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  1. S and G

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    Most of Case of Shinra is up. The story ties in so well with previous games and offers so many explanations as to how
  2. S and G

    Vote for the most memorable moment of the Compilation of FFVII.

    I am a traitor. I nominated one and voted for another. I personally believe that a memorable moment is something that you can instantly identify as an important part of a game. Thus, the single most identifiable thing to FF7 IMO, is Aerith's death. C'mon, even newborns know about it.
  3. S and G

    The Most Memorable Moments of the Compilation Contest

    Here is my write-up with regards to the scene where everyone returns to the Highwind after a week of soul searching: Recall a time when you had never played Final Fantasy VII before. Remember how it felt to experience the story as it unfolded for the first time, knowing what lay ahead no more...
  4. S and G

    An intresting entry to the compilation (imo)

    A couple of years ago, S-E had a mock reveal of a new mobile phone game called Era Clash as an April fools. At the time, the ideas were almost exactly the same a what you proposed. SOLDIERs POV showing rise of Sephiroth, Genesis, etc and the beginnings of the Wutai War. Seemed pretty cool...
  5. S and G

    The Most Memorable Moments of the Compilation Contest

    I actually meant the part when the group return to be together again after Cloud and Tifa begin to doubt it, not the Cid lever moment. I was just using that as an event reference. Reading my earlier post, I made that nowhere near clear enough. @Vendel: I'd like to think the Cloud one is more...
  6. S and G

    The Most Memorable Moments of the Compilation Contest

    Nominate: The morning before the final battle when everyone reappears on the Highwind and Cid presses the button to release the propellors to unveil the turbo engine
  7. S and G

    Who's the catcher?

    True, but in the original script there was supposed to be a scene where Cloud and Tifa had sex. At the end of disc two when Tifa falls asleep on Cloud's shoulder on the mountain next to the parked Highwind, she wakes at dawn in the same position. However, in the original script, when they...
  8. S and G

    Who's the catcher?

    And I always thought the common interpretation of this scene was that there was some 'docking' going on. That way no-one is the bitch. Funny how it didn't come up in conversation when they met Tifa in the basement...
  9. S and G

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    Grim. If poor Hito has indeed succumbed to a time anomaly, let's not be so quick to assume he was a VICTIM of the attacks...
  10. S and G

    Final Fantasy VII Novel from ACF

    Hey, For anyone who wishes to check it out, I've left a few updates to the story on the page (the link for which is in the first post). I'm currently in the process of rewriting chapters 10-13 and playing through Crisis Core to extract any relevant info. Please bear with me...
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