wangxian married
- Zee
okay so
what does this have to do with the ltd again
some sort of lightning/aerith proof no doubt
okay so
what does this have to do with the ltd again
DON'T YOU FOIL MY AERITH/TIFA AMBITIONS U H0R!!!!!!!!!!1!@some sort of lightning/aerith proof no doubt
okay so
what does this have to do with the ltd again
some sort of lightning/aerith proof no doubt
Okay, this joke has gone too far.
we shouldI still laughed
i think we should have a lightning/aeris/tifa ltd
much more fun imo![]()
lightning/aeris >>>>>>>>>>>>> lightning tifa
Where is this from, if you don't mind my asking? :B And is it official, or am I just quoting a fanfic?
tl;dr front page comment said:With the creators not giving us a simple straight-out answer
There is, one common theme that most of these examples share however.
“It’s natural/normal to view their actions as something romantic between the two. Anything else would be unacceptable and abnormal.”
The truth is, it’s nothing more than a simple appeal to nature. A fallacy that is often the main cause of conflicts, wars and strife all across the globe. A flaw in our logic that had us encase in a world we grew up with, unaware that others might experience something different. Thinking and believing that what’s normal/natural for you should apply the same to everyone else. In short, “This is how the world is, this is how the world should be”. In the love triangle debate, it comes in a form of a never-ending cycle on which world matters more. All the while we ignore the ones that truly matter.
somebody said:More than seven years have passed and the controversy around the infamous Final Fantasy VII Love Triangle still rages on one-way or another. One might say that it was a contention between two groups who can’t seem to agree which couple is official and which one is not. If you go deeper into it, one would actually realize that it’s actually more of a contention between two ideas of what actually defines love. Is it the way Cloud smiled on the other two, who Cloud lived with or was it the way Cloud blushed that gave this infallible notion that he definitely has feelings for Aerith/Tifa? Although there are probably more ways for one to tell whom Cloud is in-love with. This brings out an interesting question to all of us.
“Do we actually know everything about love to a point that we can determine who loves who?”
This is evidence for Cloud and Aerith. This entire statement is not written by me but I agree with this piece of writing. I know that most people here are Cloud and Tifa fans but please read this if you would like to.
With the creators not giving us a simple straight-out answer, it’s basically left to us to determine the answers we sought after. However, are we actually qualified to determine who is in-love? Or are we simply being influenced by our own experiences, culture and upbringing? We all adhere to a different set of beliefs, principles and truths. We all live in different worlds with different situations and rules. Once these two worlds collide, it’s no surprise that our first instinct is to defend it with everything we have in order to preserve it. Though these confrontations have a chance to be fun for both parties, it often turns into misunderstandings, intolerance, and hate. These are the three main factors that create a never-ending cycle where people simply don’t listen anymore because they can’t simply accept another world that’s different from their own.
Several years have passed by and we’re all still in the same place basically saying and doing the same things to the same people. Now that Advent Children is out, we’ve finally been given the answers we need for Destiny Fulfilled to grow in order to become something more than it was before. The old DF provided us a lot of evidence in defense of our truths, views and beliefs. The new DF reassures us that we don’t need to defend and argue anymore. The answers we seek have been given to us, and as long as we’re aware of the fact that no other person can tell you what love truly is other than yourself, the people close to you, as well the ones authorized in the story to establish it, then the need to seek the truth is now over. While there are individuals still out there trying to force their own world on others because they cannot accept anything that’s different, we simply welcome you to visit ours.
There’s no denying the fact that the more personal/intimate tale between Cloud and Aerith has always been tragic and sad. It’s one of the reasons why most of us are drawn to these two. There’s just something “extraordinary” to it in comparison to other couples we usually encounter in a story. It’s no wonder why this pairing had stayed strong despite the constant claims that the relationship shared between the two is over. It’s quite obvious that the bond shared within this pairing wouldn’t end that easy. You see, no matter how much they try to deny or ignore the facts that were given to us in the story. They can never change the fact that Aerith is still very much in Cloud’s life even after death [Maiden Of The Planet, Advent Children].
Most humans thought death meant that they would become nothing. Having their consciousness engulfed by darkness, never waking again, a nothingness that can’t be comprehended? They thought death meant to be totally annihilated. That’s why humans feared death. They were afraid of losing their existence. Even if they themselves realized that they were a race that had a short lifespan, there were many that wanted to avoid it. Even those that had reached an old age after a fulfilling life.
Aerith knew that death didn’t mean to be annihilated. —- Maiden of the Planet
Maiden of the Planet further explains you that once you died, you simply enter a new state of being. You see, death never ended Aerith’s story and her bond with Cloud. She continued to stay with him in this new state of being. Yet there’s also something more that made Aerith’s case special.
It was a place full of energy where countless souls were merged together along with their knowledge and experiences. Even their memories were unbound from them. But Aerith was “whole”. She remained herself in the place where the consciousness of the dead flowed and swirled about, keeping the character she had when she was alive. She retained the consciousness of the Aerith Gainsborough she once was and she was now drifting with the Lifestream.
The story also reveals that once you die, you return to the Planet, your consciousness joining and merging with the lifestream along with countless others. Though Maiden revealed other people forming their original selves around her, they still returned to the planet joining the lifestream once again. Aerith remained who she was as before without her physical being. She remained who she was throughout the whole story helping the planet and looking after Cloud. It becomes even more interesting when Advent Children reveals us that Aerith is still close to Cloud. Two years had now passed and you once again see her still watching over him. While some do say that the movie finally brought closure to these two people claiming that both had finally moved on. One would wonder why one of the creators would provide an almost entirely different conclusion.
The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him.— Nomura; Distance Interview
True, Cloud and Aerith’s tale had always been tragic and sad Yet, it’s quite interesting that even though most people already accepted the idea that these two could never be together, the creator had somehow manage to even get them closer than they ever were before. A fitting “closure” for an “extraordinary” tale. Though others believe that the bond between Aerith and Cloud had ended right after she died. It becomes quite clear through countless sources that the bond between these two is stronger than death itself. Perhaps stronger than anything Cloud ever had with anyone else.
Most pro CxT arguments involving Cloud and Tifa usually revolve around the idea of their actions being viewed at as normal/natural for it to be considered romantic. To a point that it should be enough to prove Cloud love Tifa. Things like Tifa resting on Cloud’s shoulder in FF7 to Cloud “blushing” in Case of Tifa should be glaringly obvious enough to everyone that its romantic nature shouldn’t even be questioned. True, there are more examples that had been provided to emphasize how romantic these two are with each other through their actions. There is, one common theme that most of these examples share however.
“It’s natural/normal to view their actions as something romantic between the two. Anything else would be unacceptable and abnormal.”
The truth is, it’s nothing more than a simple appeal to nature. A fallacy that is often the main cause of conflicts, wars and strife all across the globe. A flaw in our logic that had us encase in a world we grew up with, unaware that others might experience something different. Thinking and believing that what’s normal/natural for you should apply the same to everyone else. In short, “This is how the world is, this is how the world should be”. In the love triangle debate, it comes in a form of a never-ending cycle on which world matters more. All the while we ignore the ones that truly matter.
Cloud and Tifa
Interesting that we’re all so focus on our own point of views that we manage to ignore them. Would all the romantic examples you offer really matter if one of these two asked this question?
Do you love me? —Tifa; Case Of Tifa
It’s a statement made by Tifa that doesn’t seem to fit with what the so-called “romantic gestures” these two have been doing with each other. If it’s so glaringly obvious, why then did Tifa feel the need to question Cloud’s feelings for her? How is it that most people are so sure of themselves that Cloud loves Tifa, when she herself feels the need to know whether he loves her or not? Surely she didn’t need to doubt Cloud’s feeling if it’s that clear to everyone right? Truth is, some people are too busy trying to prove that their point of view matters more that they stopped considering other’s point of view. In this case, they’ve failed to see Tifa’s point of view.
Japanese Fans of FFVII: Saicho K. And Kenji S.
By Chirine H.
Notes: The interview occurred at 06.03.07 at WacDonald¡¯s, the Japanese version of McDonald’s, to be exact. If you’re wondering why they’re both guys, most of my friends that are girls here doesn’t play videogames that much and some I have lost contact with. *sob* Anyway, the Q/A is written exactly as what I’ve gotten from the two Japanese FFVII fans I’ve interviewed with.
ÁµÈË=koi bito in kanji.
Û¤·¤Æ¤ë= aishiteru.
Chirine: What do you think about the difference of koibito to koi bito that was used in the RF files?
Saicho: Hm¡*I think it doesn¡¯t really matter, whether you use it in koi bito or koibito, as long as they¡¯ll get your point. If its written kanji then you¡¯ll really get koi bito ¡®as the one who loves¡¯/or the love is one sided because that¡¯s how we actually use it.
Kenji: If you write it in kanas (hiragana/katakana), it would just give variety of meanings, it could be koi bito, or koibito. You will mostly find it in Japanese dictionary that koi bito/koibito will always have the ¡®sweetheart/girlfriend/boyfriend¡¯ meaning, along side, ¡®suitor¡¯. But in our case we don¡¯t use it like that, instead we add some extensions to our names to call people we love so they could get familiarized. As in, Chi-ai.
Saicho: I ran to a PM you showed me from a CloudxTifa fan, saying that I was wrong about my translations and my explanations and called me a baka. Hah, I never mentioned that koi bito is rarely used. I always hear it especially with fangirls. But I did say that it is rarely used as ¡®sweetheart/boyfriend/girlfriend¡¯. *grunts* What¡¯s the purpose of this interview again?
Chirine: For every misled and mistranslated fandom. Can you define the common mistakes of Japanese translators over the internet?
Kenji: Well firstly, they assume that they mastered Japanese-knew how to read, write and speak but the fact that they really don¡¯t, because they just throw off words without really knowing the use of it, our language uses more of the feelings and emotions than direct description. These so-called translators can either be: a. show offs b. Japanese- wannabes or c. diehards.
Chirine: B and C are pretty much the same¡*ah, Saicho¡*say, what do you think?
Saicho: Well, if you put up ¡®ore wa¡¯ ¡®watashi¡¯ which both means ¡®I¡¯, watashi would be more formal, while ore wa for informal. This kind of system usually goes to other words in Japanese, there will always be the formal/informal thing, if you get me. To be easier, most Japanese words has limits that foreign speakers aren¡¯t aware of.
I remember another PM you showed me that says that aishiteru can be used often¡*well, if we call it a teenage love and nothing serious yet, we mostly use ¡®suki desu¡¯, the only time you can use aishiteru is when you¡¯re in a serious sexual relationship. (his voice gets high and a bit furious) You can¡¯t just say that to your crush or something!
You can also find aishiteru used in songs, well, because they¡¯re directly speaking to their loved ones and with all the cheesy stuff. Supposedly that¡¯s what songs do, right? Give a sincere message!
Kenji: They did?! (he curses here)
Chirine: Are you mad? (o_Oanything you want to say?
Kenji: Frankly kinda because I remembered how foreigners claim themselves Japanese already because they mastered the language. They just misunderstand us! It reminds me of my English teacher, I guess it¡¯s fair because I always get misunderstand English as well.
Chirine: Ah¡*okay¡*so, what about translators, who are Japanese descendants, but didn¡¯t grew up on Japan? Do their translations can be accurate?
Saicho: I don¡¯t really think so. Japanese inhabitants pretty much have more knowledge about the language and the culture itself than those who didn¡¯t have enough time to live here. It¡¯s really different when you live here. Hope you get my point.
Chirine: Forgetting the fact that I am a CloudxAerith fan, as a neutral, what are your thoughts in the LT considering the environment you have?
Saicho: I¡¯m not much of a fan of Cloud, Tifa or Aerith, but I personally think, that Cloud loves Aerith.
Kenji: I think Tifa and Cloud look good together!
Chirine: Aw. My heart is filled with joy. Why so, Saicho? What do you think about Tifa?
Saicho: Well, I think Tifa¡¯s cool and all but Cloud doesn¡¯t love her. Simple.
Chirine: How can you be so sure about that? (T.T)
Saicho: Eh? Didn¡¯t your brain receive the message of the ending of AC/FFVII? It¡¯s weird that Western fans are actually debating over this thing when the fact it is already answered, even if not verbally.
Chirine: It¡¯s not that we¡¯re unsatisfied¡*anyway, what about you (Kenji) as a Tifa fan, your thoughts on the LT?
Kenji: sad¡*Cloud and Tifa was better¡*but I guess Aerith will do for Cloud, as much as hard to admit it, Cloud showed more of his affection and he opened up to Aerith and I think, even though she¡¯s dead, AC ending pretty much screams CloudxAerith to me.
Chirine: Since I don¡¯t spend my whole life here in Japan, what do you guys think at other FFVII fans + LT?
Saicho: Well, I guess, in our environment, the thing that you tell me how Western CloudxTifa fans can be rabid, is exactly the opposite of that couple¡¯s fans here. Well, they don¡¯t really care about what is canon, but they do believe that Cloud and Aerith is. They don¡¯t bash around just like what you told me, instead, they spend their time for their fandom¡ªdoujinishi, fanfiction and fanart. They even make CloudxAerith for goodness sake, and the same goes for the CloudxAerith fans too. Hm¡*I guess both fandoms live peacefully. As for me¡*I don¡¯t know¡*I like a single Yuffie.
Kenji: just a question, for a 21 year old, why are you even bothering to prove yourself right to these CloudxTifa fans? No, this also goes for the Western fans and the Americans. You¡¯re all so worked-up!!! *they both laugh and we start to eat*
Koi bito???
by FF_Goddess
How many times have you heard a CloudxTifa fan proclaiming, “Tifa was confirmed to be Cloud’s lover by the creators!”? If you are involved in love-triangle debates at all, I am sure you have heard this many times. The trouble with this statement is that it is simply not true. Cloud and Tifa were never confirmed to be in a romantic relationship by the creators… ever.
So, why do CloTi fans think this and say it as if it were a fact? Because of a handful of fans who proclaim it to be so. This handful of fans has, in essence, convinced themselves and others that this is the truth when, in reality, they don’t have an ounce of proof. They believe they do. But, all they have done is take the words of one of the creators and twisted them into something that supports their pairing, when such statement was never meant to do so. What was this statement? It was from a book called Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ~Reunion Files~ and was located in Tifa’s profile…
“There are many dimensions to Tifa’s character. She’s like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle.” (Nomura)
Now allow me to point out what should be obvious…
a. Nomura was talking about Tifa’s character here, not roles. Please allow me to give you definitions of the term “character”:
“the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing”
“the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another”
“one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual”
None of the definitions for “character” mention roles… period. Tifa is “like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle” in that she embodies traits that one might find in a mother, a sweetheart, or a close ally in battle. These qualities are what distinguish Tifa from other characters and are the dimensions that Nomura wished to portray when creating AC Tifa. Nomura was making a general statement about Tifa’s character (that is, her qualities). If someone is making this statement out to be more than that, then they are ignoring the words of Nomura himself.
b. Cloud wasn’t mentioned in this statement. There is no way that Cloud is associated with this statement. No mention. No pictures. Nothing. Nada. Again, I am amazed that I have to point out something so obvious. In the entire page that this quote was printed on and even the page facing it… no pictures at all of Cloud. Again, if someone tries to associate this statement with Cloud, they are twisting facts into something more suited for their purposes. They are grasping at straws, plain and simple.
c. If Nomura didn’t solve the love triangle in AC, he sure isn’t going to do it in two sentences in a book. Nomura was quite careful about the portrayal of Cloud’s relationships with Aerith and Tifa in AC. There was no definite answer, only subtle clues. Why go through all of the trouble to depict a subtle picture of Cloud’s emotions only to publish a book and, in two sentences, solve the love triangle? He is not going to give a definite answer to the love triangle… ever (even if I wish he would just so I could be proven right).
From as far back as the release of Kingdom Hearts:
Q: “Okay then, so the person Cloud is searching for is Aeris, right?”
Nomura: “Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aeris, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don’t really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone’s line of thought.”
Nomura stated that interpreting Aeris as the one Cloud was searching for was a correct interpretation, but then backtracked and stated that he wanted to leave room for other interpretations because he didn’t wish to decide anything for Cloud due to other fans’ “strong conclusions” [in regards to the love triangle]. Nomura is a smart man… and a good businessman. He isn’t going to solve the LT simply because he would anger a large portion of the fandom either way. He would lose money when that angry half stopped buying FF products. Nomura has discovered that it is far more profitable to drop little hints to support ClAeris and little scraps for CloTis to twist. Keeping everyone arguing just keeps us all begging for more, doesn’t it? However, the answers are there if you look. It isn’t really “open to interpretation” at all.
From Newtype USA (Oct. 2005):
Open Ending: To this day, FFVII continues to draw some fire for its ambiguous ending. It’s a satisfying conclusion [and beautiful to behold], but it doesn’t hold the player’s hand through a lengthy denouement the way 16-bit Final Fantasy games do. That shift in presentation, Tetsuya Nomura insists, was entirely intentional– the goal was to make players think a little harder and pay closer attention to a more complex storyline. “I don’t know if you could really say that FFVII had any unanswered questions to speak of,” claims Nomura, taking what some of his fans [or detractors] might characterize as a slightly controversial stand. “We just created FFVII with the idea that we wouldn’t just come out and tell people the answers. The answers are there, but no one is there to tell you where to look for them. We didn’t leave anything hanging.” Nomura, of course, had the advantage of the original game’s scriptwriter sitting across the office to point out where to look. But, on the bright side, if Square had pointed everything out, there might not have been enough demand for a sequel like Advent Children.
To work out all the movie’s secrets, the hardest of the hardcore should plan on multiple viewings. Like the original game, “Advent Children follows suit in not revealing the answers directly,” says a slightly cryptic Tetsuya Nomura. “Some parts you’ll probably have to watch several times before you get it, but it should come eventually.”
So, why do all of this to just go, “Oh, BTW, Tifa is Cloud’s lover!” in one paragraph in a book??? 0_o That makes absolutely no sense. The answers are there if you look for them, but S-E is never going to give a direct, definite answer to the love triangle, as some CloTis are suggesting they have.
d. The only relationship confirmed between Cloud and Tifa is that of family and, actually, Tifa was confirmed to have a “maternal bond” with Cloud. That’s right, Tifa is more like a mother to Cloud than a sweetheart. Actually, Nomura himself stated that Tifa has a maternal bond with Cloud, in a paragraph directly before the one where he described Tifa as being “like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle”. So, why would Nomura state that Tifa is like a mother to Cloud and then turn around and say that she is his sweetheart? Once again– it doesn’t make any sense!
The direct quote from Reunion Files:
“Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a ‘big kid’ himself in some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint.” (Nomura)
So, Nomura states that both Tifa and Aerith have maternal sides to them, but that Tifa’s maternal side is different. He then applies Tifa’s maternal side directly to Cloud and states right there that Tifa has a maternal bond with Cloud. Why paint a picture of Tifa as a mother to Marlene, Denzel, and Cloud, and then turn around and say that she is his lover? Honestly, Cloud acts like a rebellious teenager all throughout Case of Tifa and AC, running off on his motorcycle, staying gone all the time, clamming up and not speaking with Tifa, hiding things from Tifa, etc… Tifa, on the other hand, acts like a concerned parent, worrying about Cloud and scolding him on several occasions. A few examples of this…
From Case of Tifa:
(During a conversation with Tifa) … Cloud made a familiar face, like a child who knew a scolding was inevitable…
Cloud gazed at Tifa with the expression of a child whose worst secret had just been let out of the bag…
…He’s like a child, Tifa thought. While it made her sad that Cloud could see another world she knew nothing about, the idea his world was expanding at all was a welcome one. Yes… Maybe this is kind of what a mother feels like. Once she saw Cloud off, Tifa was alone with the new emotions growing inside her and was happy.
If Tifa is happy with her new role as a mother figure to Cloud, I have a hard time understanding why CloTis force her into a romance that she seems to have given up on. While Tifa may or may not harbor romantic feelings for Cloud by the time AC rolls around, she has clearly accepted the fact that she has no future with Cloud as anything other than a friend who is like family.
From Reunion Files:
“Although there’s a lot to Tifa’s character, she’s actually very much like any other woman who’s been left behind by a man. The director, Nomura, said he wanted to make sure she wasn’t a clingy woman, but to portray her as though she’s been hurt emotionally in a way that others around her cannot easily detect. But Tifa has expressed her feelings plainly to Cloud a number of times.” (Nojima)
Ouch! XD This statement pretty much screams rejection. Tifa was left behind by Cloud? She has expressed her feelings to Cloud many times? And yet he still shows no signs of reciprocation?
I also find it amusing that Nomura specifically stated that he didn’t want to portray Tifa as clingy. That statement, in and of itself, proves that Tifa’s affections are one-sided. Women don’t have to cling to men who reciprocate their feelings. If Nomura wanted to make sure that Tifa didn’t seem clingy in AC, he must have considered her actions to be that of a clingy woman at some point and decided that he didn’t wish for her to seem pathetic in this movie. However, he still wished to portray her as someone who had been hurt emotionally. So, logically, a CloTi romance is pretty far-fetched at this point, yes?
From the Dirge of Cerberus strategy guide:
“After helping Cloud set up his delivery service, Tifa got involved with the displaced youth of Midgar and opened an orphanage. She keeps in close contact with Cloud and Barret and remains the steadying force she always way- or at least tried to be. Although she has a small role in this game, she remains as likable as ever and continues to show the traits that always made her such a great friend.”
Gee, what happened to “sweetheart”? And what happened to it being just Cloud and Tifa? I thought you CloTis had written Barret out of the picture? Sorry, but Barret is a part of the family whether you guys like it or not.
Also, from the DoC game booklet:
Tifa Lockhart, Cloud’s childhood friend and a master of martial arts.
Aerith Gainsborough, a girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget.
So, Tifa is still not being called Cloud’s “sweetheart” here either, huh? I thought you CloTis said that Nomura solved the LT in one paragraph (that received no special attention) in Reunion Files? Did they forget or something? Did someone neglect to send out the memo “Nomura solved the LT in some book and now Cloud and Teefs are an item”? XD Oh, well… Tifa is Cloud’s friend and Aerith is someone who he will never forget. The bit about Cloud never forgetting Aerith sure seems more romantic to me than Tifa being Cloud’s friend. I am happy with that.
What’s left?
Despite the overwhelming common sense of my argument, there are still those in the CloTi fandom who are so stuck on the word koi bito that they cannot see reason. They believe that the word koi bito is only used when describing someone who is in a romantic relationship. They cannot understand that Nomura was merely describing Tifa’s qualities.
Some examples of koi bito being used as an adjective: Nihon no Koibito= “Japan’s sweetheart”. And Shiroi Koibito is a brand of white chocolate cookies from Japan. Their name means “white beloved ones”. So, no, koi bito isn’t just used to describe people in a relationship, it is used as a general adjective as well.
Also, according to Shadow Spirit (a Japanese descendant, who was raised in a household learning Japanese customs from members of his family who were born and raised in Japan, and who is also fluent in the Japanese language); Resha (who spent part of her childhood in Japan, was raised in a household much like SS’s, has many friends who are Japanese natives, and actually still vacations in Japan); and Resha’s friend, Saicho (a Japanese native), fans who are attempting to translate the Japanese sections of Reunion Files are mucking it up. They ask that you please stop butchering the Japanese language and wish for all FFVII fans to know that Japanese is a difficult language to fully grasp unless you are native to Japan or have been raised according to Japanese culture/customs. Therefore, please allow me to educate you on the word koi bito, as described by Shadow Spirit, Resha, and Saicho.
Koi bito (that’s right, it is actually two words): Koi= romantic love; bito= person (slang for hito). Koi bito, written in katakana or hiragana can have various definitions, such as “sweetheart”, “lover”, or “boyfriend/girlfriend” (its meaning can be confusing when written this way). However, koi bito written in kanji (as it is in Reunion Files), is simply “the person who loves” and offers no answers on whether or not this person’s feelings are returned. In other words, Tifa embodies the traits of “a person who loves”, and nothing more. It says nothing about any type of reciprocated feelings from anyone. Resha also stated that, if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship, Tifa would more than likely be called aikoi or aikou.
Koi bito, according to Resha, Saicho, and Shadow Spirit, is one of the most overused Japanese words with non-Japanese anime/manga fans. They take the meaning to simply be “girlfriend/boyfriend”, which isn’t always the case. As previously stated, koi bito can be spelled out with either katakana/hiragana or kanji. When kanji is used, the meaning is “the one who does the loving”, but it is unknown if that person’s love is returned.
While koi bito in kanji has been known to be used for the word “sweetheart”, it is extremely rare. Native Japanese inhabitants just do not use koi bito written in kanji for the word “sweetheart”, only non-Japanese and/or die-hard anime/manga fans. Koi bito= lover, as in “someone who loves” (as in “cat lover” or “dog lover”), not “_____’s lover”. It isn’t used to imply reciprocated feelings.
Shadow Spirit: “The literal meaning you’ll get from that is really ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ (that’s what written on any dictionary). But the most precise definition would be ‘the one who is in love’. In other words, it’s sure that ‘A loves B’, but you don’t know if the ‘B loves A’ is true… on the very least, you can say that it’s a one-sided love until the text say otherwise.”
Resha, Saicho, and Shadow Spirit have already politely asked that you stop mangling a language you don’t understand. I think it is time that you do so and stop basing all of you so-called “proof” on one word that is merely there as a descriptive. Frankly, it is rather pathetic.
So, is the usage of the word “sweetheart” a mistranslation in RF? I really don’t think so. Perhaps the translator was not native Japanese, perhaps they were just heavily influenced by anime/manga, or perhaps saying that Tifa is “like a mother, a sweetheart, and an ally in battle” just sounds much more succinct than Tifa being “like a mother, a person who is in love, and an ally in battle”. The way they chose to translate it sounds much more concise, don’t you think? Besides, I really don’t think they ever imagined fans nitpicking this particular word to death, especially when its more correct definition is “the one who is in love” and especially not when all they were attempting to do on this page was describe Tifa’s qualities. As previously stated, there are much more romantic words that could have been used (aikoi or aikou).
The Anti-ClAeris — Recent anti-CloudxAerith arguments that have surfaced with the release of the FFVII Compilation by FF_Goddess
Random CloudxTifa fan: “In Advent Children, Cloud only sought Aerith out because of guilt, not love.”
This statement is absolutely and utterly wrong. Just because S-E refuses to give a direct answer to the love triangle doesn’t mean that they haven’t provided subtle hints as to which woman Cloud loves. Obviously, this woman isn’t Tifa, based on Cloud’s own behavior. So, how do I know that Cloud loves Aerith? Please allow me to elaborate…
a. Cloud was devastated over Aerith’s death. Maiden of the Planet and Case of Tifa both confirmed just how heart-broken Cloud was over the death of Aerith, speaking of how his heart cracked and how the pain tore him apart, confirming the sorrow Cloud bore over her loss and the anger and hatred he felt toward Sephiroth for murdering her. However, they spoke only of Cloud. Cloud was the one Aerith heard screaming in agony over her loss, not anyone else. Aerith was a friend to everyone in AVALANCHE and yet it is Cloud’s heart that breaks and Cloud’s screams of anguish that reach Aerith in the Lifestream. In fact, in MotP, Aerith states that she is surprised at Cloud’s depth of feeling for her:
“She was surprised at the great sorrow he had for her. She was a little happy that he thought so much of her but she also felt the pain that was many times greater. There was nothing she could do about Cloud’s suffering and the pain ached in her heart.”
Why would Aerith be surprised if Cloud only thought of her as a mere friend? Aerith knew that they were friends before all of this. But, with her death, Aerith sees that Cloud loved her a great deal, much more than a friend. Aerith, realizing just how much Cloud cares for her, later wonders if she and Cloud would be seen as family or lovers (clearly she was speaking of “family” in the sense of marriage due to the flow of her thoughts in the direction of lovers and confessing her love) if only she could make her feelings for him clear:
“Maybe she could be clear about her affections towards Cloud here. Then maybe they would be seen as family or lovers… During her lifetime in Midgar, she felt many souls of the ones that tried to confess their love. Those that still had those feelings or had those feelings left behind them could strongly retain their consciousness as a ‘whole’.”
Aerith clearly states here that the reason why many souls don’t return to the planet is because they love someone among the living and/or are loved in return by one of the living. This explains why Aerith is still present in “Calling” at the end of Advent Children. While her mission is complete, she hasn’t returned to the planet. The reason behind that would have to be because Aerith loves Cloud, because Cloud loves Aerith, or because they love each other. Personally, I vote for the latter– because they love each other. If this wasn’t the case, Cloud’s story wouldn’t have ended with a bonus video of Cloud riding off to meet Aerith in a flower field, thereby giving a satisfying yet subtle ClAeris ending to AC. Aerith retains her consciousness because of her love for Cloud (and the fact that she lives on in his subconsciousness); Cloud seeks out the flower fields, spends time in them, picks flowers from them, and takes beaucoup pictures of them because of his love for Aerith and the fact that he can see/hear/interact with her there.
b. Cloud was depressed in AC. If it was “just guilt” that motivated Cloud, why the depression? From Reunion Files:
“At one point, I thought it would’ve been nice to have Zack appear a little earlier in the film and get mad at Cloud for being so depressed.” (Nojima)
So, as confirmed, it is not guilt alone that is eating away at Cloud, he is also overwhelmed by depression. Is part of his depression due to his Geostigma? I am sure that is part of his problem. However, it isn’t the main cause of his depression. Considering that Cloud never mentions his Geostigma to anyone, I would have to say that it would have to be a very minimal agent in regards to Cloud’s depression. So, what, exactly, is Cloud’s problem? Well, he says so himself in Case of Tifa:
Tifa: “Did you fix the problem?”
Cloud: “What problem?”
Tifa: “Your problem.”
Cloud: “Oh…”
Cloud was clearly deep in thought.
Tifa: “If you don’t want to tell me, don’t.”
“I can’t explain it well…” Cloud searched for the right words. “I didn’t fix the problem. I don’t think I’ll ever fix the problem. I can’t make somebody unlose their life.”
And Cloud reiterates his problem/sin in AC when he asks Vincent if “sins are ever forgiven”. So, there you have it– Cloud’s depression, his “problem”, his “sin” is the fact that he was unable to protect Aerith and she lost her life because of it. Cloud’s depression is over Aerith’s death. This should be clear when you consider what I just said above about Cloud’s devastation over the loss of Aerith.
c. Cloud sought forgiveness from Aerith only. Cloud felt guilty for the deaths of both Aerith and Zack. The wolf, “a symbolic figure that represents the deepest part of Cloud’s psyche” and only “appears in response to some burden that Cloud is carrying deep in his heart” (RF, p. 86) appears in places associated with both Aerith and Zack: Zack’s grave, Aerith’s church, and the Forgotten Capital (Aerith’s grave).
Despite the fact that Cloud feels guilty over the deaths of both Zack and Aerith, he seeks forgiveness from Aerith alone, as confirmed in RF:
“The incredible guilt Cloud feels because of what happened to Aerith can only be lifted by forgiveness from Aerith herself.” (Nojima)
If Cloud feels guilty for both Zack and Aerith’s deaths, why does he seek out only Aerith? Why is it that the guilt and sorrow over her death is so much greater for Cloud? Cloud was unable to stop either of these people from dying and yet feels a deeper burden on his heart because of the death of one of them (Aerith). In fact, Cloud carried extreme amounts of regret and sorrow over the death of Aerith for two years after FFVII.
The passage I quoted above from MotP is a good answer– the fact that Aerith herself was surprised over the depth of Cloud’s feelings for her make it clear that she is no mere friend to him. Cloud’s devastation over her death is seemingly greater than what Cloud experienced over Zack’s death. Therefore, he needs to be forgiven only by her, to know that she never blamed him for failing to protect her.
The logical conclusion, then, would have to be that Cloud seeks forgiveness only from Aerith because of his love for her. Cloud failed to protect the woman he loved. That is his burden; that is his sin. And Cloud needs to be forgiven by her “more than anything”.
d. Forgiveness from Aerith means more to Cloud than anything else. As stated by Cloud himself in AC, Aerith’s forgiveness is what matters most to him. Funny how some CloTis paint Cloud and Tifa as this great romantic couple and then say that Cloud was “just guilty” over the death of a “mere friend”. Funny that the death of this “mere friend” would keep Cloud from the “love of his life”. Funny that forgiveness from this “mere friend” is more important than anything else in Cloud’s world, including his family and friends (or some non-existent romance). Funny that sorrow, regret, and the need for forgiveness over the death of a “mere friend” continues over a span of two years. XD Honestly, does that make any sense at all???
If you look at things logically, only one answer makes sense: that Cloud loves Aerith and seeks forgiveness from her alone because of the great amount of guilt and sorrow associated with failing to protect the woman he loves from harm. That is why her forgiveness means so much to him. That is why Cloud alienates himself from everyone who cares for him. That is why Cloud angsted over her for two whole years. And that is where Cloud’s depression stems from. End of story.
Random CloTi: “At the end of Advent Children, Cloud moves on and forgets about Aerith/S-E wants to leave Aerith behind and phase her out to make room for CloTi/Insert random Aerith-hating and idiotic comments about forgetting her, etc., etc….”
This has to be one of the most ignorant things anyone could say. It would take ignoring the entire theme of FFVII; all of the subsequent games released since FFVII; the creators’ intentions toward AC; the official novella, MotP; and the characters’ backgrounds provided in DoC to believe a ridiculous notion like this. When has S-E ever made an attempt to phase Aerith out??? Considering that the entire theme of FFVII was life and that theme was portrayed most closely with the heroine, Aerith, I would say that her continued appearances tie in nicely with the idea that death is not the demise of life. This theme was carried on in MotP and AC. Not only that, but she continues to appear in subsequent games alongside Cloud and is mentioned in games that she doesn’t even appear in. Pretty strange behavior for a company who is supposedly trying to leave Aerith behind, isn’t it?
Also, just because Cloud moves on in AC doesn’t mean he leaves Aerith behind, forgets her, etc…. Cloud moves on in the sense that he is not longer tormented by his past and has forgiven himself. He is no longer burdened with regret. However, it is clear that Aerith is and always will be a part of Cloud’s life. It has always been this way, starting back in 1997 when, at the end of FFVII, Cloud stated that he wanted to meet Aerith again. This desire was carried on in games such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Kingdom Hearts, where Cloud was portrayed as searching for Aerith. Later, Cloud is shown in AC, seeking Aerith once again in order to hear from her own lips that she never blamed him for her death. At the end of the movie, it is clear that Cloud and Aerith will never be apart in “Calling” when they are shown to be meeting in a flower field. This idea is backed up by Tetsuya Nomura himself, in an interview in the documentary Distance:
“The words ‘memetic legacy’ are used a lot in the film but in AC, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud… He sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him.”
So, Aerith is no mere memory to Cloud. To him, she is still very much alive inside his heart and soul for Cloud has discovered that she never truly left him at all. Cloud found a way to “meet her again” and is content.
One more thing from the Dirge of Cerberus game booklet:
Aerith Gainsborough, a girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget.
Considering that Aerith had no screen time in DoC, apart from a few Easter eggs, S-E still decided to include her bio right with everyone else, making sure that every player would know that Cloud would never forget Aerith. Once again, strange behavior from a company that so many CloTis are insisting wish to “get rid of Aerith”. And, as it is confirmed that Cloud will never forget Aerith, I consider this idea to be even more ludicrous.
Random CloTi: “ZackxAerith is canon, just look at them in AC and CC!”
Okay, first of all, we have already received confirmation of Aerith’s feelings for Cloud in MotP, where she clearly states she loves Cloud more than she ever loved Zack. Throw in the fact that Aerith totally blew Zack off in the Lifestream (MotP): she told Zack that she preferred Cloud’s awkward simplisticness; she told Zack that he could never be anyone’s lover because he had “gotten along with so many girls” (e.g. he’s a “playah”); and she told Zack she would only call him if she got “really lonely”. Then toss in Aerith stating in FFVII Dismantled that, although Cloud and Zack were similar, she liked Cloud more than Zack. So, where, exactly, is the proof that Aerith still has feelings for Zack? She has stated very clearly, more than once, that she cares more for Cloud than Zack (Dismantled, MotP). WTF is up with all of the idiots on the ‘Net who can’t understand something that is that straightforward??? Aerith has been very blunt and honest about her feelings. If someone chooses to ignore Aerith’s own words and feelings on the matter, they are just another fan who chooses to twist things to their liking, ignore the truth, and make up nonsense. They simply want Aerith out of the way because she is such a threat to their CloTi ideas.
As for any “Zeris hints” in AC… um, yyyeah…. Aerith and Zack only spoke in one scene and they mostly discussed Cloud. And Aerith and Zack appeared together only once, in the end. I have heard some pretty ridiculous ideas from CloTi fans that seem to think that walking out a door together means you are in love. o_0 WTF??? Yes, let’s just ignore the fact that Aerith and Zack don’t even once look at each other in that scene. Let’s just ignore the fact that Aerith and Zack don’t even speak to each other in that scene. Let’s just ignore the fact that Aerith and Zack are totally focused on Cloud in that scene. Let’s make up asinine conclusions that only lovers can walk through doorways together. *Much rolling of eyes* Desperate much?
Zack was Cloud’s best friend in life. His appearance in that doorway was all for Cloud. The fact that he completely ignored Aerith and waved at Cloud should be enough to clue some people in. It was Zack’s way of saying, “I’m okay, pal, so don’t feel bad for me.”
As for Aerith, she totally ignored Zack; she was too busy smiling flirtatiously at Cloud, who was goggling at her. Aerith, much more vibrant and colorful than Zack, whose colors were much more subdued, was the first to leave. Zack followed Aerith through the doorway, walking through and then moving off to the side while Aerith continued straight. Zack was behind Aerith and yet he disappeared first. This interesting ploy gave viewers the idea that, not only was Aerith Cloud’s main focus, but that, while Aerith and Zack were both returning to the same place (the Lifestream), they didn’t necessarily go together.
And now for CC (Crisis Core)… This game is set as a prequel for FFVII and gives Zack time in the limelight as he is the hero of this game. Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth, and Tifa, along with many other characters are also present. So, what are CloTis gloating about? I wish I knew. The simple fact of the matter is that ZackxAerith is canon. They are a legitimate pairing. Aerith is part of Zack’s romantic history. But, that’s just where CloTis confuse facts with their delusions and desperate attempts to pair Aerith off with anyone to get her out of the way. ZackxAerith is in the past. Aerith stated as much herself in FFVII. And, considering that CC takes place in the past before Aerith even met Cloud, I fail to see what bearing it has on the love triangle.
Random CloTi: “Aerith’s is like Cloud’s mother! He called her mother and he is attracted to her ‘maternal essence’ at the Forgotten City!”
So, what are CloTis harping about here? They are speaking of the ending of AC where Cloud mutters “mother” while on the brink of death. Cloud is lying in white space and Aerith places a reassuring hand on his forehead while she heals him. Cloud, drifting in and out of consciousness mutters “Mother?” And CloTis, being what they are, ignore the fact that Cloud was unconscious and merely reacting to a comforting presence.
Tifa, on the other hand, has been described as being like a mother to Cloud. Actually, Nomura himself stated that Tifa has a “maternal bond” with Cloud.
The direct quote from Reunion Files:
“Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a ‘big kid’ himself in some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint.” (Nomura)
So, Nomura states that both Tifa and Aerith have maternal sides to them, but that Tifa’s maternal side is different. He then applies Tifa’s maternal side directly to Cloud and states right there that Tifa has a maternal bond with Cloud. Aerith’s maternal side was described as being different than that of Tifa’s, whose maternal side relates to Marlene, Denzel, and Cloud. So, how exactly is Aerith like a mother to Cloud when it has already been confirmed that Tifa is the one who is like a mother to Cloud and that Aerith’s maternal side isn’t like Tifa’s?
Honestly, Cloud acts like a rebellious teenager around Tifa all throughout Case of Tifa and AC, running off on his motorcycle, staying gone all the time, clamming up and not speaking with Tifa, hiding things from Tifa, etc… Tifa, on the other hand, acts like a concerned parent, worrying about Cloud and scolding him on several occasions. A few examples of this…
From Case of Tifa:
(During a conversation with Tifa) … Cloud made a familiar face, like a child who knew a scolding was inevitable…
Cloud gazed at Tifa with the expression of a child whose worst secret had just been let out of the bag…
…He’s like a child, Tifa thought. While it made her sad that Cloud could see another world she knew nothing about, the idea his world was expanding at all was a welcome one. Yes… Maybe this is kind of what a mother feels like. Once she saw Cloud off, Tifa was alone with the new emotions growing inside her and was happy.
So, please tell me again how Cloud sees Aerith as his mother? We have Cloud muttering mother while drifting in and out of unconsciousness, while on the brink of death, while merely reacting to the presence of a comforting hand vs. Tifa being confirmed as having a “maternal bond” with Cloud, feeling motherly feelings toward Cloud, and seeing Cloud as a child. Gee…. XD
As for Cloud being “drawn to Aerith’s maternal essence”… that is a complete lie. Nothing like that was ever stated and, as usual, CloTis are twisting facts to make their own pairing seem more legitimate than it is. Here is the complete quote from Reunion Files:
“I think that part of the reason we decided to have Kadaj’s base in the Forgotten City is because it’s the one place that Cloud avoids. But at the same time, perhaps he’s drawn to it. There’s a sort of hidden meaning to it, with the maternal essence of Aerith that lingers there.” (Nomura)
So, what does this quote seem to say? It states that Cloud avoids the FC, but that he’s also drawn to it. Period. It doesn’t say anything about Cloud being drawn to Aerith’s maternal essence. In fact, some fans seem to think that that the “perhaps he’s drawn to it” part actually refers to Kadaj. This would actually tend to make more sense as it was Kadaj who constantly sought “mother” in AC. If Kadaj was searching for “mother” and noticed Aerith’s maternal essence at the FC, it would make sense why he would choose to set up his base there. Since the grammar on this statement was confusing, I asked Shadow Spirit if he could discover any clues within the Japanese kanji on the page. This is what he had to say about it:
“I understand that the reference is towards Kadaj… even if take the context, the talk here started with Kadaj’s reason for setting his base at FC, and then, another reason (Aerith’s presence on there). I don’t think it’s talking about Cloud here…”
So it appears that, with the help of the Japanese translation, the English grammar becomes more clear: Kadaj’s search for “mother” led him to the FC where he felt Aerith’s “maternal essence”, and so decided to set up his base there. After all, later in AC, Kadaj mistakes Aerith’s presence as that of “mother” again.
Random CloTi: “In Maiden of the Planet, Aerith gives Cloud and Tifa her blessing to move on together!”
Where did CloTis get this absurd idea? It all started when their strange little minds came across a passage in the official novella Maiden of the Planet, which focuses on Aerith after her death in FFVII. The passage in question:
“She desperately tried to talk to Tifa who was about to get intoxicated by the highly concentrated Mako. Guiding her conscious, Aerith took her into Cloud’s closed heart.
In truth, Aerith really wanted to do it herself. But she couldn’t carry out the task. That’s why she entrusted Tifa with it. She entrusted Tifa with all the feelings she had for Cloud in her heart. She entrusted them to the one who was going to ‘live’ together with Cloud…”
Frankly, I thought it was obvious what Aerith meant in this passage…
a. Aerith “entrusted Tifa with it”, “it” being the task of sorting through Cloud’s memories with him to allow him to learn the truth. Tifa was, in essence, a “fact-checker”, the only one who could confirm or deny events from Cloud’s childhood as she is the only one from AVALANCHE who knew him then. Is there anything romantic implied here? No.
b. Aerith “entrusted Tifa with all the feelings she had for Cloud in her heart”. In other words, Aerith entrusts Cloud’s fate with Tifa because she understands that, besides herself, Tifa cares for Cloud the most and is unfailingly loyal to him. Aerith knows that Tifa will do everything in her power to help Cloud during this crisis. While it speaks volumes about Tifa’s feelings for Cloud, it says nothing about Cloud’s feelings for Tifa. This isn’t anything new as we all knew that, at this point in the game, Tifa was still in love with Cloud. This is why Aerith entrusted all of her own feelings with Tifa, because Tifa’s feelings of love for Cloud mirror her own. Aerith never gave up her own feelings, she merely wished for Tifa to aid Cloud in her stead as Aerith is unable to help him with his identity crisis, since Aerith never knew Cloud as a child.
c. Aerith “entrusted them [all the feelings she had for Cloud in her heart] to the one who was going to ‘live’ together with Cloud”. This is basically the same as “b”. Aerith is counting on Tifa to take care of Cloud in the land of the living since she is unable to do so herself. She actually says this herself later, telling Tifa to “take care of Cloud and the upper world”. Someone from the living world is required, hence the way the word “live” was put into quotations (as it was meant literally)- Tifa would be amongst the living with Cloud and would be able to take care of him in Aerith’s absence.
So, how does “entrusting” someone with your feelings and “entrusting” someone with the care of someone you love because you are unable to do it yourself= “j00 hav mah blessings to make babeez!!!”??? 0_o Especially when you take the rest of FFVII and the whole Compilation into consideration. By the end of the game, Cloud was still only talking about Aerith and meeting her again. Two years later, it is Aerith who helps Cloud during his crisis. Three years after that and he is still single. This all makes it pretty clear that Aerith never intended her words be taken in a romantic context. It is also clear that entrusting Tifa with Cloud’s care was only temporary, as Aerith returns full-force to aid Cloud in Advent Children.