Also, welcome!
Almost forgot, hahaha hello and welcome to the forum!

Glad to be here.
I'd like to make some observations about the conversation Cloud has with his mother when he returns to Nibelheim. The contention is usually over whether she was referring to Aerith or Tifa when she was talking about what type of girl would be best for him. But my view is that she wasn't talking about either.
Claudia can't be talking about Aerith because she doesn't know Aerith. I know this is fiction and the authors can just have characters make uncanny predictions anyway. She says early on, "There are many temptations in the city". Aerith is a city mouse as we know, so this kind of rules her out. She tells Cloud when he's being a silly goose, but on the other hand, I wouldn't say she's "mature" based on her sometimes-manic personality.
I don't think Claudia is talking about Tifa either. Claudia knows Tifa. If she wanted her son to date Tifa she would have just said, "You should talk to Tifa, I think she likes you." There would be no point in bringing up some hypothetical girl.
Claudia cares about her son and thinks him getting a girlfriend would improve his mood. However, I think there is a deeper reason why she says what she says.
Claudia is observant. She knows there's something going between Tifa and her son. But I think she feels Cloud's attachment to Tifa has only caused him pain (A reasonable take by this point in the story). She blames Tifa a little for getting Cloud involved in the Nibelheim bridge collapse. (To rephrase, I don't think Claudia views Tifa as a villain in this, just that Cloud's attachment to her caused him to follow her and get blamed.)
So I think everything Claudia is saying here is supposed to be the opposite of Tifa:
"An older, more mature girl, who can keep you on the straight and narrow." Tifa is younger, therefore immature, and lead Cloud across a rickety bridge.
"Someone who'll tell you when you're being a silly goose." Tifa is reserved, doesn't speak up much. She wouldn't tell Cloud when he's being a silly goose. This somewhat foreshadows the events of FF7 where Tifa is uncomfortable confronting Clouds mental issues.
Mind you, I don't say these things to disqualify CT as a ship, this is just my thoughts on Claudia's perspective in the moment and what we are supposed to glean from her conversation with Cloud. I think if she knew the full context of the Mt. Nibel bridge collapse and the full depth of Cloud and Tifa's feelings for eachother, I think her attitude would be different.