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  1. GeoMill

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    I'm SO trying that once I get my game back!:awesome: I love this artist so much it's not even funny: If only I had seen THAT while skiing.
  2. GeoMill

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    You are welcome, A! It's hard to know if they have already been posted or not. More,with guest appearances!
  3. GeoMill

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Aaaaa! So many lovely fanarts! Can't keep track! I don't know if these have been posted but I'll do it just in case. Anyone know who the artist for this one is? I REALLY like his/her style: With Zerith as a side dish. :wacky:
  4. GeoMill


    Damn it, I HATE sharing, but we can't just cut him into little pieces. If we do, can I get the ass? :awesome: Fanart lovin'! Who ya' talkin' to? :awesome:
  5. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Because he's Zack. :awesomonster: After playing Crisis Core I found him more appealing than Cloud, not only because of his sexy ass manlier appearance but also 'cause of his personality. Zack is a total dork and has a genuine heart of gold. A great guy, s'all, and anyone who says otherwise...
  6. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Ah, here. (AAC!!!!) Or maybe they just wanted to show that they DID leave TOGETHER and AT THE SAME TIME. And, is it just the rapid!Zerith in me, or does Zack seem to glance at Aerith while exiting?
  7. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    No, you are right. I re-watched it and it has visibly changed. Zack was one step ahead of Aerith, but they both disappeared at the same time, no lingering for anyone. Wonder why they changed that? :awesome:
  8. GeoMill


  9. GeoMill

    Better late than never...

    Na', I got my butt handed to me faster than you can say 'CLACK'.:awesomonster: Thank you. Thank you! Good to noya too! :awesome:
  10. GeoMill

    Better late than never...

    Thank you :lol: Wha? Thank you :joy: 'Sup, sweet-ums. :awesome: Share damnit! :catfight: I ran out yesterday. Ya' I post sometimes. This place is too amusing and funny not to.
  11. GeoMill

    Better late than never...

    Well, I've been here for quite some time but never got around to make an actual introduction. So I decided to finally DO EEET! Hello, everyone. I'm Geo, but you can call me Emma if you like. I'm a die-hard FFVII fan, first played the game when my cousin went to make himself a sandwich and came...
  12. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

  13. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Delusion knows no boundaries. Oh well. As I have no way of knowing what leaves their mouth until they actually come here - Ryu, could you be kind enough to tell us how they think C/A is present in the added ending (which has such a blatantly obvious innuendo it hurts the innocence that is...
  14. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    This place is both funny and amusing. More funny though :awesome: You guys never fail to make my day. Hehe, pink glasses. I'm not trying to be mean, but I really do wonder when they'll realize that pink is not and will never be the Clerith color. How hard does the slap have to be for them to...
  15. GeoMill

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

  16. GeoMill


    Yes, there is. AND THAT HAS TO CHANGEZ!:rage:
  17. GeoMill


    OhmybloodyfreakinGAWD! I shall still 'em ALL!:awesome: And...
  18. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Exactly why the Compilation makes things much easier. Based on it, he wouldn't have done such a thing. Point. Don't know how Tifa would have acted to such actions, 'cause she surely isn't someone to fling herself at the first attractive man that comes her way. (even if said man has a hot ass...
  19. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Rabid!Clerith much, Channy? :awesome: She would have been SO denied. Sure Zack is flirty, but that doesn't make him a player. He was far too much into Aerith and that is a FACT. FACT! Everyone went over this already. But, yeah. She didn't act on it. That's good. Damn ages. Even better...
  20. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    She was fifteen! Of course she cared about fame, but she didn't not care for his well being. Why make a promise like that if she didn't care? It's not like his 'fame' was going to save her instead of the actual 'knight in shining armor'. Also, why ask Zack if he and Sephiroth were the only...
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