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  1. GeoMill


    Actually, it just makes me like him even more. I asked the question because I find it saddening that someone as deserving as him didn't get to experience the joy that comes with a truly intimate relationship.
  2. GeoMill


    Totally :awesome: I mean, it would really have been a waste had he not gotten any.
  3. GeoMill

    New High Quality Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Screenshots!

    Ansem the Wise, DiZ.
  4. GeoMill

    New High Quality Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Screenshots!

    Wait, what? (Spoiler about Aqua)
  5. GeoMill


    So..... do you guys think Zack really died without getting any action? Dammit SE!:rage:
  6. GeoMill


  7. GeoMill


    I agree. While Zack has a 'typical hero' vibe, he manages to be more than that. I couldn't help but like him. Blame his enthusiasm even after realizing what was really going on. Oh.... *nosebleed*
  8. GeoMill


    A saw a 6'3'', tan, blue-eyed, black haired alpha male at the airport while getting my boarding pass. He really gave me da 'Zack-vibe' so I tried snatching my bro's DS to take a picture - but the foo' ran away. Turns out he was married and had a child. DILF WTF! Back on the smexy topic, I found...
  9. GeoMill

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    Liek totallyz! :wacky: Guess whut Geo found. :awesome: I think they haven't been posted sooo...
  10. GeoMill

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    Now, how canon is THAT. Welp, Clack really is "More Than You Can Image." :awesome:
  11. GeoMill


    Yes! More artists are seeing DA LIGHT! :awesome:
  12. GeoMill


    Maybe it WAS me. :awesome: I blame Aerith and Elmyra. They kept hinting at this 'guy' that Cloud resembled. After going to Gongaga I became REALLY curious as to who he was, so I've liked him for quite some time now. Sure, his design appealed me very much :awesome:, but thanks to CC there are...
  13. GeoMill


    I shouted that once to my friend while in the mall....... O.O creepy. YESH! LET'S SHOUT UNTIL OUR HEARTS SPLODE!
  14. GeoMill


    I just watche ACC again. Oh! The Zack smexiness. The little "heh" he says before disappearing in so kewt! :excited:
  15. GeoMill

    For the Soiled Cuffs of Balthier

    Is it too obvious?:awesome:
  16. GeoMill

    For the Soiled Cuffs of Balthier

    Ohmigawd! Holyfookingshiit! Letmein! LetmeIN!
  17. GeoMill

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    Oh, god LMAO I can't breath. CANONZ damneet!
  18. GeoMill

    WoW freak out

    :awesome: Meh. There is still something fishy.
  19. GeoMill

    WoW freak out

    It just bothers me that the guy just came in and didn't even get mad at the guy for being in his room. I know that would make me flare even more. EDIT: Just watched it again. Still think it's not real. And, wow, my brother was right. He DOES sound like a convulsing pig.
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