Well it was in an Ultimania... so it's not like Nomura himself said so in an interview or anything... but the Ultimanias are canon.
But you see cause there's another page in the Ultimania that says there's 2 highwind scenes, that somehow renders the article uncanon. And apparently to make it even more scandalous TLS hid the fact that there was a page that said there was 2 highwind scenes in the same Ultimania. I guess that wasn't common knowledge like we all thought it was... apparently TLS was the only site that knew this. And shame on them for not mentioning it sooner
Yes, for shame, even though I mentioned it both on here and in
my FFVII Plot Analysis FAQ weeks before they ever brought it up.
That article on LiveJournal is pretty sad. Look at these selective omissions:
Also, Aerith being the default date is further proven by the following scan and translation of a FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania page.
Translation done by Saeki of the CxA forums:
Top left :
Cloud, come and rescue me okay?
Top Middle :
Are you okay?
Top right :
Aerith : I'm looking for you.
Centre :
FFVII has always been in our hearts ~
This page is showing
significant scenes from the game. And as you can see, the date that is shown is Aerith's along with her line "I'm looking for you". To think, if Tifa's was the default date one of her lines would appear on this scan?
Yet, for whatever reason (we know the reason), the high affection Highwind scene being one of only four scenes in FFVII's Impressive Scenes section (a "page ... showing
significant scenes from the game") of the FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario doesn't seem to matter.
And, from the Final Fantasy Art Collection, an official collection of collector's cards;
Going to the Promised Land The fated meeting with Cloud wavers the fate of Aerith. The Cetra language that Aerith heard from her mother when she was young. A person who nurtures the Planet. As the last of the Ancient race, she takes it as her responsibility to go to the Promised Land that she has not seen. Aerith sees traces of Zack in Cloud and her very pure heart leads her to develop a liking for Cloud.
Well then, let's see...... How about if I go out with you once?
(Payment for Cloud.)
No, Cloud... I'm searching for you...
(First and last date.)
The first line is when the date first comes up,
which suggests that it will eventually come to pass. The second line acknowledges the date between Cloud and Aerith and says
it is their last. Meaning the date
did occur.
But Tifa's card from the same card collection is apparently meaningless, even though it has her "words aren't the only way" line from the high affection Highwind scene, and says -- in equally definite terms -- "(Night before the final battle, when she and Cloud are alone)" beneath it.
Let's also note the selectivity of recognizing that the Aerith card says "last date" while ignoring that it says "first" -- since that wouldn't mesh with emphasizing how the Crisis Core Complete Guide called Aerith and Cloud taking a break in Sector 5's park a date.
'Cause you know SE would never be inconsistent with which version(s) of the Gold Saucer date they acknowledge from one mention to the next (they constantly are).
One last thing I'd like to point out; in the
scan from the Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania Clotis have claimed that Cloud and Tifa are canon because they *think* that the high affection version of the Highwind scene is default-
despite there not being any supporting evidence to prove that-
No supporting evidence, she means, other than the same kind of stuff that was gleefully used moments earlier to argue in favor of the position that Aerith's date is canon.
Of course, the evidence -- nay, confirmation -- for the high affection Highwind scene goes much further than that.
They like to ignore that Cloud and Aerith's date is also shown on that same exact page.
I don't remember ever ignoring it. How about you guys? Pretty sure I put it up there front and center right from the beginning.
Even before I mentioned what the Ultimania had to say about Cloud and Tifa.
I guess translating the caption under the screenshot that says "Who comes around with the invitation is dependent on Cloud's behavior" so that the full context is recognized amounts to ignoring information somehow.
Clearly, understanding comes from just looking at pictures without bothering with reading the words next to them.
And would you guess what scene is shown? The magical date in the city of desire that Cloud and Aerith go on. Clotis like to say it doesn't mean anything because all the date quote speaks of is how multiple people can appear on the date. However, Clotis ignore that the highwind scene is also said to be optional with no canon outcome.
If only that last line were actually said she might have a point.
... What a retarded bitch.