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  1. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    That was my initial reaction but I think after reflecting on it more, it would probably be a mistake. It needs to be several games. If you just think how much bigger this game will be when made with modern production values, it quickly grows way beyond the scope of a single game. Every little...
  2. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Some stuff, like the crossdressing scene, would be impossible to do with a serious tone in a game like this. They did it make it clear that each part will be a full game though. The entire thing will pretty much be one of the biggest games ever made by the time it's done. It's understandable...
  3. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Yeah that's what they said to start with because they had really unrealistic standards for it. But that game on went on to sell really well with the PS4/Xbone port, so ended up selling significantly more than any other Tomb Raider game overall. Whereas Rise of the Tomb Raider sold significantly...
  4. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Why wouldn't Tomb Raider count as being at least potentially high profile? I mean the 2013 reboot sold like 10 million in total. More than any Kingdom Hearts has.
  5. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    What were they referring to with the 'one major game per year' though? Just the main Square Enix Japan devs? Cos surely Tomb Raider and Dragon Quest XI count as major games for 2018 as well?
  6. Gary Caelum

    Resident Evil 2 & 3 Remakes!!!

    I've yet to start the game. But the only thing I dislike is the fact that zombies can revive after you've killed them. That doesn't sound like a good game mechanic to me. Isn't it really annoying?
  7. Gary Caelum

    Final Fantasy VIII General Discussion

    8 would likely take them another decade to remake, like with FF7. I'd prefer them to remake FF6 in the Octopath Traveler style. That would be awesome but also a lot quicker. We'd possibly get the whole game in like a 2-3 year dev cycle.
  8. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    You thinking they'll announce it just after the financial year ends or something? Is there a business economic rationale for that?
  9. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    It means certain mistakes actually hurt you though. Like very early on, I went straight for the Caius battle in the Wildlands, which ended up being way above my current level, so I just had to give up and turn around. Something like that with no time limit would be no problem. But with a time...
  10. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Wonder when they're gonna start announcing stuff. Maybe after Episode Ardyn is out? Or wait til E3?
  11. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    This time limit in the game is idiotic. Adds nothing of value. Makes it less relaxing to play. Who thought this was a good idea?
  12. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Lol did a sword write this?
  13. Gary Caelum

    Article On Why Hojo Is The Best Final Fantasy Villain Ever

    Yeah I'd pretty strongly disagree with that. I don't think just being consistently evil makes for a good villain. I remember debating this with a friend one time and I came to the conclusion that I think there are 3 different types of good villain (and obviously some manage to do several of...
  14. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Doesn't her metal rod do like 20% the damage of Cloud's sword though?
  15. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Yeah although they are constrained by the story as well. Aerith can't be that tough really, in the same way Yuna can't be that tough. Because then it wouldn't make sense that they both need protecting so much in the story. Whereas it isn't suggested that Tifa needed protecting at all.
  16. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Lol living himself.
  17. Gary Caelum

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I think it's supposed to be implied in these kinds of games that all of the main characters are quite good fighters, except maybe the white mage people like Aerith.
  18. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    In a game with already impenetrable lore, they really shouldn't have given a god the same name as the planet below. That's typical of how badly they thought things through. I more or less get it though, thanks!
  19. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Oh crap I completely lost track of the lore. So which of the various gods were the Falcie supposed to be trying to reawaken in the first game?
  20. Gary Caelum

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Where did Bhunivelze even come from? I thought that was the name of the artificial Cocoon that Hope made? How did it become a god?
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