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Great Old One
It's probably leftovers from the server stuff going on earlier today. Try clearing Chrome's cache?


I can't access the forums through Chrome. When I click from the link on the main page it opens up some kind of download pop-up at the bottom of my screen.

I can access the site fine through IE though.

Yeah, try to clear your cache, that should fix it. I'm kinda sure that that one is caused by your browser not seeing a 'content has changed' header being returned by the server, so it gives you the same content you got last time - i.e. that file. I should look into that. Pretty sure it's got something to do with content type - the downloaded file would be served as text/plain, while the page it generates is served as text/html
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Main page was throwing errors for some reason yet you could still use the new post function ok.
Also the site is extremely laggy today?


I just restarted stuff, see what happens. MySQL took up quite a bit of CPU, might be it's fucked. But eh.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Was weird, only threw me an error message when I tried to access the main page.
The lag seems to have cleared now at least :P


It's giving me problems now, wtf, I don't get it. I think I'll have it do a complete reboot, see if that makes any difference.


It's giving me problems now, wtf, I don't get it. I think I'll have it do a complete reboot, see if that makes any difference.


Gave the server a proper hard reboot, seems to be working again. I'm getting an upgrade though, fucker. MySQL sucks balls too.


Seems the caching system is b0rked or something (or perhaps the cache settings for static pages), as new articles did not show up for unregistered users, even after manually resetting the cache. I'll look into that later; for now, I just turned off the cache.


Okay, TLS went down again for a bit, probably because someone's fucking around in the wordpress admin stuff. I made a fix so Wordpress can't break that file anymore though, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
Not sure if this is the right place but oh well.

My sister signed up on to the site about a week ago with the name MissPlasticFlower but she still hasn't recieved a verification email for her account. We both check through her emails and in the spam section so she definitely didn't receive one. She also 100% sure she wrote the right email address when signing up to the site.
She would really like to start posting but she can't yet :monster: so she would really like some help.


Great Old One
It's been broken for several weeks now :monster:

fixx it u lazy ass
probably some pop3 setting or something causing it, I've had that problem on a phpBB forum earlier.


Higher Further Faster
Not sure if this is the right place but oh well.

My sister signed up on to the site about a week ago with the name MissPlasticFlower but she still hasn't recieved a verification email for her account. We both check through her emails and in the spam section so she definitely didn't receive one. She also 100% sure she wrote the right email address when signing up to the site.
She would really like to start posting but she can't yet :monster: so she would really like some help.

Tell her to try it now.

Let me know if I didn't do it right. :/

Cookie Monster

Can someone fix the damn banner? It's been off-center for awhile. I end up staring at it for a few seconds every time I come here, it's annoying. It's like a small stain on a white shirt.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
where is the quick reply box? Is it not showing up for anyone else?


Pro Adventurer
It's still there for me

I got postninja'd by two people while I had this thread open. That's the danger of the quick reply box. I guess you don't need three people telling you it works...


Pro Adventurer
This isn't a bug, but I couldn't find a separate suggestions thread, and this doesn't really need one of its own.

I find the black username colour very difficult to read. Could it be scrapped? I looked through all the skins to see if there were any where it would not clash with the background, and the only one I found was "vBulletin default". I bet nobody uses that. All the other ones have dark backgrounds, so it doesn't make any sense to allow dark-coloured usernames. My apologies to anyone who currently uses one.

Edit: seems like there's only one person? I thought it was more. Anyway, if it's just a temporary thing, feel free to ignore this. I think it's something worth considering in future though.
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