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    Catch-all R.I.P. thrad

    Same here, I knew it was coming, but I didn't think it was this soon. When I found out this morning, I was like, "What!?" because I wasn't expecting it this month. My heart goes out to her family. R.I.P, Your Majesty. You will always be remembered.
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Edit: Sorry about the last video. This one should be better.
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    My guess would be that none of them realize that the voice cast has changed and that's why they're confused over the differences.
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    I seriously think this game is meant for mature players and not for children. Let's hope the future Sonic games don't involve Ian Flynn the next time around.
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I agree with you about Zack's new voice wholeheartedly. Plus, voice cast directors almost always seem to pick the worst kind of replacements that never sound the same as the original voices of pretty much anything. Or even sound close enough to make them sound decent.
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    I'd say that part three would be named Final Fantasy VII Remind, but they already used the Remind title for the Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC three years ago, lol.
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    Considering that Rebirth is coming out next year and Remake came out two years ago, if Square Enix manage to keep up the three year gap, I'd say the final part would be out in 2026 if we're lucky.
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Interestingly enough, even though I'm most likely late in hearing about this, but not only did Zack and Aerith's Japanese voice actors got married at some point years ago, but just in April this year, they had a new baby!
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Maybe they'll add in a new alternate-ending and a separate gameplay by collecting certain items or completing certain side quests to get it so that it can be canonically connected to the Remake's universe? I'm with you on that one. I miss all of the original English cast. Plus the story...
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Yeah, the gold hilt on the Buster Sword makes it even more cool than it's original design. It gives out a new meaning and better origins on where it actually came from before Cloud wielded it. But out of all of the swords in Crisis Core, I like Genesis' since it looks stunning and that he can...
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    Considering how the second part is called Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I think this just made my own theory of the first part proven true. The reason why the first part was simply called Remake(besides remaking the whole original game) is because of what we've seen including the new parts is also...
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    ...Yeah, um, sorry about my rant. It's just I really like the original English cast of the media, and I'm completely crazy and don't like it when it comes to re-dubbing dialogue with new actors like the previous ones never existed. That just takes away all of their hard work and effort into...
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    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Okay, I love the idea that they're finally remastering Crisis Core...but do they really have to change the voice actors just to fit the Remake storyline? Next they'll erase all of the voice actors from Advent Children and do the same for a remaster of Dirge of Cerberus and it'll be like the...
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    This seems...rather interesting.
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    Kingdom Hearts IV

    Maybe it's due to how the Final Fantasy characters were used. Unlike most Disney characters who are based on the movies, like Mickey, Donald and Goofy who all have multiple alternate-realities and media, those like Leon, Yuffie, Cid, Aerith, Cloud, Tifa, Seifer, Rai, (can't remember the third...
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Yeah, you're right. Maybe Sega showed off the badly designed gameplay trailers first so that they can reveal the improved ones and show everybody they're (trying) not to make the same mistakes as they have the past? Edit:
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Yeah, well, a lot of people who posted similar leaked videos that were extended believe Games like this can end up becoming more darker as the years roll by. Look what happened with Kingdom Hearts games like X, Unchained/Union Cross, and Kingdom Hearts 3, and it's a Disney/Square Enix franchise.
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    I think it's the opening of the demo, but the reason I made it a spoiler because not everyone may want to know until the actual game comes out. On the other hand, it is pretty bland for an opening.
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