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  1. cmXT

    What makes your day

    skateboarding. i dont do it much anymore since alot of my friends got cars, jobs and some of their gfs dont let them skateboard(fucking snobs only let them wear polo's aswel), whipped much eh?
  2. cmXT

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    yeah, you dont want to know what his step-dad does to him... taking away his ps3 for binge drinking, how dare he!?
  3. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    I prefered this thread when inactive.
  4. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

  5. cmXT

    SOTW 9: Colorful

    homophobic? psh likely to be changed
  6. cmXT

    SOTW 8 Voting Thread

  7. cmXT


    Awesome stuff :D you should digipaint that third one down, i think it would look amazing
  8. cmXT

    SOTW 7 Voting Thread

    cherry gmv
  9. cmXT

    large grefexz0r

    thanks some tags
  10. cmXT


    Good job, a few suggestions though: You should try to break your boundry, venture to places you've never been before, ie the adjustment menu, which is very helpful for making colours and lighting blend properly, also the background, minus the smoke, is pretty boring and 'flat', as is the...
  11. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    If you want critique just make a thread.
  12. cmXT

    Things that piss you off

    Money, what a load of bullshit.
  13. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    ^Props That judging shit sounds like way too much work, and its only been this sotw where the voting may look like foul play, so I say we just keep it as it is, how its always been and let that shit roll.
  14. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    Lol'd a bit.
  15. cmXT

    SOTW 6 Voting Thread

    cactuar gj
  16. cmXT

    large grefexz0r

    Both WIPS... CnC would be cool
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