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  1. Seunia

    What do you think about Cloud?

    I´d like to know what do you think about our well-known hero, Cloud. This thread is about the "real" Cloud (BC, CC, FFVII - end of disc 2, disc 3 and Final Fantasies after that) so keep that in mind. Here´s what I think: Cloud is often not using words while he wants to express something...
  2. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    Ok. I wrote "Interrupted By Fireworks" in my first post but there are so many other favourites. I just can´t help it :nah:. So, here goes: Aerith´s Theme, Reunion, Main Theme, Still More Fighting, On The Other Side Of The Mountain, Cid´s Theme, Tifa´s Theme, Great Warrior, Jenova and so on... Oh...
  3. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VIII

    What is your favourite track in FFVIII? I consider this soundtrack to be one of the best I´ve ever heard. Here are the tracks I love the most: The Oath, Love Grows, The Stage Is Set, Eyes On Me, Tell Me, My Mind, Movin´, and a lot more...:awesome:
  4. Seunia

    The best music of Crisis Core

    Oh, I forgot to mention it...I like "The Beating Black Wing" track too. A lot.
  5. Seunia

    The best music of Crisis Core

    What is your favourite track in Crisis Core? These are my favourites: A flower blooming in the slums, Under the apple tree, Moonlight wandering, The price of freedom. This soundtrack is very well done. Congrats Takeharu! :joy:
  6. Seunia

    The best games: Asia, Europe or America?

    Ok, then. Thank you :lol:
  7. Seunia

    The best games: Asia, Europe or America?

    I voted for Asia because the 3 best games I´ve got on my favourite games list are japanese: Final Fantasy VII, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus. ^_^
  8. Seunia

    The best games: Asia, Europe or America?

    If you want to vote for Canada, vote for America...sorry, I forgot.
  9. Seunia

    Journey (PS3/PS4)

    Maybe it´s not as good as Flower, but it´s definitely worth a try. Looks epic. And that music...mmmm :awesome:
  10. Seunia

    The best games: Asia, Europe or America?

    Where do you think the best games are made? I know...maybe it´s not that important...a good game is a good game right? But I´m just curious.
  11. Seunia

    Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

    Disc 2 was pretty good too. But I think that a lot of things happened in so little time. Too bad that we got to know the real Cloud so late in the game. He´s so gentle. :lol:
  12. Seunia

    Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

    :joy: For me, It´s Disc 1
  13. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    Aaah...I love the "Reunion" track. I feel like it has some kind of healing effect when I listen to it :) On the other hand it reminds me of my confusion in the Northern Crater. (Sephiroth´s clones stuff :huh:)
  14. Seunia

    What country is FFVII's fanbase strongest? (is it strong where you are?)

    I don´t know a single person in real life who has played this game. Besides my family, of course :lol:. But the truth is...I don´t even ask people anymore because the answer is usually: "No, what is it?" But Assassin´s Creed is quite popular these days. :aah: Ha! FFVII is a lot better game.
  15. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    The Judgement Day is the best dungeon theme I´ve heard. It makes me feel like I´m fighting for something really big. ^_^
  16. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    It may sound funny, but for me the least favourite track is The Great Northern Crater BECAUSE I was scared of the Ultimate Weapon...:O
  17. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    Yeah, Cid´s theme is so heroic...
  18. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VII

    What is your favourite track in FFVII? It´s not easy to choose but for me it´s : Interrupted by Fireworks :awesome:
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