The Mt. Nibel recollection was just one part of things. The water tower is the core moment that finally cracks things wide open, and they specifically made changes to retrilogy so Cloud remembers that, remembers his promise long before Tifa brings it up.
The Mt Nibel fall wasn't just one part of the things, it was THE memory that proved Cloud was real and not a clone:

(Ultimania Omega). There's only one memory Tifa doesn't remember, and it's been a point in ToTP and it's the Mt Nibel fall. It is because Jenova is unable to know about this event through Tifa that it proves that Cloud is Cloud, that only his one true self can know about.
The Promise scene is very different, because it doesn't prove that Cloud is Cloud; however it is key to his true core, it's become his goal. I firmly believe that all the feelings that are attached to it (why did you want to join SOLDIER? > for Tifa to notice him) are going to be covered in the next LS scene (LSS) too.
There might be some changes to the LS sequence, new things added like Stargazer Heights, but the heart of the matter is definitely staying the same.
However, I also agree with this fully. I have posted just yesterday a thread about my observations about the LSS as well as my hopes, so I shall repost it here too, so people can see what I think when I talk about it.
When I think about the LSS, there are several things that I contemplate:
- a la Doctor Who, this is a fixed scene in time and space (or rather in the Lifestream itself as Tifa could see). It has this kind of importance;
- the first part is all about proving that Cloud is the real one, so his memories about the Nibelheim incident can be validated;
- however, the black whispers were attacking it at the end of the game, what does that mean? Now it is an ending scene and I can't help but remember people going on for 3 years about Zack in the church by the end of REMAKE's DLC, but in the end it didn't mean much. So it could very well be a metaphor for what's happening in game with Cloud forgetting about his precious memories;
- Tifa has already seen the key scene that's supposed to prove Cloud is Cloud.
Now, aside the second point that comes from the OG, all the others are told in REBIRTH, these are facts.
Now the Lifestream scene in REBIRTH and the one in p3 will be different; with the way it was presented, the OG scene reminds me more of Aerith's dream world than the scene from REBIRTH, even more so I would say that it is very similar to Tifa's trial (and since I suspect the trials to take place in such worlds as Aerith's dream world... it does connect).
Basically, and this is also true to the OG scene, the LSS represents Cloud's true hopes and feelings, this is his little dream world. But we saw in the Lifestream's scene from REBIRTH that Stargazer and 7th Heaven are also there; which leads me to believe that, given how we saw Cloud THIRST for Tifa in REMAKE, that Cloud might have to spell out those hopes (I want to impress Tifa, I must become an incredible man for her, which both came out from OG and his little novella from pre-REBIRTH) as well as his feelings. To include possibly 7th Heaven and Stargazer means to me that they intent to say "yes this is about the past,
but also the present". I can't help but remember Nojima's coy smile when he said "there's this cute little scene where Tifa shows him his place, it looks like a japanese building, look out for it!" -
if this comes back in the LSS, then DAMN he is playing such a long game! To expplain more, from feelings and hopes we might get back erased memories if they truly are erased, it is a possibility.
Only after they validate that he is the true Cloud do they come back to the retelling of the Nibelheim incident. Will the devs keep it as it is in the OG, with the final surprise? I think yeah, but what they could do is also add flashbacks once we discover Cloud taking off his helmet: he and his mum, the dinner with Zack, Tifa realising it was always him trying to protect her under his grunt helmet which would lead to Cloud finding himself back.
In terms of flashbacks, I really do hope they'll add Claudia's death there and that we'll discover how it was her death that traumatised him and made him deny his most cherished friends' deaths (aka Zack and Aerith). Reading that post here earlier really made me think about it and yeah, I believe we need to see it.