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  1. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    Oh, how I wonder what THAT means. :awesome:
  2. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    I'll be both disappointed, somewhat angry, and amazed if she does not return Zack's affection. And, yes, if she says so herself after all those events, then her feelings must be real, like you said. Well, if that happens, I'm sure the rabid Zack fans will be very pleased :awesome:
  3. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    *Thinks SE is attempting to keep the 'LT' alive even after obliterating its existence* Wait, is Aerith ditching the guy who died while trying to return to her? That. Biatch. Kiddin' Though I must say I'm thoughtfully confused as well. Guess we can only be patient and wait. *looks for more...
  4. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    I'm pretty sure the part where Zack says, "If you see Aerith, say 'hi' for me" is part of his monologue after he passes, so Cloud didn't get to hear that. Still, I think that - considering them being close friends - Zack must have mentioned at least once. And it seemed like almost everyone knew...
  5. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    That made my fucking day, Channy :glomp: Considering Zack and Aerith, I don't think them doing 'the deed' in front of Cloud is so far off. We know they'd enjoy traumatizing him...and causing a bike crash.
  6. GeoMill

    First Impressions

    I think they said they added the climatic scene from the original 20 minute movie. And that is when all the children to go Aerith's church. I never head anything about adding the ending. And yeah, I also thing there was marketing in there too. I must say I would have felt nostalgic if the...
  7. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    When armor fell, was that Bahamut's eye? o.o I think the only reason Tifa got knock down by the monsters was because she was worried about Denzel, who had three surrounding him. She let her guard down.
  8. GeoMill

    Cloud and Marleane

    Here it is!
  9. GeoMill

    First Impressions

    Really? With the whole mention of fans-will-go-teary, I was really expecting it to be Aerith or at least Zack o.o
  10. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Hell ya'! Someone requested the Cloud and Marlene scene to the person in Youtube and they posted it! They are so adorable! *fangirl mode*
  11. GeoMill

    First Impressions

    Oh, this is going to be amazing. I've watched only tidbits and they, by themselves, are amazing. The little details do add up as far as I can tell. Can't wait to watch the whole thing. A question. They said that " In the FF7 flashbacks **** does the narration, which’ll bring fans to tears. "...
  12. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    Oh, I just noticed the whole "Zack's sword is in Aerith's garden." *shifty eyes* I'm scared to go sleep 'cause I know I'm gonna miss ALOT.
  13. GeoMill

    ACC Pics

    It might be Aerith's doing. She might have wanted a boy-show >w>
  14. GeoMill

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    He is a pimp. Getting it on with Zack, Aerith, and Tifa. Not to mention his heated 'sword battle' with Sephiroth. Truly, we all know who holds his heart. *Puts on her Clack shirt* Pst, I bet that koibito meant koi bito (lol). Lets wait for valid translation.
  15. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Okay, I'm a bit disappointed by hearing that the crew doesn't have new scenes. I won't complain until watching though. I'm also looking forward to the revised version, Alise. Not to mention the revised Ultimania as well. Funny how little things like Zack and Aerith walking out differently gets...
  16. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    No wonder so many got confused >w> Aw. Cloud/Hero/Daddy moment with Marlene. I can't wait to see that. Thank you for sharing, StrifeClouds. It's appreciated. PS: Any new Cloti scenes *gets shot* (I really can't help myself).
  17. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Something many want to know: Did Cloud save Tifa with his RIGHT or LEFT arm? :awesomonster:
  18. GeoMill

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Whao. The release got me so excited I made an account here. Hello everyone! Hey StrifeClouds? Mind if I ask you something? What is this 'surprise' scene they were talking about in the interviews? (If it was Zack showing up as well then, yes, I was surprised when that was mentioned)
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