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  1. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    He asked her to dinner before Angeal's death, right? Meaning he wasn't as close to Aerith back then. Yup, yup. Meaning their relationship grew very strong over those years. More specifically, after Angeal's death. So he is a player how? I'll never get them and their way of thinking. EDIT...
  2. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    A lot of their facts can be rebuked by their own reasoning. Well, that and common sense. But we already know this so. Yes, but if it DID exist (as many believe), then it's no LT. It's a LQ. Pst, pst. How can they possibly forget Zack? His presence cannot be ignored. Neither can his ass.
  3. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Why is this still considered a LT? It's a bloody Love SQUARE.
  4. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    It's frustrating when they ruin the character. Go create your own and put them under the fire. Don't mess with the others just because they are a threat to your preferred pairing. It ruins not only the character, but also messes with the plot and the message they try to conceive. I've also...
  5. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    And Don Corneo loves Cloud... :awesome: or shall I say loved? EDIT: The only evidence against Zerith that I've seen by far is and even THAT can be used both ways.
  6. GeoMill

    Chit Chat Thread 2.0

    DIAPERS! DIAPERS! I tried to eat a worm 'cause of them once. :whistle: Good times, good times.
  7. GeoMill

    Chit Chat Thread 2.0

    I miss the Rugrats days. I used to love Tommy and his screwdriver. Yeah, I didn't know how wrong that sounded until WAAAAAAY later.
  8. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Great minds think alike, dear. :awesome: *gets shot* So it's decided then. That's Cloud's Shy/Awkward/Embarrassed-I'm-getting-laid-tonight smile! No Mei! NOOOO! Stay on the Clack Cloti side! EDIT: Bloody hell, Channy! I love your sig! *gives brownie points*
  9. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    It passes as a 'Not-here!' kinda look, too. :awesomonster: I also remember watching and thinking he looked embarrassed. Cloud is weird like that.
  10. GeoMill

    The Elite Order of Cloud

    Oh, my! Chocobo-boy club! Count me in :joy:
  11. GeoMill

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I used to like the idea of Harry/Hermione at the beginning of the series. It was just a mere combination of the movie interactions and my personal opinions. Not to mention I didn't like Ron is the first book 'cause he acted like such a guy (no offense to those present). It's just sad when the...
  12. GeoMill

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I do think the only reason the LT is 'there' is because of preferance...and the fact many don't take the Compilation in account as a whole. Also, I do know some people that only bought it for the pairing wars. Sad, but true. I guess the constant rabid 'debates' helps keep the fandom alive.
  13. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    I still think the first one is a tiny bit different. Look at his eyes in the second one. They are different than the first picture (and it's not just the perspective), which is exactly why I think the first one is a peaceful smile and the second a content smile. ....This is relevant, I hope...
  14. GeoMill


    I would have a car crash if they decided to put Zacky-boy on billboards over her'. He is just so damn sexy :awesome: Sign me in!
  15. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Very anti-Tifa and anti-Zack. I'm sorry to say I always sense the 'slut' and 'player' laced in their words whenever they speak of them. It's really sad. Will there be a day such characters are not senselessly bashed by fans just because they are a 'threat' to their favorite pairing? it...
  16. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    It's pretty funny actually. It summarizes many rabid theories quite well. I burst out laughing when "Acceptance of Zack's presence" and "Creating Separate Worlds" came about. Yes, because watching over a chick while she sleeps and sighing softly is nothing. Yah. Oh, and! "Tifa... What did...
  17. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    My reaction at this scene before watching the ACC ending: "OMG! Cloud = ZERITHFAN!!!111" Pardon. That's just the rabid fan in me. Also, he does look very peaceful. Hell, he is supposed to feel piece after all that shizzle. Peaceful and grateful for their help.
  18. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Fixed. :awesome:
  19. GeoMill

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I'd like to join! They are my all time OTP! And that's Cloud's sweater, not Tifa's :awesome:
  20. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    I think so as well. I mean, after all the bull Zack went through.... :loopy: SE revives a dead cow.
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