Sorry for the format but it's easier to answer like this.
I have never seen a franchise this thoroughly misunderstood, and not just about shipping. It comes up in conversations about basic characterization, the order and consequences of events. You have to acknowledge SE's hand in this confusion.
You also need to keep in mind that many so-called fans in fandoms? Have never actually consumed the source material they are supposedly a fan (or even a critic) of. Or they consumed the source material once ten, twenty, thirty years ago and have never engaged with it since. Memories that old aren't exactly reliable. Even if a person was a hardcore fan who has consumed the source material multiple times, it still doesn't mean that they'll have a "correct" interpretation of it because interpretations are subjective and a person might not be driven by an urge for objective truth.
I would honestly give you examples of other franchises that have been thoroughly misunderstood because people have been casually exposed to them in social media and the loudest in that social media are fanon shippers. But I don't want to derail the FF7 LTD talk.
One example is Nomura's take on Cloud Strife, who is a very different character from the OG and Remake. It inspired the character in AC, but also appeared in KH as a version of Cloud who is was later declared "non-canon" from the version we see in OG.
From what I remember, AC Cloud was a result of executive meddling??
The thing is, I wouldn't put it past the devs for thinking, "Cloud is pining for Aerith, he is depressed because he loves her" or not, because they let people come to their own conclusions.
I'm... not sure what this is actually saying? xD
Also, I'm honestly kind of confused about what you're expecting or want from SE? I mean, SE as a company probably doesn't give two hoots about the LTD. The devs might but there is only so much they can do? Should they hold a very special press conference where they say without a shadow of a doubt that CT is canon and CA was never a thing? Because that just isn't going to happen and it's not going to dissuade the extreme shippers anyway? They'll just go on another conspiracy spiral?
Why should the fans care more about canonicity than the creators do?
It's arguable how much fans should care about canonicity in the first place, especially if they're creating fan content.
However, I think the bare minimum for caring about canonicity is that you (hypothetical you) have consumed it at least once and more recently than ten years ago.
Most people on this forum seem to agree "The developers have been clear about the relationships" Have they? Most fans don't read Ultimanias. I would bet if you talked to a sample of FFVII fans, some large percentage (>50%) would probably say "It's up to the player's interpretation."
OG: Cloud confessed it has always been Tifa in his most secret memories.
OG: Cloud and Tifa spent their last night on the planet together.
OG: Cloud and Tifa were implied to have had sex.
RE: Cloud kisses Tifa.
RE: Zack is back from the dead (whether he is alive or not) and his raison d'être is to reunite with Aerith who, in her own words, confessed she still loves him and saw him in Cloud.
Not exactly up to interpretation, lol.
I wouldn't say the baiting is intentional. The devs try to give "moments" to each ship to placate them. This makes it appear like a dating simulator, which foils our attempts to tell people that FFVII is in fact not a dating simulator.
If anybody has any experience with dating simulators, they would know that FF7 is a terrible dating simulation. Never mind that the player can also date Barret and Yuffie, and the rest of the gang in Re-Trilogy.
But then here comes EC with more dates and swimsuits and semi-canon shipping moments unlocked through dialogue (in short, a dating simulator).
This is second-hand information so you may do with it what you will, but Bleach (manga) also has a gacha mobile game. From what I have heard from people who actually play it, this mobile gacha game centres around Ichigo and Rukia and gives them matching skins all the time whereas Inoue, the girl Ichigo canonically married, barely gets anything.
I wouldn't put it past the devs to keep things vague in the end so that FFVII can just go on forever. The creators are good at never resolving shit. If the Remake series does go the way of the OG, all those CA moments are going to seem like mere fan service, the book closing on any further developments.
Repeat after me: Fan service is not a dirty word, lol. There is nothing wrong with fan service. It is there to make fans
happy -- hence, "fan service" -- and it's rarely deeper than that. Fans used to understand this until extreme shippers started thinking these were super secret clues that totally had a bearing on where the story was headed and started demanding canon validation, harassing the creators and actors and other fans, and yelling about baiting.
Like, it honestly doesn't matter what fandom or fanon pairing it is, all the extreme shippers have the exact same behaviours and rhetoric. Which is interesting on its own because I don't think they're all the same people.
@Skilganon I think you are exactly like us some 20 years ago: so focused on the LT that it's all you're seeing when most things are
not about the LT. Like, I hate AC but I remember clearly
@LunarTarotGirl telling me how upset she was when she watched it, because it was all CT for her. And to her, Tifa's best scene is unironically the one where she scolds Cloud, like it's literally the scene that made her change her opinion on Tifa.
If you look at scenes without context and everything, for sure it can look LT-powered. But in truth, the devs are telling a story, everything has context - whether they succeed or not in telling that story is a different thing. Very obviously I think they failed to convey what AC was about so they had to make ACC to explain better, but even like this
@LunarTarotGirl got their intention the first time around.
Yeah, I honestly don't think that viewing everything in a story through the LTD is giving any more of a correct view than interpreting everything through a ship.
EDIT: A few mistakes.