Man, after earning the Dragon fighting style in Y0 it was kind of nice to see it being Kiryu's main style here...only for them to make it useless again and just recycle the three styles from Zero.
Wtf is up with Nishiki, wonder if he'll go full villain and we'll have to fight him and it's gonna be all emotional and shit? He better remember his bro, I did 10 years for his punk ass.
Ah, Majima turns full meme factory. That is the Majima I expected but...I liked him better in Zero lol
Feels like his turn to wackiness isn't really all that well explained, it's just a quick note at the end of Zero. "Yeah idk, he embraced being wild or something" Okay then.
That Majima Everywhere thing doesn't lie, he truly is fucking everywhere lmao
So far the shenanigans are quite amusing (and he started giving mad EXP). I'm up to chapter 5 and feel like I spent most of my time doing sidequests and fighting Majima over and over again, heh. I wonder at what point the Dragon fighting style will actually become viable.
The whole Goromi bit was kind of fun because Kiryu and Majima kind of just talked for a bit in the cabaret club and sort of genuinely got to know each other a little bit more? The callbacks to Majima being in charge of a club! Man, I remember it like it was last week. Because it was!

I already know this one doesn't have any cabaret club minigame which is too bad...but the internet tells me Kiwami 2 does? Hope real estate stays in Zero though.
Sang a few songs at the Karaoke bar, it was neat how they implemented flashbacks to Zero here.
Also ran into Fighter and the kids from the Pocket Circuit stadium, it's neat seeing everyone be grown up and stuff. I'm feeling nostalgic for a game I just finished days ago, lol
Considering my last post said I'm burnt out on side activities, I actually have been stalling the main story for quite some time lol. Apparently I'm out-Majima'd and have to continue the story before he shows up again so I guess it's time to go on.