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  1. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    I like that Shinra was all ready falling a part internally - that it's once mighty SOLDIER program lost everyone - that it's all ready weak. That ultimately it's Sephiroth and the planet itself through WEAPON that brought it down. I like the inevitability of it. It seems like karmic justice...
  2. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    Well there were on duty and spotted it - that's something. *shrugs*
  3. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    Credit to original AVALANCHE in that it was there plan that Jesse and the rest carried out. The difference between the attempts at the beginning of BC at the beginning of the OG is that the Turks caught on and actively worked to stop the reactors from being blown up. The Turks worked to...
  4. CameoAmalthea

    Before Crisis and Crisis Core

    Should this canon be referenced at all in the Remake? If so how? The great thing about BC is it doesn't really rewrite canon so much as fill in gaps - so it doesn't need to be referenced - but continuity nods. Crisis Core made up a lot of it's own canon - so maybe a reference to Genesis could be...
  5. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    If you take BC into account then they have lots of reason to hate/fear AVALANCHE. But then, they also have lots of reasons to dislike Shinra. Which boils down to apathetic - which seems to be about what we get in the game.
  6. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    I think she had a line talking about how she liked explosions - even someone who knows about explosives can make a mistake/follow a plan that was a bigger bomb than you thought - right? I want her to be voiced by someone who sounds like Kaylee from Fire Fly
  7. CameoAmalthea

    The portrail of Avalanche

    I'd like some mention of Before Crisis's AVALANCHE - maybe saying the struggle has been going on for years - and they're taking up the name AVALANCHE to show you can't kill an idea. I want Jesse to still be an explosives expert. That made her super cool. Just a girl talking about how much she...
  8. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    I've read that the timeline of the game is December 9th - January 21 - so that would make it 43 days (so your estimation was close) Though personally I always felt like that was such a short time for so much to happen.
  9. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    Yes, but burning crops didn't kill anyone. We've got property damage and theft - whereas with FFVII you're setting bombs and people die. I agree with Clement Rage that we shouldn't argue over what terrorist attacks are worse - because all attacks, all wars, all events where people died are bad...
  10. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    Guys - I want to point out - AVALANCHE has a canon in universe history. We can safely assume the remake will be part of the compilation (and may even result in remakes/rereleases of other compilation titles). AVALANCHE was originally founded as a terrorist group and they were not above...
  11. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    What I liked about the game was that you are playing as terrorists and what you're doing is arguably wrong - the cause is just but they're willing to go to extreme measures. I like the moral grey aspect of the game. I think the game did a good job showing later on that they felt bad about it...
  12. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    Conservatives may lash out against FFVII - but a lot of conservatives dislike video games as it is...
  13. CameoAmalthea

    Environmental Message

    Yes - the messages of FFVII were relevant in FFVII and even moreso now since we haven't really done anything to fix the problems caused by fossil fuel dependence - we ignored Global Warming and now we're wondering why we're dealing with weather issues and water shortages. A lot of people still...
  14. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    What I like is that you as player can decide who Cloud dates - so maybe Clouds interests can be whatever you want - although he's a more into Tifa and Aerith - you can choose who you like/who you want to see him with - and interpret the relationships however you want.
  15. CameoAmalthea

    Voice Acting Discussion

    Who should voice the voices inside Cloud's head?
  16. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    I just assumed it was easier to have no adults because it's a case of 'aren't your parents worried?" We assume most parents wouldn't let their kids run off to save the world. KH is really bad - like Sora's mom just disappears and he doesn't seem that concerned and we never see if he gets to go...
  17. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    Yes, and discussing if the remake should handle the date differently because 'two men on a date' might not be an instant joke like it was in 1997. I honestly feel the same way about Barret - but at the same time Tifa and Cloud also serve as parent figures to Marlene so I kind of get a family...
  18. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    Also - just saying, I have a husband - that doesn't mean I wouldn't date a girl in fact I've been with more girls than guys. Bisexuality - it exists. The way the dating mechanics are set up it does seem you get who the characters want based on the choices you make for them - for example if...
  19. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    Yeah - I don't think Barret seriously thinks Cloud likes Marlene - right? She's four - WTF? I mean, he asks Cloud if he likes Aerith or Tifa first- maybe the Marlene thing is a joke. I thought who you went on a date with depended on who you were nicest too? As for romantic vs non-romantic -...
  20. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud

    Barret does show up in your room and ask you to come hang out with him - only to act like he doesn't even want you around when he was the one who asked you out in the first place- very Tsundere. I also like that everyone loves Cloud. Jesse did for sure, Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie - why not Barret...
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