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  1. S and G

    Before Crisis random information

    Rufus does indeed access the network from his cell. I can't remember off the top of my head if he hacks into it when Tseng couldn't (which would make sense to give him leverage) or whether he simply still has access to certain things. I'll have to double-check but I can't remember Rufus...
  2. S and G

    Before Crisis random information

    As I was going through some old files the other day, I stumbled upon a document of miscellaneous pieces of information about the world of FF7 that I had compiled from the Before Crisis scripts. I thought this might be of some interest and have thus decided to share it. Please feel free to...
  3. S and G

    Final Fantasy VII Humorous Parody

    This is something that I basically did out of sheer boredom over the last couple of hours, but thought it might be worth posting as I haven't posted anything here in a while. To be honest with you, if I saw this concept posted anywhere else I probably wouldn't give it a second glance, but for...
  4. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    Sorry if that came across as snappy, it wasn't intentional. I'm glad you enjoyed the article. You'll find many answers to the questions surrounding the origins of the Tsviets there
  5. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    I'm aware of that. My point is that you shouldn't even have had to read the part about Deepground's history to know about Weiss. It's quite an important plot point to Dirge of Cerberus
  6. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    We know from Dirge of Cerberus that Weiss was untainted by Jenova cells. That was the whole point in Hojo using him as Omega's vessel
  7. S and G

    BC Episodes on youtube

    Any updates on the Legend and Reno vids?
  8. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    I think it's more Mako infused rather than Materia since Materia is in widespread use and not everyone evapourates
  9. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    LA, you missed the very obvious example of Aerith as well. Anyway, if I recall, the reason some individuals turn into Lifestream as soon as they die while others do is based on their exposure to Mako. The bodies of those who have been infused with Mako (eg SOLDIERs, monsters, etc) return to...
  10. S and G

    The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

    Exceptionally interesting read. Some very good ideas in there. I don't personally believe the writers have thought it through that much and that they just have a set of stories which they hope to tie together in the future, rather than leaving hints throughout the compilation as to what the...
  11. S and G

    The Turks' Hidden Base.

    You guys are right that it is never explicitly stated where the Turks HQ actually is, but there are a few pointers as to where it may be. As far as I can make out, the secret Turks HQ is actually in the upper floors of the Shinra Building. Two perfect examples of this are the opening scenes of...
  12. S and G

    BC Episodes on youtube

    This is fantastic news. Hats off
  13. S and G

    Synopsis of History of Deepground

    Jeez, it's been a while since this subject was touched upon. If you know the story of the DC Online mode, you will be aware that the player is basically an individual being manipulated by the Tsviets to work their way through the ranks and displace the Restrictor that oversees the zone in which...
  14. S and G

    The Saints

    Yeah, that's right. They were also supposed to be important to the story and showed up later on with mechanical body parts
  15. S and G

    The Saints

    Red XIII was originally supposed to be called Blue XIII from what I remember of the article. In the finished game he was one of a kind, but from what I understand, he was supposed to have been one of three or four (the others being Cobalt, Indigo and Gandalf). The three saints in this case...
  16. S and G

    Questions About Zirconaide & Jade WEAPON

    Actually, I'm pretty sure it was me who hypothesised the Sector6 thing way back on ACF when details were not fully available. Canon is that the battle with Zirconiade and Sector6 are completely unrelated. I agree that the existence of Black Materia was not something deliberately created by the...
  17. S and G

    Questions About Zirconaide & Jade WEAPON

    Most of this stuff is covered in the BC summaries I posted on the frontpage. 1. 2. Zirconiade was summoned in its own dimension just like every other summon (except Bahamut SIN). The gateway to the dimension opened above the wastelands surrounding Midgar and caused a great storm around the...
  18. S and G

    BC Chapter Summaries

    Episode 24 and finale posted. This completes the summaries. Hope you've enjoyed them.
  19. S and G

    BC Ending Script

    Since Dark Angel has been very busy and unable to complete her English script for Before Crisis, I thought I would take it upon myself to post it. Since I don't speak Japanese and translating can be a bit difficult, please be aware that author's license has been used at some of this rather than...
  20. S and G

    BC Chapter Summaries

    Chapter 23 up folks. Will be added to front page as soon as I complete ch24 and the epilogue
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