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  1. cmXT

    SOTW 6: Video Game Chracters

    for the time being...
  2. cmXT

    Ex draws stuff!

    hehe, its awesome girlll : D I dont normally see this in fanart of them but you really captured the expressions on their face and colours : D
  3. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    SOTW7: Collaboration ; D meybee
  4. cmXT

    SOTW 5 Voting Thread

    Lestat gmv : )
  5. cmXT

    SOTW 5: Music

  6. cmXT

    Ex draws stuff!

    Nice drawings :D your style is pretty damn amazing, I reckon it would be cool if you made some manga strip with intense/sharp lighting, you style would work perfectly with it I think BTW, everyone was saying the foot looked... broken, but i think its just because too much of the sole is...
  7. cmXT


    lol thanks new WIP D: suggestions?
  8. cmXT


    thanks guys, new tags * * *bad experiments gone wrong, getting bored of my style, trying to do/find something more fresher/brighter/funner to look at
  9. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    yeah, like at acf
  10. cmXT

    SOTW 4 Voting Thread

    voted for feesh :)
  11. cmXT

    contrived plot device - part trois

    Woo you came :D Love your tags ofcourse :) I wouldn't mind grabbing one of those game pads either :3
  12. cmXT

    meh Really generic, I'd rather not do stuff like this, but I was just doing a bit of practice for effects and such =/
  13. cmXT

    Spitt really liking that version :)
  14. cmXT


    This is lovely :D The gradients and colours really go well, and the shapes and damn nice. The only problem I can notice is some of the 'jagged' flow, like to he left the cross over point messes the flow up and makes it split sort of =/
  15. cmXT

    your god knows his faithful.

    love the second drawing, love stuff like that :) tag is pretty decent too, not like the poorly executed trend whore-ish stuff ive been seeing alot lately on other forums :)
  16. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    Crows entry is a rip
  17. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    prizes sound cool but the button idea doesn't tbh i guess.. we could do some like... idk, there arent really much prizes you could give, apart from money from paypal but that shit is lame
  18. cmXT


    Thanks Celes ^^ I guess it gets like that when you spend your time doing something worth-while xD Yeah, I think so, at the end of summer or something :)
  19. cmXT


    so, i stumbled across pretty much all of exmachina's tutorials and stuff which she let me post on another not-so-active forum BRUSH SETS most of these contain textures or grundge sort of stuff
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