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Pro Adventurer
I'm getting quite frustrated by the front page cache at the moment. When I'm writing an article, I need to be able to see what the featured image and headline look like on the front page after I've published, in case something needs changing, but at the moment my new articles don't show up for absolutely ages. Hard refreshing doesn't help, and it's a pain to have to go into my browser options to clear my cache repeatedly. I had to resort to IE to see my latest article, which made me notice that the featured image needing changing. After I had changed it, the old image was still visible in IE - even after I physically deleted it from our server.

What exactly did you change in the settings the other day, Yop?


Odd, it should clear articles and shit when they're published. There's a checkbox somewhere that basically says 'delete the whole cache when publishing something new'; I'll go check that. Try it now.

Also it seems the cache simply wasn't working for quite a while, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
I can't get the new media uploader to work properly on Wordpress.

I click "add media", upload a file, edit it if needs be - that's all fine. Then I click "add to post" and it simply doesn't appear. I try again, still nothing. I wonder if it's a known bug?


Great Old One
I can't get the new media uploader to work properly on Wordpress.

I click "add media", upload a file, edit it if needs be - that's all fine. Then I click "add to post" and it simply doesn't appear. I try again, still nothing. I wonder if it's a known bug?
Have you tried a different browser? Might be something as silly as that. If there are certain browser/versions it doesn't work in, WP is probably working on it.

What kind of media file are you having problems with?


Great Old One
I disabled the Plugins one after one. The one breaking the Media inserter was "Flexible Lightbox." "Integrate Lightbox into your blogs. Open Images and Native Galleries on the popup overlay window without touching the html code. On the image setting panel you can select if you want to 'Open using Lightbox'."

I don't know if this is something old or if it's something anybody is really using. I'll leave it disabled for now.

The image insert function is working fine now. That new version looks really good, by the way. A lot easier to set a Featured Image.


Pro Adventurer
I never use Lightbox, myself. I really dislike the large white border it places around images on hover. I think it's only useful if posting a gallery of images within a post, but I can't remember seeing anyone do that since I started contributing here.

Anyway, thanks for the fixx :monster:


Great Old One
I had to google Lightbox to see what it is :lol: Yeah I think I've seen that in action on one of the posts. Hmm. Someone might miss that feature, also I remember it looked good. Anyway it looks like some of the JavaScript in the Lightbox plugin messed up the insert feature, which I bet also run on JavaScript/AJAX or similar (too lazy to check), so we would need a replacement that doesn't break the WP media inserter. I would have guessed WP has added a feature similar to Lightbox, but from what I can see by chucking in a couple of photos into a post, the mini versions simply link to the bigger version.

Maybe someone wants to look into finding a new Lightbox/ making-pictures-look-cool-plugin? I can see that the one we've been using is no longer supported, and other people have been having the same problem and want a replacement (this is the official page for the plugin)


We should look into replacing the lightbox (or something) then for the summer things, fgj :monster:.

Also, not the first time a plugin broke an admin page. Fucking plugins.


Great Old One
Also, not the first time a plugin broke an admin page. Fucking plugins.
Yeah. Or, fucking plugin developers, when they think their job has ended when the plugin is finished. At least they could put in a "this plugin is no longer supported" when they decide to abandon it, then you will see it in the plugin overview whenever you, say, update your other plugins.


Pro Adventurer
The cache doesn't only apply to images, I notice. I noticed that our "happening now" text was about a month out of date - it still referred to our first podcast - so I updated it in the Wordpress admin panel, but I'm still seeing the old one on the front page, even when I open an incognito browser window. I understand why we use caching, but I don't think we have it perfectly set up at the moment. Is it worth looking into?


Great Old One
Are you sure it's not your computer caching the new update? I can see it just fine.
Have you listened to episode two of the Lifestream podcast yet?
What do you mean by 'incognito browser window'? If it's the same browser, no help there. You most likely need to open a different browser or clear your browser cache.

I'm pretty sure this isn't the server cache doing this. It knows when text has changed.


Pro Adventurer
Are you sure it's not your computer caching the new update? I can see it just fine.

What do you mean by 'incognito browser window'? If it's the same browser, no help there. You most likely need to open a different browser or clear your browser cache.

I'm pretty sure this isn't the server cache doing this. It knows when text has changed.

In Chrome, Incognito Mode is basically private browsing - it doesn't use any existing cookies, cache etc, and any that are set while it's active are cleared upon exit. So it's like looking at the site through a fresh browser.

It cleared up after about a quarter of an hour for me. I guess it's not such a big deal with text, but it can be a pain in the backside when trying to edit images on the front page.


The cache, iirc, works on a per-user basis if you're logged in (also because of user-specific content), so depending on when you accessed the page, you may be seeing an old or a new version.

I'll fiddle with the settings, see if I can get the cache entries for, for example, the home page to expire more frequently.


Pro Adventurer
Not much of a bug, but still:

The descriptive text for the "Feedback, Suggestions & Questions" forum on the index page is "Need help or have suggetions for Post about it here." Two three issues:

1. "suggetions" should be "suggestions".
2. We don't own the domain

I wonder how long they've been like that for, and I wonder if anyone else ever noticed :monster:

3. "Post about it" - what is "it"? If it means suggestions, then it should read "post about them", but if it means a need for help, then "it" is correct. Solution: change the first sentence to "Need help or have a suggestion...", so "it" makes sense both ways.
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I probably put that up there at the very beginning, nobody seemed to bother to actually read it or complain about it before, so :monster:.


Great Old One
So, I think Yop's fiddling with the extracts when setting up the social media plugin messed up the extract under the top news story on the front page - or was this done deliberately?

Go to the front page to see, it just says "more" and nothing else under the title of the top story. (We had plans for doing something to the extracts anyway, didn't we?)


Pro Adventurer
Huh, how did I miss that?

When making a post, it is possible to write a custom excerpt for it (I've been doing that for my posts with future compatibility in mind). That's what we discussed showing on the front page. I'm not sure what's happened here though.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, something weird is going on with the extracts. It was set to the first twenty words of each article. When I put my most recent article up, it was working like that just fine. A couple of days later, though, it changed. I'm guessing around the time Yop was tweaking something?

At the time, I just assumed somebody had decided the first twenty words I had arranged weren't the best extract, and so they changed it. Looks like that wasn't the case.


It should work fine if you remove the "more" tag, IIRC the previous posts did. If you look in the "our site" thread, that new social plugin we had came with the caveat of fucking up the excerpts. Yop had to fix it with a dirty dirty hack.


I probably fucked that detail up, yes; tbh I've no clue how Wordpress works, and how everything seems to work together, or etc. And that new social media plugin seems to fuck shit up; the thing I did was a very low-level, uninformed attempt at trying to undo said fuckup, which apparently phail'd epically.

Quck fix would be to undo my quick fix and get rid of that plugin which apparently inserts shit into our summary, and/or our summary thing is generating the summary the wrong way.


Great Old One
I made that extra excerpt filter/function thingy in WP, I can have a look at it. I was gonna do that anyway, but later. Might as well look at it now :monster: Or, like, not now now but sometimes during the weekend.


Great Old One
Re: the excerpt problem (originally posted in Podcast thread):

Installed Flare on fhtagn, this is what it does:
0 Flares 0 Flares × A re-release of the often forgotten PC version of Final Fantasy VII has been rumoured... more

Yop fixed it by adding
$result = substr($result, 25);
...which I don't understand why fecked up the excerpt. It shouldn't have done that. I'm looking into it now.

Edit2: wtf I don't have this problem on fhtagn! Yop's fix worked fine. I made a dummy copy of Ryu's post and tossed in a long title and text, and it looks fine. GAAAHH now I have to start investigating... damn PHP environment :loopy:

...ooooor we could just upgrade WP and cross our fingers they made a change to the excerpt that fixes it? Or something? The 2 versions should be the same - except for there are a few plugins on that isn't on fhtagn. I'm gonna install them for comparisment.

Edit: Found the fault. Flare doesn't add a fixed amount of characters to the excerpt, so Yop's hax of ($result, 25) has to be made dynamic. So I just have to figure out how to find out how many characters Flare adds to the excerpt, then remove them. The best would be to remove those characters alltogether, but it might be a fixed thing in the plugin code. For now I have set it to 28, removing that "15;" that was being output for Ryu's article. Also Yop had changed the amount of characters to be output for the excerpt for the top article from 20 to 45, believing those had to be added, but they don't, so I changed it to 20 and now it looks more or less like it used to. I'll see if I can come up with a new hax.

Edit2: I temporarily give up, posted a comment in a WP support thread. Hopefully someone answers.

Edit3: Okay. So apparently there's the option of adding a manual Excerpt to each post. This excerpt is simply filled in when you write/ edit a post in the admin panel. Now, getting this excerpt is easy when you're getting it from what WP calls 'the loop', but getting it by, say, ID, is a bitch. Which puzzles me because you can get everything else by ID: Title, content, featured image... blah.

I am now thinking of rewriting the previews output on the frontpage by utilizing the loop instead, however this demands answer to a question (and I think this one goes to Flintlock most of all): Did you imagine these excerpts to be output in the newspost itself? Or is it simply a tool to use for the front page etc - I know news magazines can have one excerpt on the front page, which is not repeated in the article itself.


Edit4: Nevermind that - I've had some sort of breakthrough. I can now fetch the manual Excerpt made in each post. But the question still remains - do we want to output this excerpt (like right under the title) on each post single page as well?
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Pro Adventurer
The main benefit of writing the excerpt manually is that it doesn't need to be repeated on the post itself, so that's the behaviour I'd like to see. It's easy enough to copy-paste the excerpt into the article itself if an author wants to do so. I hope that answers your question - that was a lot of edits :)

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
So, every time I try to thank a post a message pops up informing me that I cannot access that page.
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