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  1. KnightInHeaven

    Thy's FFVII Arts Sector

    Benedict was another Sephiroth FC choice and he would do a rather fine job unraveling his dark, sadistic and creepy side for sure! Chris Evans has always been my FC choice for Cloud. Imagine him wielding the Buster Sword as apposed to his Captain America shield? lol :) Anne's just fine for...
  2. KnightInHeaven

    What are you reading?

    Revenge Wears Prada ¬ Lauren Weisberger
  3. KnightInHeaven

    Thy's FFVII Arts Sector

    Thanks! :D yeah, I also had Jeffrey Dean Morgan as a Cid FC choice. He might fit that role but I thought of Heidegger for him instead lol. though Jeffrey is smokin' delicious for an old man, just saying ;)
  4. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Thanks all and yeah I may plan another trip to Italy soon but that'll depend on my schedules -.- but it's cool others have different caffeine tastes, and tea is wonderful. But just tea, I don't add in any creamer or sugars. Plain and simple the way it is lol. Oh by the way, does anyone here...
  5. KnightInHeaven

    Thy's FFVII Arts Sector

    I don't have a boatload of FFVII arts but I've made some that I'm happy to share. :3 First off I'll start with my Young Tifa/Rachel (her mother's name, though I know that's unofficial...have we got any official name reveals about Mrs. Lockhart at all?) :) Next one is like a dreamcasting...
  6. KnightInHeaven

    The Ex-General's Art & Graphics Empire

    Here's another digital art in which you can see where my avatar came from. :3 OC twins for the above mentioned original story! (these two are very much the female leads in it, frankly)
  7. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Thanks everyone! :3 yes, coffee is badass, specifically the Starbucks kind but I don't mind tea every now and then :D
  8. KnightInHeaven

    Happy birthday, Lex!

    Yum, tasting Cloud had to have been such a gift. Awesomesauce cake there, Lex! Sounds like you had a great birthday despite being ill. Hope you feel well soon, hon and rest up as much as you want. :3
  9. KnightInHeaven

    Some Random Arts

    You're welcome, hon. :3
  10. KnightInHeaven

    Some Random Arts

    Those are some rather talented carvings and I loved the Les Mis print. You are very talented and you do a better job with floral arts than I ever could lol these are very fantastic, and I hope to see more when you get around to doing more. :3 of course, there's no rush. But these are absolutely...
  11. KnightInHeaven

    The Ex-General's Art & Graphics Empire

    (below graphic is actually for a fantasy/science-fiction/drama/adventure story series I'm presently working on. :3) It's a bit large and I'm trying to remember how to use thumbnail pic codes. -.-" fuck, anyway there. Hope that's better. :3
  12. KnightInHeaven

    The Ex-General's Art & Graphics Empire

    This photoshopped graphic is for all you Scorpios on here. Happy November and all y'alls birthdays! :D (strongly apologize if this comes off offensive, I don't mean that, hell no)
  13. KnightInHeaven

    Once Upon A Time

    I thought
  14. KnightInHeaven

    What are you listening to?

    Already Over ¬ Red
  15. KnightInHeaven

    What are you reading?

    Batman: The Heart of Hush ^_^
  16. KnightInHeaven

    New here =)

    Welcome fellow newb, Silverhairedghost! :3
  17. KnightInHeaven

    The Ex-General's Art & Graphics Empire

    Well here's one digital art I had done. :) anyone is allowed to send in any critiques too. :3 Twin Tower Gods - Merged Form ...and sure! I'll throw in a second digital art! :3
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