination at the TLS Awards for derailing threads
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)