Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
^It would be amusing to see Fang waking up coming out of the crystal with curlers, dressing gown and fluffy dragon slippers, searching for coffee :awesome:


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
There's no doubt about it.

If their "deaths" didn't hit me as hard as Tidus' for any reason, it would probably be because at this point, I know not to expect that "dead means dead."

I remember once upon a time SE used to actually let dead characters stay dead. Nowadays they bring EVERYONE back, even if it's just in some other world/game/story, or by some weird they-weren't-really-dead plot twist.

They even brought Aerith back, wtf.

I'm having a hell of a time finding the whole thing, there's a chapter that discusses Fang's deal with Cid and stuff too, but I can't find it. It's pretty much been translated in bits and pieces by various people on various parts of the internet. :monster:

Here's some roughly translated bits and pieces though:


Tres said:
hito said:
Sometimes casual boob grabs are just casual boob grabs.
Last time I tried that with a chick friend it ended with me getting punched in the face. So I call bullshit.
AHAHA I am saving this quote for later use. It might go in my sig, if I'm feeling un-lazy enough to edit it. :monster:

Seriously, though, with how definitive CloudxTifa is at this point, HopexVanille can be the next hopeless pairing to defend. :monster:
Is it sad that I already hate Hope/Vanille? There's this idea that Hope was sad at the end because omg, Vanille isn't coming back. But from what I gathered, he was sad because everyone else got their loved ones back but his mom is still dead.

I'm pretty sure his mom being dead is more important to him than some cute girl he knew for a few weeks. :monster:

All, I'm saying, hito, is that if the game applies a lesbian filter tint to your screen when you first turn it on, it's probably for a reason. :awesomonster:
You'll be seeing lesbians for weeks.


I'm pretty sure Vanille made Hope laugh.

All Fang does is make her thigh cold at one time.
Vanille may make Hope laugh, but she keeps Fang's boobs warm.

^It would be amusing to see Fang waking up coming out of the crystal with curlers, dressing gown and fluffy dragon slippers, searching for coffee
This amuses me way too much.
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Lurk mode: ON
Is it sad that I already hate Hope/Vanille? There's this idea that Hope was sad at the end because omg, Vanille isn't coming back. But from what I gathered, he was sad because everyone else got their loved ones back but his mom is still dead.

I'm pretty sure his mom being dead is more important to him than some cute girl he knew for a few weeks. :monster:
From what I understand, Hope was upset about the fact both Fang and Vanille didn't show up. I can't remember what he said, but I think it was something like "Those two..." It seems to me that he just wanted everyone together again.

I'm not particularly fond of the Hope/Vanille (shouldn't it be Vanille/Hope? That boy is not dominant enough top) pairing, but I'll admit they have their moments.
How can you see those faces and not think, "true love"? :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
that expression looks like Hope is gonna get some experience from someone.... older.


The Wanderer of Time
I'm not particularly fond of the Hope/Vanille (shouldn't it be Vanille/Hope? That boy is not dominant enough top) pairing, but I'll admit they have their moments.
How can you see those faces and not think, "true love"? :monster:

I see that image and think

Vanille: "Hold still, it'll be over soon!"
Hope: "It kinda pinches."
Vanille: "You get used to it after a while".

And as an afterthought:

^It would be amusing to see Fang waking up coming out of the crystal with curlers, dressing gown and fluffy dragon slippers, searching for coffee :awesome:

I can't believe I missed this one before. I suppose if this happened, you could say Fang...."Came out of the crystal?"
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm having a hell of a time finding the whole thing, there's a chapter that discusses Fang's deal with Cid and stuff too, but I can't find it. It's pretty much been translated in bits and pieces by various people on various parts of the internet. :monster:

Here's some roughly translated bits and pieces though:


LV said:
AHAHA I am saving this quote for later use. It might go in my sig, if I'm feeling un-lazy enough to edit it. :monster:

Enjoy. XD

LV said:
Is it sad that I already hate Hope/Vanille? There's this idea that Hope was sad at the end because omg, Vanille isn't coming back. But from what I gathered, he was sad because everyone else got their loved ones back but his mom is still dead.

I'm pretty sure his mom being dead is more important to him than some cute girl he knew for a few weeks. :monster:

Not if that cute chick is Vanille. :awesome:

LV said:
You'll be seeing lesbians for weeks.

One can only hope.

LV said:
Vanille may make Hope laugh, but she keeps Fang's boobs warm.

The new standard for OTP.


Rookie Adventurer
I don't now if it's just that I'm replaying the game after reading the incredibly gay summaries/translations of the Episode Zero light-novel, but Fang/Vanille couldn't be more obvious in the game itself. Even in scenes without Vanille. Right before a boss battle before Fang and Vanille are reunited Lightning says "The faster we defeat this monster, the sooner you will get to Vanille. Works for you?" and Fang replies "That's enough to get me fired up!".

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Demi-Fiend said:
I don't now if it's just that I'm replaying the game after reading the incredibly gay summaries/translations of the Episode Zero light-novel, but Fang/Vanille couldn't be more obvious in the game itself. Even in scenes without Vanille. Right before a boss battle before Fang and Vanille are reunited Lightning says "The faster we defeat this monster, the sooner you will get to Vanille. Works for you?" and Fang replies "That's enough to get me fired up!".

This pairing may be more obvious than SquallxRinoa. :awesome:


Rookie Adventurer
Here's a ton of screen caps for those of you who do graphic-y things. My apologies for the minimal amounts of FangxVanille in the album; the only thing I did was getting the link. :monster:

Gee, I'm slow. I just now noticed that the reason Vanille was with her hands Dahj right before Fang grabbed dragged her away was that that she was using healing magic. Pretty cool that they actually put in little stuff that really reminds you that Vanille had her mark long before the party.


Lurk mode: ON
Gee, I'm slow. I just now noticed that the reason Vanille was with her hands Dahj right before Fang grabbed dragged her away was that that she was using healing magic. Pretty cool that they actually put in little stuff that really reminds you that Vanille had her mark long before the party.
For a second there, I was wondering what you were talking about... and then I realized that the album got bigger since I posted the link. It grew about 7 pages in 4 hours.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Remember this?

FFVII/FFXIII Parallels List
1) The basis for Lightning's design was that she be a "female version of Cloud." Not only does this hold true in general demeanor and naming scheme, but she's also a former soldier of the Sanctum, whereas Cloud was a former soldier -- and, as far as he knew, an ex-SOLDIER -- of Shin-Ra
2) Sazh Katzroy could be seen as analogous to Barret, as both lost their wives three years before the game, both are single parents, and both are "the black guy"
3) The Sanctum could be seen as analogous to Shin-Ra
4) Team Nora could be seen as analogous to AVALANCHE
5) Both games begin with two of the game's resistance fighters (the Cloud character and the Black Guy) launching an attack on the establishment from a train
6) Both games end with a large, meteor-like object falling toward the planet, threatening imminent catastrophe, only for it to be averted by something rising out of the planet to prevent it. In both cases, female party members who fell in service to the cause are responsible for saving everyone
7) Snow talks about being a hero, as Zack did
8) Snow fights like Tifa, using only his gloved fists
9) There's a date scene involving fireworks
10) There's a highway chase scene
11) There's a scene where one character suggests a journey to see a lost second character again, while a third confirms that they can go do this
12)Proud Clad
13)Costa del Sol kind of music at one scenario.
I have another one, and I can't believe I missed it this whole time:

I know, Jihl doesn't laugh like Scarlet, and I would have welcomed a slapfest between Jihl and Lightning, but still...


Pro Adventurer
FFVII/FFXIII Parallels List
1) The basis for Lightning's design was that she be a "female version of Cloud." Not only does this hold true in general demeanor and naming scheme, but she's also a former soldier of the Sanctum, whereas Cloud was a former soldier -- and, as far as he knew, an ex-SOLDIER -- of Shin-Ra
2) Sazh Katzroy could be seen as analogous to Barret, as both lost their wives three years before the game, both are single parents, and both are "the black guy"
3) The Sanctum could be seen as analogous to Shin-Ra
4) Team Nora could be seen as analogous to AVALANCHE
5) Both games begin with two of the game's resistance fighters (the Cloud character and the Black Guy) launching an attack on the establishment from a train
6) Both games end with a large, meteor-like object falling toward the planet, threatening imminent catastrophe, only for it to be averted by something rising out of the planet to prevent it. In both cases, female party members who fell in service to the cause are responsible for saving everyone
7) Snow talks about being a hero, as Zack did
8) Snow fights like Tifa, using only his gloved fists
9) There's a date scene involving fireworks
10) There's a highway chase scene
11) There's a scene where one character suggests a journey to see a lost second character again, while a third confirms that they can go do this
12)Proud Clad
13)Costa del Sol kind of music at one scenario.

Cloud Serah hides his Geostigma her l'Cie mark on his her left arm with a sleeve bandage out of shame from everyone and his her martial-artist koibito, Tifa Snow.


AI Researcher
Tres said:
I wish Cid had been the final boss D:
I got the Scenario Ultimania today, and I think it was Nomura who mentioned that Cid was meant to be the final boss originally :monster:
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