You may be joking, but Cloud interacts more with Sephiroth than with Aerith or Tifa
or Mukki or Barret, it's obvious they have the hotz for one another.
1.-In Kingdom Hearts, Cloud is looking for Sephiroth and not Tifa or Aerith. They even have a sexy battle in Final Mix, but we do not see what happens afterwards (coitus interruptus?).
2.- In Kingdom Hearts II they have another sexy battle. Also the strange babbling about one being the "darkness" of another continues. Also Cloud ignores Tifa and Aerith but attacks Sephiroth with gay, intense fury and both dissapear in light. This mirrors the eternal sexual tension between the two.
3.- Dissidia is pretty much the same.
4.-In ACC Sephiroth impales Cloud with his sword several times, in the eyes of a casual fan, this is just some brutal beatdown but in the eyes of a specialist on LTD this is obviously a reference of gay sex. And brutal beatdown.
5.- Cloud likes swords, the man even has like 7 in AC. Neither Tifa or Aerith can provide the amount of swords Cloud likes so much, but Sephiroth can. Oh yes he can.
Stop looking at me like that, I'm serious, those two are gayer than Kuja's wardrobe