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  1. Winter Nights

    What makes your day

    Cheesecake and vanilla vodka. Not at the same time.
  2. Winter Nights

    Mortal Kombat: Legacy

    It looked pretty kickass, but until I see an official word saying otherwise, it's just a big-budget fan film and I doubt anything with come of it.
  3. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Being so bored that I signed into a forum I posted on for all of two days about nine months ago.
  4. Winter Nights

    Elli Belli =]

    I don't know why, but that creeped me out.
  5. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Mang, that's me everyday. xD
  6. Winter Nights

    Elli Belli =]

    Awww.. Well, someone has to. ;)
  7. Winter Nights

    Elli Belli =]

    Mmmm... *pouces* Rawr!! Welcome, Elli-fish. Glad you joined me over here. :D
  8. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    *sighs* Fine. Search "pornhub" on Google. All the porn you could dream of, in a Youtube-esque setting.
  9. Winter Nights

    Atari: The Movie

    As long as it covers the glory that was Chuck E. Cheese's, I'm game.
  10. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    True that.
  11. Winter Nights

    Atari: The Movie

    Read about this a month ago. Dumb.
  12. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Go back to bed, then.
  13. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    No. Learn what your internet is really for. xP
  14. Winter Nights

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    And.... What the fuck?
  15. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Ehh.. Pretty much just another version of man, used at the end of a sentence. Picked it up somewhere. Same with "prolly", in place of "probably". Just shit I've used forever. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. I believe that. No, really, I do.
  16. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Cause I have no idea what you are on about with this, as no one was talking to you.
  17. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    We posted at the same time, mang.
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