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  1. cmXT


    OH its jay :D thought you were some other guy called fish until i could actually understand you :D thanks for crit, btw :P about time you opened ps :P
  2. cmXT


    not too active at the moment, eh - collab with riot(?) and an lp, very boring bg, be warned this time, instead of just saying good as always or w/e, would be cool if you guys pointed out what was wrong in some of the tags/lp, or if you have any advice
  3. cmXT

    SOTW 4: Random

  4. cmXT

    we should get

    all the old acf people here, instead of like, just the 4 or 5 of us (?)
  5. cmXT

    Non-tag things

    chyeah its tough to get it not shakey D: most guides on DA and such just say draw the lines roughly then go over them in big, quik motioned strokes i liek that though :)
  6. cmXT

    Things that piss you off

    people who ask what you're doing, even though they can blatantly see, ie; guy1:*playing COD4 on massive tv screen* guy 2 comes along: ARE YOU PLAYING COD4(while watching you)
  7. cmXT

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    wtfffff i missed the entire 2.0?
  8. cmXT

    l33t random title

    ello ello love these, especially the first, you should expand in that style (:
  9. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    btw sotw 2 voting is still sticked :0
  10. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    erm, only aloud to use fonts on the front, layers inside the the psd and all the default photoshop things i think
  11. cmXT

    moar tags and 2 shitty shits

    yeah, im working on something bigger with that style, but ima mix it up a bit aswel :) new lp Random experiment :0!
  12. cmXT

    tumblr thread :0

    if you like something you see on tumblr but you dont want to have the hassle of selecting shit, just click the re-blog button at the top right and then okay or w/e and you'll have blogged it too
  13. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    you have to make a tag out of the set resources in a psd and photoshop defaults, it produces some really intresting and fun results :D
  14. cmXT

    tumblr thread :0

    cookie beat me too it D:
  15. cmXT

    tumblr thread :0

    If you dont have it, then sign up here :D list of tumblr users : cmxt - BurnTheArsonist Hylian Mogget - Sundials Cookie Monster - Mr-Dillinger Hylian Panda - HylianPanda Mimura - Duffbee DNA - L33l00 Luxembourg - Saladays Cerri - YesVindictive Oxydox - FFIX Mikeylland - Mikeylland post up...
  16. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    yeah lol i gots an idea, seeing as acf went down before psd remix 4 was finished, maybe we should just finish it here? using the psd remix 4 psd file ofc
  17. cmXT

    lots of stuff ive made over the years a blog site :P
  18. cmXT

    Happy Birthday Alice!

    have a good one :D
  19. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread*/ (: seems that only subforums have been archived though =/
  20. cmXT


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