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  1. GeoMill

    WoW freak out

    Na', I don't think it's real, it's too well timed. I mean, his brother gets out and he just waltz in like two second later and doesn't even bother yelling at him for coming in his room or anything. Same thing when he went back out. It is ridiculously funny though. :awesome:
  2. GeoMill

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Fanarts! *save* *save* *save*:excited: These two never fail to tear me up. EDIT: Anyone know any good AU fics?
  3. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Well, it really can't be help, can it? :no: I'm pretty sure that deep DEEP down they realize what they are saying contradicts their own Clerith! ideals.
  4. GeoMill

    Last Film You've Seen

    Sunshine. I actually liked it and I'm not that big of a sci-fi fan. The visuals were amazing thanks to the BluRay and the score is pretty good as well. I enjoyed it a lot... until a certain someone came along. That's when it went downhill. Chris Evans sexy self added to the bonus, and of...
  5. GeoMill

    Michael Jackson is dead.

    I was at work when someone came yelling "Wow, Michael Jackson died." It's....whao...I don't know. At least he is at peace now.
  6. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    I never said there was something wrong with moving on. It's completely acceptable. But I never got the sense of her 'moving on' from him. Sure, she wanted to, but her actions say that she still had not done so. Which is why I get this weird feeling from the koibito thing. That doesn't change the...
  7. GeoMill

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    I accept that Aerith views/viewed Cloud as a koibito, but that doesn't stop me from feeling somewhat irksome everytime I think about it. I also know it doesn't say she loves him 'more' than Zack, but that doesn't stop me from being somewhat 'bad' towards the later. He deserves better for all...
  8. GeoMill


    Keep 'em coming, hun. :awesome: Aerith works the poor baby too much:
  9. GeoMill


    Holy fucking shit. xAerith, if I could glomp you through the net I SO would. *fangasms*
  10. GeoMill

    Stephen King pwns Stephenie Meyer FGJ (Now the general "Twilight Sucks" thread)

    If only there where sound effects. :awesome: Ah, the series is filled with massive lawls. To think I thought there was nothing worse than going at it with a Popsicle, until I got that THAT part. Bella's delivery was nothing compared to Jacob imprinting on the half-dead/half-alive baby.
  11. GeoMill


    If I remember correctly, Zack was shocked but didn't view the wings as a negative sign (until the convo with Cissnei, where he is likely referring to a certain batshit crazy silver-haired dud or even red-leather dud), unlike Angeal. Instead of thinking of them as demon wings...
  12. GeoMill

    so, CC is the first compilation title i've played

    Just don't mind the cheesiness too much, there isn't THAT much anyway. If you do that, then I'd think you will rather like it. Also...
  13. GeoMill

    Who is your fav. character in AC?

    Reno and Rude were too entertaining not to love, I mean, bickering in the back while Cloud gets a scolding? I'm pretty sure there was a huge silly smile smile on by face every time Zack appeared. Though I'm sure I wasn't the only one.:awesome: Then there is Tifa. Her loosing tolerance for...
  14. GeoMill

    Planet's Guardian ~ Aerith Gainsborough

    Aerith is the spunk! I'm in!
  15. GeoMill

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

  16. GeoMill

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    Tifa is the smex. I'd go gay for her anyday. :awesome:
  17. GeoMill

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    Someone say fanartz?:awesome:
  18. GeoMill


    I wish I was that Popsicle. :awesome: EDIT: Damneet! He is so awesome it's hard to find decent cosplayers!
  19. GeoMill

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    I'm in!
  20. GeoMill

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    Crisis Core just got a whole new purpose. :awesomonster: I haven't even seen the slap, damneet! Where is eeet! Yes, Lightning and Snow Villiers. Snow is the shit. Even though he has big feet. :awesome:
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