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  1. D

    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    The light novel states that the events of the War of Revelations, AKA: Fang and Vanille's past, took place approximately 600 years in the past. Speaking of the light novel, Lissar is finally beginning translation of the Fang and Vanille chapters. Straight, word-by-word, quote...
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    It's exactly what happened in the prequel light novel... which makes sense, since the prequel light novel is supposed to be canon.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Gee, I'm slow. I just now noticed that the reason Vanille was with her hands Dahj right before Fang grabbed dragged her away was that that she was using healing magic. Pretty cool that they actually put in little stuff that really reminds you that Vanille had her mark long before the party.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

    Baby chocobo is pretty much one of Vanille's best friends through the game.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

    Vanille makes the cutest expressions.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    I don't now if it's just that I'm replaying the game after reading the incredibly gay summaries/translations of the Episode Zero light-novel, but Fang/Vanille couldn't be more obvious in the game itself. Even in scenes without Vanille. Right before a boss battle before Fang and Vanille are...
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    Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

    I'm pretty sure Vanille's accent is SUPPOSED to be Australian, just like Fang's. And it kinda makes sense.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Fang and Vanille's lesbianism is less about physical contact and more about how much they care about each other, the kind of dialogue and interaction they give them, the light novel and THAT ENDING.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    That TV Tropes entry isn't fully correct. Fang and Vanille don't die. The ending is a lot more romantic than just that, they actually get to be together forever. Yes, for everyone that didn't know, this is how the game ends. It's really like if out of a yuri anime!
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    They're not sisters. Everyone in their village shares the same last name.
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Well, as someone who has played the game, I can just say that S-E certainly wants us to consider them lesbians. I mean, I dare you to look at this and tell me it doesn't look romantic: Consider that unlike FFV's Bait-And-Switch-Lesbians Faris and Lenna, Fang and Vanille are not sisters. :awesome:
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Lissar is going to translate it once she is done with the game.
  13. D

    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    You can't really use the light-novel to defend the posture of Vanille and Fang not being lesbians. The review explicitly states that they're even more lovey-dovey couple-like in it.
  14. D

    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Vanille is feeling guilty that it is their fault that Serah and Dahj became l'Cie. Fang says that it's true that the fal'Cie has gone to far, but that they've been through enough already. Vanille wonders if they aren't just running away. Fang says that maybe they should indeed just run away, the...
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    So, I was going to say that maybe Vanille and Fang were just real close BFF. And then I saw the ending and I don't think anyone can say they're just BFF anymore. :awesome:
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