The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
I personally don't think it matters whether there are any more angles. With Steam pushing FF7 there will be people who genuinely want honest answers, and I'm happy that this thread allows that dialogue to take place. I think it's good for that alone!


I said a similar thing the last time there was a round of crazy in here. While I'm happy that it generates discussion sometimes it's just a bit much for us all, there's only so much "you're all evil Cloti's" you can hear before you start to question your own sanity :monster:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I always believe I got the right idea about the game even when I first played it at age 12.

I believe I arrived at the conclusions the developers meant for me to come to:
Cloud and Tifa were childhood friends and shared a bond. Tifa felt deeply for Cloud. A challenger appears (Aerith). Aerith and Cloud developed a bond too. Aerith sacrifices herself tragically and it made me sad. Cloud breaks down at the Northern Crater. Tifa finds Cloud and brings him back from the edge of the abyss. Cloud's feelings for Tifa were revealed. The mission continues. Tifa and Cloud confirm their feelings for each other before the final battle.

The ending of the game doesn't tell you much about what happens after, but back then when I talked to people at school who had finished the game, they had drawn the same conclusions I had. So I think most people get the same thing out of the game.
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AI Researcher
Really, it stays open only because this site doesn't fear open, honest debate.
you mean cloti lies

but then, when the standards and goalposts keep moving further away for one side (but strangely more lenient for the other) you have to do what you can

not to mention take everything and find the best (not the most logical or simply or narratively coherent) interpretation of it and bingo. cloud is a selfish bastard who only saves people because he thinks they'll give him money, unless aerith melts his cold heart with a cool island song and then he just cares about her and her alone. also he lives with tifa just to mess her around because that's what you do when you're a fine upstanding gentleman who could go anywhere he wants in the world. (he's still better than zack who is now apparently a massive cheater despite only seeing him in a substantial relationship with just one woman.)

if you really want to, you can find an alternative viewpoint on everything:

Cloud thinks Aerith’s eyes are “impressive” —->
People comment on Cloud's eyes, but that isn't necessarily romantic. She's the last of an extinct race, they might have a strange glow to their eyes like SOLDIER do. 'Impressive eyes' is not intrinsically romantic.

Cloud thinks Aerith’s smile is a “good purchase” —->
In a desolate and depressing place like Midgar, it's probably nice to see someone smile.

Cloud leaves his initial meeting with Aerith with a “mysterious feeling” —->
Because he just met the last Ancient. 'Mysterious feeling' is not intrinsically romantic (unless that feeling was in his pants).

Cloud agrees to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the price of one date —->
They were just joking around, and it's now a reference to Zack thanks to CC.

Cloud laughs for the first and only time in FFVII with Aerith [he is attracted to her personality] —->
'Attracted to her personality' is just something you've read into it and are trying to use as fact now. You can laugh at something people say without being attracted to them as a person. You don't even have to like them most of the time, you can still laugh.

Cloud is triggered into a flashback about romantic relationships in Aerith’s house —->
Where you hear that he was 'not interested' in what his mother suggested (someone like Aerith) and he proceeds to leave her house without telling her.

Cloud and Aerith share an intimate date in the Sector 5 park where Aerith brings up her previous boyfriend, thus bringing romantic relationships to the forefront of the story —->
Only Aerith's past relationship, which serves the purpose of foreshadowing Zack's existence and is swiftly forgotten about when Tifa appears. That isn't in the 'forefront of the story' if it last for all of 15 seconds and you spend the next half an hour trying to dress Cloud like a lady.

Cloud tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him —->
Cloud was willing to leave Aerith's house in the middle of the night and never see her again hours before this.

Barret observes that Aerith seems to be the first person Cloud cares for besides himself —->
Barret later thinks Cloud is after Marlene. Barret is not the definitive source on what Cloud is like, he barely knows Cloud at this point. Then again Barret implies there is something between Cloud and Tifa when they return from the first bombing mission. As do other characters like Johnny.

Cloud is willing to risk his life to save a girl he just met —->
Cloud risked his life to save a doctor he didn't know from AVALANCHE in BC, and dozens of kids he doesn't know from Kadaj in AC, he even rescued Priscilla from a monster in FFVII. It's been noted that Cloud takes protecting people very seriously.

Tifa is jealous when she sees CloudxAerith flirting in the Shinra jail cell—->
Tifa is an insecure person who puts up a strong front. She hears an innocuous comment where Aerith jokes about a date and takes it the wrong way.

Cloud says he will always be there for Aerith in Cosmo Canyon —->
You've just totally twisted that into what you want. That isn't what he says.

Cloud and Aerith share a date at Golden Saucer —->
Where she talks more about his identity crisis and Cloud is oblivious.

SE intentionally includes a “wedding prediction” about Cloud and Aerith’s affinity that becomes “more painful” after Aerith’s death —->
That's not what it says. It says that Cait Sith seems to expect a wedding.

Cloud expresses a desire to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII —->
He says he 'can meet' Aerith (that's not quite the same as desire), and the writers decided to have Tifa tag along with him on this so-called romantic venture.

Cloud visits Aerith’s Church in Advent Children and Tifa’s “complicated feelings” as a woman towards Aerith continue to this very day —->
That doesn't say anything about Cloud's feelings, just Tifa's perception of things.

SE says that Cloud is Aerith’s “koibito” —->
Tifa was called the "~~koibito~~" of someone by Nomura, and no one with any common sense would suggest that Tifa would be in a serious romantic relationship with anyone but Cloud. We're never given any evidence to suggest this. And as it is Tifa who is the *koi bito* (thus the object of affection of someone) and the only logical partner is Cloud, this tells us what Cloud's feelings are: he loves Tifa. Aerith's quote only says that she loves him.

SE includes a romantic cameo of Cloud and Aerith in FFIX —->
Only English fans seem to consider this a reference to FFVII. When the Ultimania Omega listed FFVII cameos in other games it didn't say a word about this. It mentions the Cloud sprite in the PS1 verson of FFV, it mentions character's names appearing in other games, but not this. FFIX's section mentions Zidane talking abotu a 'spiky haired guy with a big sword', but doesn't mention anything about a romantic cameo of the true couple of FFVII? (Apart from 'Knight #7' and a flowergirl, there isn't anything to suggest that Weimar is a reference to Cloud since his personality is nothing like Cloud's.) At least it's not as bad as the 'Summer and Winter' monkeys in FFX-2.

SE says that Cloud and Aerith have a “special bond” —->
So do Cloud and Sephiroth. 'Special bond' is not intrinsically romantic.

SE says Cloud wavers between two love interests —->
Irrelevant to how it ends. They were talking about the conception of the story, not its final conclusion.

SE makes Cloud and Aerith Emperor and Empress —->
In a little spin-off game where Zack and Tifa are the school kid couple for some reason. Do SE think that's a 'canon' coupling too?

that didn't take long to come up with, except the ffix one where i looked at the book again and do a little web search (there is not one hit for 'ff ワイマール クラウド' or 'ff プルート隊 クラウド' or others, i guess japanese fans don't write these things online. they must just pass notes secretly like an underground cult.)

it's half facetious, but some of it is serious. but can you tell which is which?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Cloud expresses a desire to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII —->
He says he 'can meet' Aerith (that's not quite the same as desire), and the writers decided to have Tifa tag along with him on this so-called romantic venture.

:lol: I love that argument. That SE would include Tifa attempting to cockblock Cloud IN THE END SEQUENCE.


The only purpose it serves is to be a home for our facepalm macros.

And over time facepalm has become too mild of a reaction for this thread I'm afraid.

Anyway, this thread is the scum of the forum. There were definitely good points and discussions that occasionally popped out, and of course there's the quotes brought up and/or corrected that otherwise might have remained unknown to newbies like me, but the stupid just outweighs the benefits.

I'm with the thought that this shouldn't be closed down because TLS is a site open to debate and all, but man, this is fucking toxic. There's actually another thread created for the purpose of discussing character relationships without having to engage in this fiasco. I'm bringing it up in case anyone doesn't know or has forgotten about it.

As for BlankBeat, I seriously believe he enjoys riling up 'rabid Clotis' for whatever reason. I don't even know why he posted something that he specified to be a follow-up to his PM to somebody. I agree with what GLD said that we should just deal with him like Tres did. Tres is our king, after all :desu:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
For the record, I don't want the LTD thread to go away entirely. Not until the debate is 100% over, which we all know will never, EVER happen. I just would like A.) someone who actually intends to debate, honestly, rather than spam long disproven cut and pasted rhetoric and claim "opinion!" trumps all, or B.) some different herp and derp to point out and laugh at, mix it up now and then.


AI Researcher
And over time facepalm has become too mild of a reaction for this thread I'm afraid.
i need this gif in my life

it's the graphical representation of what happens when something new is brought up for this stuff

(new as in 'old but we found someone who translated it differently now' most of the time)

('translate' as in the way a a guy who provides meat products translates a cow into bacon am i right)

(i mean it's bullshit)


Pro Adventurer
At the time of Nomura's statement where he proclaimed he had "no idea" if Cloud and Tifa were in a relationship, the HAHW already existed. Therefore, the HAHW scene is irrelevant. According to Nomura, since he made his statement when the HAHW scene already existed, believes that expressing mutual feelings does not necessarily mean a relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa.

He's a man who finds it hard to make connections. Cloud's story is about guilt and failure. Those are the motivators for Cloud Strife.
You are correct. Cloud Strife is a man who finds it hard to make connections.

That's why Cloud being able to laugh with Aerith so quickly shows that Cloud and Aerith did, in fact, have a "special bond".

That's also why the fact that Cloud was willing to risk his life to save a girl he had just met was so significant -- significant enough for Barret to make an observation about it.

Cloud and Aerith had a "special bond" that caused Cloud to do things and act in ways that were very uncharacteristic of him. That's why Tifa gets jealous of Cloud and Aerith's relationship -- she wishes she could bring out the side of Cloud that Aerith was able to bring to the surface.

His mind wasn't in the right place when he was with Aeris. I'm not sure you can truly love anyone when you're not in a good state of mind, period.
If the real Cloud continues to care for and think about Aerith (based on the interactions they had when he was messed up) it is irrelevant that he was messed up when he was interacting with Aerith.


Pretty much everything you said ignores the bigger context. In fact, if you look at the order and progression of events I outlined, it is not hard to see that Cloud and Aerith's relationship is undeniably romantic. You are simply looking at each of my reasons individually, instead of looking at how they build off of each other to paint a picture of undeniable romance.

But just to prove that your entire post was biased, I thought I'd single out this part:
Strangelove said:
Cloud was willing to leave Aerith's house in the middle of the night and never see her again hours before this.
Cloud left Aerith's house in the middle of the night at Elmyra's request. To ignore that fact and make it seem as though Cloud left because he didn't give a rats ass about Aerith is dishonest.

No, actually, Clerith can't have a relationship after the HAHW scene because they don't have a HAHW scene and never had one.
The LTD revolves around who Cloud Strife loves. He loves both Aerith and Tifa. The LTD has never revolved around which couple expressed mutual feelings.

Then they got married!
Cid and Shera do something Cloud and Tifa never do -- get married.

while claiming Cloud laughing with Aerith and being attracted to her physical appearance is a definitive sign of being in love with her. We both know you're smarter than that.
Actually, I was using Cloud's attraction to Aerith's appearance and personality as a way to show that it laid the foundation for his romantic feelings for her that developed throughout FFVII.

BB, I would take that FFIX cameo more seriously if it were actually Cloud and Aerith in there. At least Tactics had actual Cloud and a flowergirl that looked like Aerith. FFIX merely had a reference through a soldier that didn't even act like Cloud. :awesome:
Yes, Knight VII and a Flower Girl are totally not a cameo of Cloud and Aerith in FFIX. LOL.

As for Emperor/Empress, I can't even try to take that seriously because it's merchandise and fanservice. It's like that commercial thing people kept trying to argue with. It also means nothing to me because there is no story behind it. :awesome:

They're Emperor/Empress? Cool. Did you ever think that maybe it's because Cloud and Aerith are the main characters of Final Fantasy VII? Try looking at it without shipping goggles. Go on, try it. Doesn't it seem like SE did this because Cloud and Aerith symbolize the FF7 franchise? Not as a couple but as the iconic main characters? They are fan favorites, whether together or apart. :monster:
Yes, SE decided to make Cloud and Aerith a married couple simply because they are the main hero and heroine of the game. It had absolutely nothing to do with the romantic feelings between them...LOL.

Yeah, because she has feelings for Cloud. So? :monster:

What's so weird about Tifa feeling jealous of this special bond Cloud and Aerith are building? Tifa's a person, she has feelings too. She can get jealous.
Tifa is jealous of Cloud and Aerith's "special bond" because that bond is romantic in nature.

Given SE's "wavers" quote, it only takes common sense to see why Tifa would be jealous of Cloud and Aerith's "special bond" (ie: because the "special bond" between Cloud and Aerith is romantic in nature).

Where did FTOIL say this? In a picture of a date where Cloud never said he loved her or exchanged mutual feelings with her with a caption that said "Cloud can date other people"? :awesome:
Some say that because the caption under Cloud and Aerith’s date doesn’t directly mention Aerith by name, it somehow invalidates Cloud and Aerith’s presence on the FTOIL page. However, the Cloud x Aerith date *IS* canon. Therefore, the caption is irrelevant. The caption under Cloud and Aerith’s was there to represent *ALL* the dates on the FTOIL page because *ALL* the dates are romantic (ie: because they are *DATES*). However, SE pictured Cloud and Aerith’s date because it is the *canon* date, and because we are meant to apply the FTOIL page directly to their canon date. The reason we only see the HA Highwind scene on the FTOIL page is because it would have been inappropriate to discuss or include the LA Highwind scene on a page titled “For The One I Love”. But if you could get different characters for the HA Highwind scene like you can for the date, that would have also been included on the FTOIL page. SE lists a reference page above Cloud and Tifa’s image on the FTOIL page so readers can find out that the HA version is not the *only* version, the HA version is simply the only appropriate version of the Highwind scene to include on the FTOIL page. Since Cloud is pictured with both of his love interests in two canon scenes of romance on a page titled, “For The One I Love,” Cloud can love either Aerith or Tifa. In other words, all the other love triangles have been solved *EXCEPT* for Final Fantasy VII because Cloud Strife is the only hero involved in a love triangle pictured with *BOTH* of his romantic love interests.

Cloud was utterly clueless of Aerith's intentions.
Irrelevant. Cloud can still develop feelings for Aerith even if he's clueless about how she feels.


I swear to holy jeebus every time this thread is updated this song plays in my head, it's starting to really improve my mood:



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Irrelevant. Cloud can still develop feelings for Aerith even if he's clueless about how she feels.

But he didn't. Not anything serious anyways. Not like what he developed for Tifa.

In the future, it would be more honest to state you are omitting the portions of my post that you cannot adequately address. We both know you removed that portion because you know everything I said was true, but please, be honest with yourself. With all of us.


AI Researcher
Pretty much everything you said ignores the bigger context. In fact, if you look at the order and progression of events I outlined, it is not hard to see that Cloud and Aerith's relationship is undeniably romantic. You are simply looking at each of my reasons individually, instead of looking at how they build off of each other to paint a picture of undeniable romance.

But just to prove that your entire post was biased, I thought I'd single out this part:

Cloud left Aerith's house in the middle of the night at Elmyra's request. To ignore that fact and make it seem as though Cloud left because he didn't give a rats ass about Aerith is dishonest.
You're telling me I'm not looking at the big picture and how things build off each other. But aren't you doing the same when you say that just because they confess mutual feelings doesn't mean they're in a relationship, and that them living together is just because AVALANCHE always live together, and... everything else?

A lot of the people who post in this thread didn't conclude that the story went with Cloud/Tifa because they were shippers and that was what they wanted. They reached that point by looking at what was presented and taking it all in.

You proved my entire post was biased (thus eliminating the need to address anything else) by picking one of the points that wasn't serious. That was purposefully twisting around a point to make it fit a preconceived conclusion. Initially they were all going to be like that, but some of them I actually do have objections to. But you picked that one only, and that's you're proof that the whole thing is biased?

But with how ridiculous this fandom can get, how are you to know what is legit and what isn't. If you want, this is the list of the serious ones (discounting the ones I don't care about like them having bonds or vague things about impressive eyes or mysterious feelings; I don't object to Cloud having feelings/attraction for Aerith):

Cloud is triggered into a flashback about romantic relationships in Aerith’s house —->
Where you hear that he was 'not interested' in what his mother suggested (someone like Aerith) and he proceeds to leave her house without telling her.

(I'm partially joking about this, but people have a habit of reading subtext where they want and taking other things at face value.)

Cloud and Aerith share an intimate date in the Sector 5 park where Aerith brings up her previous boyfriend, thus bringing romantic relationships to the forefront of the story —->
Only Aerith's past relationship, which serves the purpose of foreshadowing Zack's existence and is swiftly forgotten about when Tifa appears. That isn't in the 'forefront of the story' if it last for all of 15 seconds and you spend the next half an hour trying to dress Cloud like a lady.

(Here you have given this moment more weight than it has by stating it puts 'romance in the forefront of the story' and using words like 'intimate' which hasn't been used to describe it [it wasn't even called a 'date' by fans before the CC guide book came out]. Please don't make people disregard your entire post by letting your bias seep in.)

Barret observes that Aerith seems to be the first person Cloud cares for besides himself —->
Barret later thinks Cloud is after Marlene. Barret is not the definitive source on what Cloud is like, he barely knows Cloud at this point. Then again Barret implies there is something between Cloud and Tifa when they return from the first bombing mission. As do other characters like Johnny.

(Barret had known Cloud for just over two weeks. How does Barret know what Cloud is like deep down? Also, that's not what he says. He says that even Cloud will 'fight for someone else' sometimes, and that he figured him wrong. What did he figure before? That he didn't care about anything but himself, because of how he spoke to AVALANCHE regarding their mission and saving the planet. Why don't you use the quotes from the game, instead of rewriting them yourself?)

Cloud is willing to risk his life to save a girl he just met —->
Cloud risked his life to save a doctor he didn't know from AVALANCHE in BC, and dozens of kids he doesn't know from Kadaj in AC, he even rescued Priscilla from a monster in FFVII. It's been noted that Cloud takes protecting people very seriously.

(You have made it seem like this was a unique situation when it's not. Not to mention, which I didn't because I originally limited it to strangers he rescued, what he did in Nibelheim after Sephiroth burnt it down and killed the villagers. He went up against the greatest warrior in the world, and felt it necessary--in his natural, unaffected speech--to demand that Sephiroth give Tifa back. Instead of leaving it at 'the village and his mother', he singled out Tifa. She was given as much importance as his mother. Knowing what we know about Cloud's attitude towards Tifa now though, he would probably have killed his mother himself if he had the chance!)

Cloud says he will always be there for Aerith in Cosmo Canyon —->
You've just totally twisted that into what you want. That isn't what he says.

(You have taken "but I'm... we're here for you" and turned it into "fear not, my fairest love, for I shall be at your side for ever!!" Why can't you use the line as it appears? Bias?)

Cloud and Aerith share a date at Golden Saucer —->
Where she talks more about his identity crisis and Cloud is oblivious.

(This doesn't really answer 'who Cloud loves' because Cloud doesn't really have any input here. It's mostly Aerith talking at him.)

SE intentionally includes a “wedding prediction” about Cloud and Aerith’s affinity that becomes “more painful” after Aerith’s death —->
That's not what it says. It says that Cait Sith seems to expect a wedding.

(But who cares about correct translation when you can say things like Zack was dating Aerith and Cissnei at the same time! Stay classy, fandom.)

Cloud expresses a desire to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII —->
He says he 'can meet' Aerith (that's not quite the same as desire), and the writers decided to have Tifa tag along with him on this so-called romantic venture.

(No one, in years, has seemed to be able to answer why the creators decided that Tifa should go along with Cloud to meet his love. She is listening to the man she loves say he wants to be with someone else, and her reply? "I want to come along with you, let's go meet Aerith." In what world does this make sense?)

Cloud visits Aerith’s Church in Advent Children and Tifa’s “complicated feelings” as a woman towards Aerith continue to this very day —->
That doesn't say anything about Cloud's feelings, just Tifa's perception of things.

(Cloud's visits to the church have other possible explanations--such as wanting forgiveness as is directly stated in the film--and the point about Tifa still stands.)

SE says that Cloud is Aerith’s “koibito” —->
Tifa was called the "~~koibito~~" of someone by Nomura, and no one with any common sense would suggest that Tifa would be in a serious romantic relationship with anyone but Cloud. We're never given any evidence to suggest this. And as it is Tifa who is the *koi bito* (thus the object of affection of someone) and the only logical partner is Cloud, this tells us what Cloud's feelings are: he loves Tifa. Aerith's quote only says that she loves him.

(I'm dying to hear who is next on the list of Tifa's koibitos. She's apparently worse than Zack. Who is probably on that list too!)

SE includes a romantic cameo of Cloud and Aerith in FFIX —->
Only English fans seem to consider this a reference to FFVII. When the Ultimania Omega listed FFVII cameos in other games it didn't say a word about this. It mentions the Cloud sprite in the PS1 verson of FFV, it mentions character's names appearing in other games, but not this. FFIX's section mentions Zidane talking abotu a 'spiky haired guy with a big sword', but doesn't mention anything about a romantic cameo of the true couple of FFVII? (Apart from 'Knight #7' and a flowergirl, there isn't anything to suggest that Weimar is a reference to Cloud since his personality is nothing like Cloud's.) At least it's not as bad as the 'Summer and Winter' monkeys in FFX-2.

(All the books that have been published about this game, all the minor little things they mention ['materia' appears in FFT; we need to know that, but not this 'cameo'?], all the years Japanese fans have been talking about them, and apparently no one has said anything about this outside of English fansites. Which have also counted monkeys as cameos.)

SE says Cloud wavers between two love interests —->
Irrelevant to how it ends. They were talking about the conception of the story, not its final conclusion.

(I suppose if your point was that both are possible interpretations/canon, this is fine. But you seem awfully intent on finding ways to tear down anything that supports Cloud/Tifa, so I have trouble believing that.)

SE makes Cloud and Aerith Emperor and Empress —->
In a little spin-off game where Zack and Tifa are the school kid couple for some reason. Do SE think that's a 'canon' coupling too?

(Why doesn't anyone acknowledge the ku canon coupling of Zack and Tifa!)


At the time of Nomura's statement where he proclaimed he had "no idea" if Cloud and Tifa were in a relationship, the HAHW ALREADY existed. Therefore, the HAHW scene is irrelevant. According to Nomura, since he made his statement when the HAHW scene already existed, believes expressing mutual feelings does not necessarily mean a relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa.
The words used by Nomura can also be used to mean that he doesn't care about it, which ties in with what he had just moments ago in the same quote ("I don't care about who is dating who"). I'm sure this was brought up for you before. Is this a case of taking one translation over another because it suits you better regardless of accuracy? (I see the 'engraved in his heart' version of that DC manual quote is in your sig and not the one official released by Square Enix that is actually correct.)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You're telling me I'm not looking at the big picture and how things build off each other. But aren't you doing the same when you say that just because they confess mutual feelings doesn't mean they're in a relationship, and that them living together is just because AVALANCHE always live together, and... everything else?
Isn't that basically the LTD in a nut shell?

Also okay so am I correct that the whole girlfriend thing... the way it's used either can be romantic or it might not be... it's dependent on context? It seems to be leaning more toward not but I'm assuming it can also be a context thing, right?


AI Researcher
Isn't that basically the LTD in a nut shell?

Also okay so am I correct that the whole girlfriend thing... the way it's used either can be romantic or it might not be... it's dependent on context? It seems to be leaning more toward not but I'm assuming it can also be a context thing, right?
While looking this up (because I try to do a bit of research before opening my mouth), I came across a game called ガールフレンド(仮) (something like 'Girlfriend (provisionally)'). In that case, I'd take it romantically. If it were song lyrics, I'd be more inclined to take it romantically. But in lyrics and titles, people play around with language in ways that would maybe be strange in everyday language.

While searching I came across questions from foreigners about it or articles and blogs on learning English, and the majority of them said that 'girlfriend = female friend'. (There was one I saw who took it as romantic, but in a lesser sense than say other words like 'kanojo/kareshi'. If her little daughter brought a boy home from school, that boy would be 'ボーイフレンド'.)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Of course. It's always context. :monster:

The English word "girlfriend" can be used either way, though it's less likely to be used in reference to a romantic girlfriend than a Japanese word. That said, the English word "date" refers to romantic ones when used in Japanese, so ... :monster:

Japanese, you tricky bitch.

By the way, I'm surprised no one has brought up that Cloud and Tifa tell each other jokes and laugh together in Case of Tifa (yes, "Case of"! Eat my dick, hito :awesome:). Ya'll disappoint.


Pro Adventurer
As I've said multiple times: the LTD revolves around the question, "Who does Cloud Strife love?" Therefore, it is irrelevant that Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings. It is obvious that Cloud loves both Aerith and Tifa, therefore both parings are canon. I don't see why this website makes the claim that Cloti is canon simply because Cloud and Tifa EXPRESS mutual feelings. Expressing mutual feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship began between Cloud and Tifa (according to Nomura) and the question isn't which couple is in a relationship or which couple expressed mutual feelings, the question is who does Cloud love. Cloud can still love Aerith even if they did not express mutual feelings. And Cloud can still love Aerith even if he's in a relationship with Tifa.

You're telling me I'm not looking at the big picture and how things build off each other. But aren't you doing the same when you say that just because they confess mutual feelings doesn't mean they're in a relationship, and that them living together is just because AVALANCHE always live together, and... everything else?
I'm only agreeing with Nomura -- expressing mutual feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa.

But with how ridiculous this fandom can get, how are you to know what is legit and what isn't. If you want, this is the list of the serious ones (discounting the ones I don't care about like them having bonds or vague things about impressive eyes or mysterious feelings; I don't object to Cloud having feelings/attraction for Aerith):
Typically, romantic relationships begin with physical attraction and a butterfly feeling. So my point is that Cloud finding Aerith physically attractive and leaving their initial meeting with a, "mysterious feeling", lays the foundation for a romantic relationship between them.

Furthermore, given that Cloud "wavers" between Aerith and Tifa, it is clear that the "special bond" Cloud and Aerith have is romantic in nature. In addition, the "special bond" Cloud develops with Aerith is compared directly to Tifa's bond with Cloud (ie: Cloud's other love interest). Seriously...why would SE have Tifa (Cloud's other love interest) show jealousy over Cloud and Aerith's "special bond"?

Cloud is triggered into a flashback about romantic relationships in Aerith’s house —->
Where you hear that he was 'not interested' in what his mother suggested (someone like Aerith) and he proceeds to leave her house without telling her.

(I'm partially joking about this, but people have a habit of reading subtext where they want and taking other things at face value.)
To me, the point of including the flashback was to show that although Cloud was not interested in having an older girlfriend in the past, with the introduction of Aerith, Cloud may start to feel differently. It was an obvious juxtaposition between the past and present.

Cloud and Aerith share an intimate date in the Sector 5 park where Aerith brings up her previous boyfriend, thus bringing romantic relationships to the forefront of the story —->
Only Aerith's past relationship, which serves the purpose of foreshadowing Zack's existence and is swiftly forgotten about when Tifa appears. That isn't in the 'forefront of the story' if it last for all of 15 seconds and you spend the next half an hour trying to dress Cloud like a lady.

(Here you have given this moment more weight than it has by stating it puts 'romance in the forefront of the story' and using words like 'intimate' which hasn't been used to describe it [it wasn't even called a 'date' by fans before the CC guide book came out]. Please don't make people disregard your entire post by letting your bias seep in.)
How does that moment *NOT* put romantic relationships at the forefront of the story?
And I'd argue that it is very intimate. Them sitting together, side-by-side.

Barret observes that Aerith seems to be the first person Cloud cares for besides himself —->
Barret later thinks Cloud is after Marlene. Barret is not the definitive source on what Cloud is like, he barely knows Cloud at this point. Then again Barret implies there is something between Cloud and Tifa when they return from the first bombing mission. As do other characters like Johnny.

(Barret had known Cloud for just over two weeks. How does Barret know what Cloud is like deep down? Also, that's not what he says. He says that even Cloud will 'fight for someone else' sometimes, and that he figured him wrong. What did he figure before? That he didn't care about anything but himself, because of how he spoke to AVALANCHE regarding their mission and saving the planet. Why don't you use the quotes from the game, instead of rewriting them yourself?)
During the first bombing mission, Cloud acts very disinterested in everything but himself. Until Aerith is introduced, Cloud seems very selfish, self-centered, and cold. The fact that Barret observes a change in Cloud's behavior after Aerith is introduced is significant, IMO. It is also worth noting that SE decided to draw attention to this change in Cloud through Barret.

Cloud is willing to risk his life to save a girl he just met —->
Cloud risked his life to save a doctor he didn't know from AVALANCHE in BC, and dozens of kids he doesn't know from Kadaj in AC, he even rescued Priscilla from a monster in FFVII. It's been noted that Cloud takes protecting people very seriously.

(You have made it seem like this was a unique situation when it's not. Not to mention, which I didn't because I originally limited it to strangers he rescued, what he did in Nibelheim after Sephiroth burnt it down and killed the villagers. He went up against the greatest warrior in the world, and felt it necessary--in his natural, unaffected speech--to demand that Sephiroth give Tifa back. Instead of leaving it at 'the village and his mother', he singled out Tifa. She was given as much importance as his mother. Knowing what we know about Cloud's attitude towards Tifa now though, he would probably have killed his mother himself if he had the chance!)
The fact that Aerith was able to evoke this behavior while Cloud was under Jenova's control makes it all the more significant. But I agree with you, Cloud is caring person who is willing to risk his life to save others. That's why Aerith and Cloud's bond is so special -- she was the only one able to show us the 'real' Cloud at a time when he was under Jenova's control.

Cloud says he will always be there for Aerith in Cosmo Canyon —->
You've just totally twisted that into what you want. That isn't what he says.

(You have taken "but I'm... we're here for you" and turned it into "fear not, my fairest love, for I shall be at your side for ever!!" Why can't you use the line as it appears? Bias?)
Huh? I simply said that Cloud said he will always be there for Aerith in Cosmo Canyon. You are the one who is twisting MY words.

Cloud and Aerith share a date at Golden Saucer —->
Where she talks more about his identity crisis and Cloud is oblivious.

(This doesn't really answer 'who Cloud loves' because Cloud doesn't really have any input here. It's mostly Aerith talking at him.)
But Cloud agreed to go on this date when he first met Aerith. That, by itself, shows romantic attraction.

SE intentionally includes a “wedding prediction” about Cloud and Aerith’s affinity that becomes “more painful” after Aerith’s death —->
That's not what it says. It says that Cait Sith seems to expect a wedding.

(But who cares about correct translation when you can say things like Zack was dating Aerith and Cissnei at the same time! Stay classy, fandom.)
The argument about Cait Sith’s prediction should not revolve around how reliable he is. The argument should be about what was SE’s intent for including this wedding prediction in the game. SE could have had Aerith ask Cait Sith about her future and Cait Sith could have said, “You will have a bright future full of many happy times!” — this would have set the player up to get their heart broken when she was killed by Sephiroth. Instead, they specifically decided to include a prediction about Aerith’s romantic future with Cloud. It was a romantic prediction about her future with Cloud, not just a generic prediction about her future. So given the context of the game and how things were progressing between Cloud and Aerith, it is obvious why SE included this wedding prediction — so the gamer would have the idea in their head that Cloud and Aerith had the possibility of sharing a romantic future together, which would then be destroyed by the hands of the evil Sephiroth. A generic prediction about Aerith’s future would not have been nearly as meaningful or impactful to the gamer, which is why they specifically made the prediction about Aerith’s romantic future with Cloud. The romance that was clearly developing between Cloud and Aerith, in addition to a prediction about a their romantic future together, makes her death all the more sad. SE killed off a romantic love interest to Cloud because it would be more impactful to the gamer. If SE had killed Barret, I can guarantee you that it would not have been as memorable or as impactful to the gamer. One of the biggest reasons Aerith’s death is so sad is because she wasn’t just a friend to Cloud. Aerith had a possible romantic future with Cloud, which is exactly what SE wanted us to think, so that when they killed her, it was that much more painful and heartbreaking for those of us playing the game. Luckily, their love transcends traditional barriers and continues in the spiritual world. Furthermore, SE refers to this prediction as a wedding prediction. Why would they refer to it as a wedding prediction if it was not meant to highlight the romantic connection Cloud and Aerith have in the game?

Cloud expresses a desire to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII —->
He says he 'can meet' Aerith (that's not quite the same as desire), and the writers decided to have Tifa tag along with him on this so-called romantic venture.

(No one, in years, has seemed to be able to answer why the creators decided that Tifa should go along with Cloud to meet his love. She is listening to the man she loves say he wants to be with someone else, and her reply? "I want to come along with you, let's go meet Aerith." In what world does this make sense?)
Cloud says HE thinks he can meet Aerith in the Promised Land. Tifa inserts herself, and Cloud never agrees with Tifa that she should go too. Cloud is associating his place of supreme happiness with Aerith.

Cloud visits Aerith’s Church in Advent Children and Tifa’s “complicated feelings” as a woman towards Aerith continue to this very day —->
That doesn't say anything about Cloud's feelings, just Tifa's perception of things.

(Cloud's visits to the church have other possible explanations--such as wanting forgiveness as is directly stated in the film--and the point about Tifa still stands.)
Tifa's jealously gives us insight into the reasons Cloud may be visiting Aerith's Church.

SE says that Cloud is Aerith’s “koibito” —->
Tifa was called the "~~koibito~~" of someone by Nomura, and no one with any common sense would suggest that Tifa would be in a serious romantic relationship with anyone but Cloud. We're never given any evidence to suggest this. And as it is Tifa who is the *koi bito* (thus the object of affection of someone) and the only logical partner is Cloud, this tells us what Cloud's feelings are: he loves Tifa. Aerith's quote only says that she loves him.

(I'm dying to hear who is next on the list of Tifa's koibitos. She's apparently worse than Zack. Who is probably on that list too!)
LTD question: Who does Cloud love?
SE provides "koibito" quotes for both pairings. Both pairings are canon.

SE includes a romantic cameo of Cloud and Aerith in FFIX —->
Only English fans seem to consider this a reference to FFVII. When the Ultimania Omega listed FFVII cameos in other games it didn't say a word about this. It mentions the Cloud sprite in the PS1 verson of FFV, it mentions character's names appearing in other games, but not this. FFIX's section mentions Zidane talking abotu a 'spiky haired guy with a big sword', but doesn't mention anything about a romantic cameo of the true couple of FFVII? (Apart from 'Knight #7' and a flowergirl, there isn't anything to suggest that Weimar is a reference to Cloud since his personality is nothing like Cloud's.) At least it's not as bad as the 'Summer and Winter' monkeys in FFX-2.

(All the books that have been published about this game, all the minor little things they mention ['materia' appears in FFT; we need to know that, but not this 'cameo'?], all the years Japanese fans have been talking about them, and apparently no one has said anything about this outside of English fansites. Which have also counted monkeys as cameos.)
Anyone who denies that the FFIX cameo of Cloud x Aerith is not romantic is seriously denying common sense. Not even worth a rebuttal.

SE says Cloud wavers between two love interests —->
Irrelevant to how it ends. They were talking about the conception of the story, not its final conclusion.

(I suppose if your point was that both are possible interpretations/canon, this is fine. But you seem awfully intent on finding ways to tear down anything that supports Cloud/Tifa, so I have trouble believing that.)
The "wavers" quote proves that Cloud and Aerith's "special bond" that Tifa is jealous of is romantic.

SE makes Cloud and Aerith Emperor and Empress —->
In a little spin-off game where Zack and Tifa are the school kid couple for some reason. Do SE think that's a 'canon' coupling too?

(Why doesn't anyone acknowledge the ku canon coupling of Zack and Tifa!)
The fact that SE made Cloud and Aerith a married couple tells us that they view Cloud and Aerith as a romantic couple.

The words used by Nomura can also be used to mean that he doesn't care about it, which ties in with what he had just moments ago in the same quote ("I don't care about who is dating who"). I'm sure this was brought up for you before. Is this a case of taking one translation over another because it suits you better regardless of accuracy? (I see the 'engraved in his heart' version of that DC manual quote is in your sig and not the one official released by Square Enix that is actually correct.)
But if the HAHW scene is somehow proof-positive that Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, it really wouldn't make sense for Nomura to say he doesn't care if the answer was already determined by the HAHW scene.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
But with how ridiculous this fandom can get, how are you to know what is legit and what isn't. If you want, this is the list of the serious ones (discounting the ones I don't care about like them having bonds or vague things about impressive eyes or mysterious feelings; I don't object to Cloud having feelings/attraction for Aerith):
Typically, romantic relationships begin with physical attraction and a butterfly feeling. So my point is that Cloud finding Aerith physically attractive and leaving their initial meeting with a, "mysterious feeling", lays the foundation for a romantic relationship between them.

Please read your response to hito right here again. Do you really not get why people say you talk at them as opposed to have conversations with them?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But if the HAHW scene is somehow proof-positive that Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, it really wouldn't make sense for Nomura to say he doesn't care if the answer was already determined by the HAHW scene.
Yeah it would, if he doesn't care about that stuff he doesn't care


Pro Adventurer
Nomura said he doesn't have a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship. Therefore, the HAHW scene does not give Nomura a clue if they are in a relationship. Expressing mutual feelings =/= romantic relationship.

But again -- the central question revolving around the LTD is not which couple expressed mutual feelings, the central question is simply, "Who does Cloud love?"

Just because Cloud and Aerith never express mutual feelings doesn't mean they didn't have mutual feelings.
And just because Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings doesn't mean Cloud doesn't also love Aerith.
And just because Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings doesn't automatically mean a relationship began between them.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Nomura said he doesn't have a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship. Therefore, the HAHW scene does not give Nomura a clue if they are in a relationship. Expressing mutual feelings =/= romantic relationship.
I thought he said he didn't... care?... what?


Pro Adventurer
I thought he said he didn't... care?... what?
“For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue.” ~Nomura, Dorimaga interview, published at Flaregamer

The HAHW scene does not give Nomura any clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship two years after FFVII ended. Therefore, the HAHW scene is irrelevant in proving Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship.


Pro Adventurer
“For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue.” ~Nomura, Dorimaga interview, published at Flaregamer

The HAHW scene does not give Nomura any clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship two years after FFVII ended. Therefore, the HAHW scene is irrelevant in proving Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship.

Because clearly Nomura wrote FF7 right?

Dont forget for FF7 itself Nomura was just the character and battle designer, to pretend he knew what the leads and writers had in mind is naive.

Him not knowing/caring about elements of the story in a game he didnt write does not impact the story at all.
Stop cherry picking and definitely stop cherry picking irrelevant quotes.
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