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  1. pathey


    I dont really like the colors Otherwise it's pretty nice.
  2. pathey


    dis be your cousin tom?
  3. pathey

    SOTW 2 Voting Thread

    yeah, 3 is pretty. Great entries.
  4. pathey

    Tags. :0

    thanks, much appreciated some more stuff.
  5. pathey

    SS Stuff

    that's some great stuff. Good use of colors and great bgs.
  6. pathey

    Non-tag things That's pretty nice This could be good with less noise.
  7. pathey

    What the fuck are you doing, Nintendo? LEAVE ZELDA ALONE

    I never liked the cell-shading games that much. I still love the old Zelda Games, but that sucks. Link looks ridiculous with that hat. Too much commercial background on the new games. I didn't have any zelda-feelings while watching that trailer. .___.
  8. pathey

    What games are you currently playing?

    I'm playing Battlefield 2 now for 4 years. Sometimes Sacred Underworld online. :)
  9. pathey

    LP's. :0

    Tom requested to post them as well, so.. yeah. Most recent one: 3 Favorites: For more you would have to check my dA: CnC Postwork-wise is much appreciated, since I kinda suck at it. :\
  10. pathey

    Oh hai

    Thanks! :D @ DNA: Yeh, TM is the only board I'm really active at actually.
  11. pathey


    some c4d's by me Just click the download button. BTW the second pack is a lot better, don't get blinded by the many favs of the first, it seriously sucks lol.
  12. pathey

    Tags. :0

    Recent stuff: Some of my personal favorites:
  13. pathey

    DeviantArt & Art Gallery Links That's me. :0
  14. pathey

    Oh hai

    What's up, my friend cmXT told me about this place. :D I'm doing dem grefix so I probably will post in the art section the most. Cheers!
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