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  1. S and G

    Hidden Script Guide

    As far as I remember, it was never really put in the game, but something that was simply drawn up on the storyboards of the writers. It's highly unlikely you'll find any reference to it in the game code.
  2. S and G

    Hidden Script Guide

    While on topic, does anyone remember the interview that was published on ACF a while back where one of the creators was talking about that scene and how it changed? In the finished game, Tifa falls asleep on Cloud's shoulder on the rocks and they wake at dawn in the same position. In the...
  3. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    Bugger, I knew I'd forgotten to add something. That exact ling you are talking about should actually be changed to . The way the translation worked out, the wording is confusing, but he basically says he is sick and tired of living at Costa del Sol. Thanks for bringing that to my attention...
  4. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    Phew....finally got the revised version of missions 1 and 2 up. Again, same general storyline, but vastly more analysis about what actually happened. It's good to finally get a grip on some of Legend's history. Sadly, there is no explanation as to what really happened with the arm dealer that...
  5. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    Hey, folks. I've spent the last few hours going over the differences in the numerous translations. Most of what I had written before is correct, but there have been a few slight changes such as the history of Tseng and Legend. I've highlighted all the changes in yellow so you can see them. I...
  6. S and G

    Happy Birthday Makofgt.

    Happy birthday mate. Special treat for you (timed it well), Finally got it up
  7. S and G

    BC Chapter Summaries

    Not really a massive update, quite simply a small piece about WEAPON D mode added. Also, for anyone who has not noticed, I've added the first 2 missions of the extended summary of Legend in my other thread.
  8. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    Here it is folks, the moment we've all been waiting for. Special Episode of Legend missions 1 and 2 completed. It's been 6 months coming so sorry it took so long. Life got in the way. I'll get round to mission 3 asap but it's basically an extension to the story of ch9 from the main game...
  9. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    My thoughts exactly, on the raised land next to the corridor south of Kalm. I also personally believe that Healin is directly opposite at the foot of the mountains Also, if you take a look at the map in Lazard's office during CC, you can see marking of the locations for Banora and Modeoheim...
  10. S and G

    Hidden Script Guide

    That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the post
  11. S and G

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    Just another thank you to Xcomp for this and, while I'm at it, the BC script translations too. I know they've been up for ages and it's been a long time coming, but it's only polite
  12. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Very true. The only real example of single location I can think of in FF7 is the weapon seller's house near Gongaga or the chocobo farm. I fully envisage a host of small towns and villages dotted around the place. The respective villages from Case of Barret and Case of Nanaki only prove such...
  13. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    The village I'm talking about is separate from Corel. The desert prison was indeed the remains of Barret's hometown, but in his own story in the novella On The Way To A Smile, Barret goes in search of his own personal redemption and ends up in a village somewhere between the Gold saucer and...
  14. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Well it can only be assumed that there are more locations on Gaia that don't appear on the original game's world map or in the town they were meant to be in (obviously some of which were built later but the areas were not shown). Off the top of my head I can think of Fort Tamblin, Modeoheim...
  15. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Yeah it would be pretty amazing. Especially since we know that the War was not simply fought on Wutai's soil (as can be seen in Special Episode of Tseng). As I mentioned earlier, there were some top secret missions going on during a ceasefire as well as what you can only imagine would have...
  16. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Man, that breaks my heart even more. How could you? HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?
  17. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Does anyone remember Square-Enix's April Fools joke a couple of years back when they announced they would be releasing another mobile game called Era Clash where you played as a SOLDIER during the Wutai War and got to fight alongside Sephiroth and others? That sounded absolutely brilliant, but...
  18. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    As I said before, I don't have much time for that just now. The transcript I have is from a Japanese that has been put through an online translator. It takes a great deal of interpretation trying to work out what's actually going on. Since you asked nicely, you have a crack at reading it...
  19. S and G

    Wutai Reactor?

    Obviously the Wutai War kicked off because Shinra wanted to build a Reactor there. However, Special Episode of Legend in Before Crisis reveals that there was a ceasefire for part of that time while negotiations were held. It doesn't really go into any depth, but I think the resistance that...
  20. S and G

    Project S and Genesis

    Fair enough. Point taken. The reason then means that he went after Sephiroth's cells through choice rather than lack of options
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