Re: the excerpt problem (originally posted in Podcast thread):
Installed Flare on fhtagn, this is what it does:
0 Flares 0 Flares × A re-release of the often forgotten PC version of Final Fantasy VII has been rumoured... more
Yop fixed it by adding
$result = substr($result, 25);
...which I don't understand why fecked up the excerpt. It shouldn't have done that. I'm looking into it now.
Edit2: wtf I don't have this problem on fhtagn! Yop's fix worked fine. I made a dummy copy of Ryu's post and tossed in a long title and text, and it looks fine. GAAAHH now I have to start investigating... damn PHP environment
...ooooor we could just upgrade WP and cross our fingers they made a change to the excerpt that fixes it? Or something? The 2 versions should be the same - except for there are a few plugins on that isn't on fhtagn. I'm gonna install them for comparisment.
Edit: Found the fault. Flare doesn't add a fixed amount of characters to the excerpt, so Yop's hax of ($result, 25) has to be made dynamic. So I just have to figure out how to find out how many characters Flare adds to the excerpt, then remove them. The best would be to remove those characters alltogether, but it might be a fixed thing in the plugin code. For now I have set it to 28, removing that "15;" that was being output for Ryu's article. Also Yop had changed the amount of characters to be output for the excerpt for the top article from 20 to 45, believing those had to be added, but they don't, so I changed it to 20 and now it looks more or less like it used to. I'll see if I can come up with a new hax.
Edit2: I temporarily give up, posted a comment in
a WP support thread. Hopefully someone answers.
Edit3: Okay. So apparently there's the option of adding a manual Excerpt to each post. This excerpt is simply filled in when you write/ edit a post in the admin panel. Now, getting this excerpt is easy when you're getting it from what WP calls 'the loop', but getting it by, say, ID, is a bitch. Which puzzles me because you can get everything else by ID: Title, content, featured image... blah.
I am now thinking of rewriting the previews output on the frontpage by utilizing the loop instead, however this demands answer to a question (and I think this one goes to Flintlock most of all): Did you imagine these excerpts to be output in the newspost itself? Or is it simply a tool to use for the front page etc - I know news magazines can have one excerpt on the front page, which is not repeated in the article itself.
Edit4: Nevermind that - I've had some sort of breakthrough. I can now fetch the manual Excerpt made in each post. But the question still remains - do we want to output this excerpt (like right under the title) on each post single page as well?