While I'll give Aerith a pass for her Ancient-ness. I still maintain that she reconstituted Zack for a lay to help Cloud. Temporarily.
I don't know if she reconstituted him, or if she did it to help Cloud specifically if she did it, but it'd have to be temporary. Even she's temporary.
Also 'Reunited in the afterlife' is far less fucktarded than Ectohumping. It's downright Cliche, even.
i maintain cloud is cray cray and imagines zack everywhere all of the time cause he's so fucking ronery
No no, you have it all wrong. It is ZACK who Imagines CLOUD.
In addition to being a woman, Cloud is also a dream of the Fayth.
Because I haven't pushed the Guardian/Summoner shtick or the 7/10 connection enough, dammit.