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  1. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    abstract, typography, elements(fire, earth, water, wind, ice, etc), set stock, gaming stock, anime, default, emotion, using yourself as a stock, set number of layers(without using flatten image n shit), certain colour use(complimentary, secondary, tertiary) erm yeah, i would archive acf for...
  2. cmXT

    SOTW 3 Voting Thread

    holy shit entry 2 is godly
  3. cmXT

    moar tags and 2 shitty shits

    thanks ^^ was trying to repuclate some sort of pop-arty style with teh drawing =/
  4. cmXT

    Some stuff

    that be the reason you might recognise alot from acf, because they were posted on acf i believe ;p
  5. cmXT

    Some stuff always loved that :) edit: mind if i sport it ?
  6. cmXT


    did you draw that?
  7. cmXT

    Non-tag things

    fack gal, stop drawing so good :0 you should def do some big project in that drawing style, shit would be so cash
  8. cmXT

    Le Moulin

    damn amazing :D never seen that before, pretty sweet though
  9. cmXT

    Cosas que ocurren

    pretty sweet man, great details on the third ^^
  10. cmXT

    moar tags and 2 shitty shits

    yeah lol i did it myself :P sure,
  11. cmXT

    moar tags and 2 shitty shits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't let me drown conceptual piece, was messing with the idea of letting the word 'drown' underneath the bubble, and...
  12. cmXT

    Stock Thread

    daaamn cookie, these stocks are great
  13. cmXT

    Non-tag things damn gold, fucking great
  14. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    good kind that is (:
  15. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    the good kind.
  16. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    i wantz another :( plants would be kewl theme
  17. cmXT

    Are you interested in this?

    these are pretty low quality, even if they are low-poly models, the faces could look 200% better and the quality of them, and still let ff7 run smoothly. its also very dissapointing that you ported them from kh, by the way that you were talking you implied that you made them from scratch... and...
  18. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    im sowwy ): you guys rock! like the new picasso or something
  19. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    damn, still only 2 entrys? you guys suck
  20. cmXT

    SS Stuff

    woo, fucking great stuff, love the black cat tag, always reminds me of pinkfish' heart trane tag aswel :0
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